1st PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

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Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100


  • Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
  • Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
  • One mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
  • For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each. (12 × 1 = 12)


Question 1.
Who was the secretary of the Commission of Enquiry in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?
Mr. Leopard

Question 2.
What does ‘cage’ refer to, in ‘The School Boy’?
School is compared to a bird’s cage.

Question 3.
According to Mara, how do the mongoose and the cowl cure themselves of snakebite in ‘Around the Medicinal Creeper’?
They chewed the leaf of the medicinal plant if they were bitten by a snake.

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Question 4.
In ‘Oru Manushyan’, the people in the city would do anything, even _______ for the sake of money.
(a) commit murder
(b) rob banks
(c) beg on streets
(a) commit murder

Question 5.
Who is the most educated teacher in Babar Ali’s school?
Debarita Bhattacharya.

Question 6.
_____ wouldn’t flee shouting for a bath in the poem, ‘If I Was a Tree’.
(a) Mother Earth
(b) Raindrops
(c) Leaves
(a) Mother Earth

Question 7.
In ‘Watchman of the Lake’, one day a visitor approached Mara to ______
(a) get water to his village
(b) stop fishing in the lake
(c) work as watchman of the lake.
(a) get water to his village
The visitor approached Mara for some water from the tank as his village was the farthest from the king’s domain and crops parched up and cattle were dying of drought.

Question 8.
What does ‘the harvest of my womb’ refer to, in ‘The Farmer’s Wife’?
Her Children

Question 9.
Write one of the things that sustained Douglass during the darkest hours of slavery.
One of the things that sustained Douglass during the darkest hours of slavery was his deep conviction and spirit of hope that he would certainly come out of slavery someday.

Question 10.
What does the old woman offer to do to get fifty paise?
Take the speaker to the horseshoe shrine.

Question 11.
Name the village where Lucia was getting treatment in ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’.

Question 12.
What did the speaker ask his beloved not to expect from him, in ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’?
The speaker of the poem tells his beloved not to ask of him for the love he once had for her.

II. Answer any eight of the following choosing at least two from poetry in a paragraph of 80 – 100 words each. (8 × 4 = 32)

Question 13.
How did the elephant justify his act of occupying the hut in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?
The elephant had absolutely no qualms while justifying its territorial occupation of the man’s hut. It deposed before the Commission that the man had asked the elephant to save his hut from the hurricane and as the hurricane had gained access to the hut owing to the unoccupied space in the hut, the elephant had put the empty, undeveloped space to a more economic use by occupying it.

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Question 14.
How does the schoolboy view his experience in school in ‘The School Boy’?
In the poem, ‘The School Boy’ Blake makes a plea on behalf of little children who hate the experience of going to school because of the prevalent authoritarian ways of school authorities. In the poem, we see that it is a matter of utmost disappointment for the schoolboy to attend school on a sweet summer morning when actually he wishes to enjoy the mirth of summer. He is tired and even puzzled under the strict supervision of his teacher. The phrase ‘cruel eye outworn’ refers to the authoritarian eyes of the teacher that actually tire the boy. Instead of enjoying the pleasures of summer, the child has to compulsorily attend the school where he spends his day in boredom and dismay.

Naturally, in such a set-up, the child experiences weariness. He sits drooping out in the sea of tediousness. The child resents the assault on him by the oppressive personality of the teacher and the unnecessary words of erudition the teacher gushes out without attempting to understand either the child’s intention at his urge for unchecked freedom. The learning’s bower refers to a garden where the child can be taught in an interesting way, only if nature accompanies him instead of the school teacher.

A bird which is born cheerful and jovial can never sing sweet songs if caged. Similarly, a child, if restrained under the umbrella of annoying fear, tension and the scepticism of his teacher, can never enjoy the natural instincts of joy and playfulness. A world full of rigid course of discipline will ruthlessly take away the beautiful spring — the childhood days — of a person’s life. Thus, though the tone of the poem is not highly critical, Blake does make his point clear — don’t kill the joy of learning.

Question 15.
How was Krishna cured when he had piles in’Around a Medicinal Creeper’?
Krishna had piles problem and the only cure for it in allopathy was surgery. Krishna, an illiterate, was terrified of surgery and hence he went to the village godman for treatment. The godman, being old, could only give the description of the plant which could be used for his cure. Since the description matched the features of the miracle creeper, the author took him to the creeper which Appanna had tied to a tree and Krishna drank the ground tuber of the creeper with milk. He was cured completely in five days.

Question 16.
Describe the people and the place where the narrator lived in ‘Oru Manushyan’.
The place was quite a big city in the valley of a mountain. The inhabitants did not have the virtue of mercy in their heart and were a cruel lot. They were ready to do anything for money. Shocking incidents like murder, robbery, pickpocketing were the order of the day. The inhabitants worked as soldiers, money lenders and watchmen in banks/mills/commercial establishments. They had no knowledge of English and it was as though they were content in their own small world of malice and meanness.

Question 17.
Why does the poet describe money madness as our ‘vast collective madness’ in ‘Money Madness’?
According to the poet, ‘money madness’ is directly related to the attitude of mankind towards those who do not have money. Mankind measures the worth of a man in society by the amount of money a man has. Mankind treats those who do not have money with a lot of contempt and humiliates them. No doubt, mankind gives such people bread to eat, but along with bread, such people will also have to suffer a lot of humiliation and cruelty. This attitude of mankind towards those who do not have money gives ‘money’ cruel power which terrorizes people. It is this terrorizing fear of getting humiliated by the society that makes people mad about money. Naturally, every individual craves to possess some money. That is why the poet describes ‘money madness’ as our ‘vast collective madness’.

Question 18.
Why does the speaker wish to be a tree in ‘If I was a Tree’?
It is clear from the poem that the speaker has suffered the bane of discrimination in human society. His statement that if he were a tree no bird would ask him what caste he is, makes it clear that the speaker is made to feel ashamed of his caste repeatedly. When he states that the shadow of the tree which is formed on the ground when the sunlight falls on it, wouldn’t feel defiled, it is clear that people keep him at a distance and do not allow even his shadow to come ¡n their way as he and his shadow are considered impure.

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When he talks about the sweet friendship with the cool breeze and leaves, it is clear that in society not many extend to him their hands of friendship. When he avers that raindrops wouldn’t turn back from him considering him a dog eater, it is understandable that people from whom he hoped for sustenance just as a tree gets its sustenance from water, he got only abuse and rejection. When he writes that mother earth wouldn’t flee from him with the fear of getting defiled, the picture of upper caste people shooing him away forms in the imagination of the readers.

The phrase ‘branching out’ makes ¡t clear that the hopes and aspirations of the lower caste people are curbed and they are not allowed to make use of their potential. Through the image of the sacred cow coming to the tree and giving the tree the joy of being touched by the three hundred thousand gods sheltering inside her, the speaker shows that entry to sacred places is denied to him. It could even be an ironical reference to the higher caste people who worship cows as divine but fail to see divinity in their fellow human beings. It could even be a mockery of the upper caste people who worship thousands of gods but have no respect for their brethren.

Finally, when the speaker says that if he were a tree he would have the privilege of being burnt In the holy fire or becoming the bier, it is clear that, as a human being, he knows that he would be shunned even after death and wouldn’t be allowed a decent death. Thus, as a human being, in life and death, he would be condemned, but as a tree, he would live a life of dignity and joy. Thus the speaker makes ¡t clear that instead of being born as a human being in a society which practises discrimination, it is better to be born as a tree or any other creature in nature, as in nature there is no discrimination.

Question 19.
Give an account of Mara’s meeting with the king on a stormy night in ‘Watchman of the Lake’.
When Mara fell at her feet, the Goddess asked him to rise up and hear her intently. She told him that she was the Goddess of the Lake and that river Veda was her plaything. She asked him to leave the hut at once and save his life. Mara asked her what was going to happen. She told him that she was going to destroy the tank that imprisoned Veda. When Mara told her that they had built the tank at her command, the Goddess replied that she was in a different mood and wanted to splash away the waters of Veda. Mara told the Goddess that the waters of Veda would wash away hundreds of villages and towns and the king’s capital beyond if the bank was removed.

Mara prostrated before her and begged her to stay her hand and not to carry out the devastation until he came back after informing the king about it. After meeting the king he requested the king to get him executed and prevent him from returning to the Goddess. Though the king disliked the suggestion, finally he granted Mara’s wish and got him executed. The Goddess stayed her hand, did not destroy the tank and waited for Mara’s return. Thus, Mara saved the lake.

Question 20.
How does the poem ‘The Farmer’s Wife’ bring out the plight of the farmer’s wife and her self-assertion?
The poem ‘The Farmer’s Wife’ is structured like a dramatic; monologue In which the woman addresses her dead husband, as though he was sitting right in front of her. In veiled anger and a mocking tone, she tells him that it was a virtue that he had died without being forced to suffer the humiliation of standing before his creditors with a bent head and a hand stretched out or selling off his crops. But she is a sinner and hence having been born as a woman, with a bent head and a hand outstretched, had to sell her self-esteem all through her life. She asks him why he had left her to suffer despite knowing her status in society. She accuses him of intentionally committing suicide, despite being aware of her predicament as a ‘widow’. She castigates him for consuming poison and poisoning her existence.

Using the cotton crop as an analogy, she tries to convey the idea that the ‘cotton crop’ has a limited life and once it is sold, or it perishes owing to vagaries of weather, we forget it once and for all. But, her family has to continue to take out a living, generation after generation.

She questions the popular idea of ‘manhood’ as propagated by society. She recalls how she had struggled hard to keep his family alive, despite being kicked and verbally abused by him, in a drunken mood. She tells him sarcastically, that she had suffered such cruel treatment, only because she had firmly believed that he would act like a real ‘man’ and would take care of her family. She mocks him for dying like a coward and giving her a death blow. She accuses him of being selfish, self-centred and irresponsible. She admits that it was true that the crop he had hoped to raise had perished and hence his debts had remained unpaid. Consequently, they were looked down upon and were forced to cry in humiliation.

At this juncture, he had only thought of ‘his crop’ and ‘his dignity’ and hence had taken recourse to suicide. But, by doing so, he had proved that he was utterly selfish, and Irresponsible husband and father. He should also have thought of his duty and responsibility, as a husband and to his four children, which she had borne and harvested from her womb. She asks a rhetorical question ‘Can I leave them to the wind like worm-eaten cotton pods?’ She Intends to say that ‘crops’ can be left to perish and not her children.

She expresses her contempt saying that he had died like a coward most irresponsibly without bothering about his kids. In the last part, she expresses her stance as a ‘mother’. She declares that she would stay alive not merely to take care of her children but also to show to her children how to embrace life and to struggle for life with a clenched fist.

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Question 21.
Write a note on the cruelty of Mr Plummer in ‘Frederick Douglass’.
Mr Plummer was so ruthless that Captain Anthony, who himself was a cruel slaveholder, was enraged by the cruelty of Plummer. Mr Plummer, as the overseer, was in charge of the farm and the slaves and exploited the situation fully to torment the slaves. He went around with not only the cowskin but also a heavy cudgel and cut and slashed women’s heads horribly. Mr Plummer comes out as a man who took sadistic pleasure in hurting others.

Question 22.
What were the different ways in which Nicola and Jacopo earned money?
Nicola and Jacopo seem to be jacks of all trades. ln addition to selling strawberry, the boys sold the newspaper, shined shoes, ran errands such as procuring American cigarettes and opera tickets for the foreigners and acted as their tour guides in not only taking them around the beautiful place but also giving them useful information as to which restaurants served good pasta. It looks as if they were prepared to take up any and every avenue of making money. But, what is remarkable is that none of these tasks has even an element of dishonesty or underhand dealing and the boys are honourable in all that they do.

III. Answer one of the following in about 200 words. (1 × 6 = 6)

Question 23.
How does the play ‘Watchman of the Lake’ bring out both the protective and destructive faces of nature?
‘Money is the root of all evils in the society.’ Examine this statement with reference to the poem ‘Money Madness’.
Babar All’s school took shape out of an individual’s responsibility towards society. Elaborate.
The play makes it very clear that nature is both protective and destructive and that we are at the mercy of nature. We see the same river Veda as the life-giver, life maintainer and life destroyer. The play shows ¡t as the whim and fancy of the Goddess, for whom River Veda is a plaything. But, what the author tries to show is that nature can impact us in different ways at different times and we are not in a position to understand why it acts as it does. But, what is important is that we should protect nature and not exploit it.
The poem ‘Money Madness’ makes an attempt to tell the reader how our fear of the cruel power of money will lead finally to our self-destruction. The speaker argues that if we develop a fear for the cruel power of money, then It will result in making the whole mankind develop a collective madness. This collective money madness is a result of each individual’s presumption that if he or she does not earn enough money and get society’s approval that he or she is a person of worth, then he or she will be put to a great deal of humiliation. Then society will give the individual enough food to survive, but along with the food, society will also criticize the individual for not earning enough. It is this fear of being looked down upon by society that makes people crazy for money and this way collective madness sets in.

Once this collective madness sets in, then we start killing each other and we start humiliating those who do not have enough money even to give them food, fire and shelter which ought to be available to everyone free of cost irrespéctive of whether one has enough money or not.
It is undoubtedly true that Babar Au’s school took shape out of an individual’s responsibility towards society. Babar All lived in the Bhapta neighbourhood of Gangapur village in West Bengal’s Murshidabad. The village was known for its backwardness and people of direst poverty lived there.

Consequently, though there were quite a good number of government schools in the village which offered free education to the children in the village, most of the parents being very poor could not afford to send their children to the government schools as they did not have enough money to buy books, school uniforms and other essential things. Instead of going to school, most of the boys in the village helped out their families by working as mechanics, day labourers, grass cutters, live stockholders, etc., and the girls worked as maidservants in the village.

However, Babar All, being the son of a jute seller, was financially better off than the others and hence went to school and got a formal education. Moreover, Babar Ali’s father Nasiruddin Sheikh, believed that education is man’s true religion and encouraged his son’s education. Babar Ah, who realized that he was one of the fortunate souls in the village, felt that he must do something for the other, less fortunate children in the village. He had a strong desire to bring about a transformation in the lives of the poor and the underprivileged children who were working as mechanics, day labourers, grass cutters, livestock herders, maidservants, etc. during the day instead of getting a formal education in a government school. Babar All wanted to change this. That is why he took the initiative of opening his very own school.

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Babar Ali’s school, ‘Anand Siksha Niketan’, grew out of a game in which Babar All used to act as a teacher. Since his friends had never seen the inside of a school, they enjoyed playing students. His students ended up learning arithmetic and enjoying it. This idea of a school became a reality in 2002. The school which started with eight students initially, had student strength of 800, after nine years. Babar All’s little afternoon venture is now a registered and recognized school of the West Bengal state government. Thus, Babar All’s school took shape out of an individual’s responsibility towards society.

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. (10 × 1 = 10)

Born on March 21, 1916, Bismillah Khan belonged to a family of professional Shehnai players. At the age of six, he moved to Banaras where his maternal uncle Ali Baksh introduced him to the nuances of playing the simple reed instrument, the Shehnai. For many years the temple of Balaji and banks of Ganga became the favourite haunt where Bismillah could practice for hours in solitude. The flowing waters of Ganga inspired him to improvise and invent ‘ragas’ which were earlier considered to be beyond the range of Shehnai.

His first reward came at the age of 14, as the best performer at the All India Music Conference in Allahabad in 1930. In 1947 he won three medals at the music conference in Calcutta. On the first Independence Day, 15th August 1947, he played at the invitation of the then PM Jawaharlal Nehru. Awards and recognitions came fast. He participated in the World Exposition in Montreal, Cannes Art Festival and Osaka Trade Fair. An auditorium was named after him in Tehran called Tahar Mausiquee Ustaad Bismillah Khan. The World Music Institute celebrated his 80th birthday in New York.

In spite of having travelled all over the world Khan Saab, as he is fondly called, was fond of Banaras and Dumraon. Once, one of his students wanted him to head a Shehnai school in the USA and recreate the atmosphere of Banaras there. But Ustaad asked him if he could take the Ganga there. Talking about Balaji temple he said, “I have tears in my eyes when I visit the place”. About Dumraon he said, “How can I forget the place of my birth?”. While in Mumbai, I think of only Varanasi and the holy Ganga. And in Varanasi I miss Dumraon. No wonder Khan Saab ever thought of migrating from Banaras unlike some stars like Pandit Ravi Shankar or Ustad Allaudin Khan.

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:

Question 24.
How old was Bismillah Khan when he moved to Banaras?
Bismillah Khan was six when he moved to Banaras.

Question 25.
______ introduced Bismillah Khan to the nuances of playing Shehnai.
AM Baksh.

Question 26.
Where was the ‘All India Music Conference’ held?
The ‘All India Music Conference’ was held in Allahabad.

Question 27.
What inspired Bismillah Khan to improvise and invent ragas?
The flowing water of Ganga inspired Bismillah Khan to improvise and invent ragas.

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Question 28.
______ played Shehnai for Free India from the ramparts of the Red Fort.
(a) Khan Saab
(b) Pandit Ravi Shankar
(c) Ustad Allaudin.
(a) Khan Saab.

Question 29.
Where is the auditorium named after Bismillah Khan Saab situated?
In Tehran.

Question 30.
Bismillah Khan’s birthplace is _______

Question 31.
Where was Khan Saab’s 80th birthday celebrated?
At the World Music Institute in New York.

Question 32.
The Prime Minister offered a _______ (invite) to Khan Saab to play at the Red Fort.

Question 33.
Add a suitable prefix to the word ‘wanted’ to write its antonym (re, un, de).

V. A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)

(in, a, at, an, the)

Question 34.
The narrator slept all day and woke up _____ four _____ the evening. He did so to save _____ expense of drinking tea or eating the noon meal. He came out and entered ______ crowded restaurant.
at, in, the, a.

B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 35.
Captain Anthony was not considered a rich slaveholder. He ______ (own) only thirty slaves and two or three farms. His farms and slaves ______ (be) under the care of an overseer. Mr Plummer ______ (be) an overseer. He was always ______ (arm) with a cowskin and a cudgel.
owned, were, was, armed.

C. Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 36.
Nicola and Jacopo struggle hard to save money. One night they ______ (are/is) sitting on the stone pavement. When the narrator _____ (speak/speaks) to them, he learns that they ____ (has/have) specific plans.
are, speaks, have.

D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them. (2 × 1 = 2)

Question 37.
Mara returned back from the jungle, one evening.
Mara returned from the jungle, one evening.

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Question 38.
Why did you bring this?
Why did you bring this?

E. Rewrite as directed. (6 × 1 = 6)

Question 39.
Babar All’s students did not get ______ (bored/board).
(Fill in the blank with the appropriate word given in brackets)

Question 40.
Mara stood in ______ (amaze)
(Fill in the blank with the right form of the word given in brackets)

Question 41.
a miserable / was / drunkard / Mr. Plummer.
(Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence)
Mr Plummer was a miserable drunkard.

Question 42.
Venice is a picturesque city, _______?
(Add a question tag)
Venice is a picturesque city, isn’t it?

Question 43.
The narrator thanked the stranger.
(Change into a question beginning with the right form of ‘do’)
Did the narrator thank the stranger?

Question 44.
Nicola and Jacopo were sitting under the arc lights.
(Frame a question so as to get the underlined words as the answer)
Where were Nicola and Jacopo sitting?

VI. A. Read the weather report and answer the questions on it: (1 × 4 = 4)

1st PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers 1

Note: Temperature in degree centigrade.

Question 45.
(a) Which city records the highest temperature in May?
(b) _______ has the minimum temperature in December.
(c) What is the minimum temperature of Dharwad in May?
(d) What is the maximum temperature of Mysuru in May?
(a) Gulbarga records the highest temperature in May.
(b) Bengaluru.
(c) 35 degrees C.
(d) 36 degrees C.

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Question 46.
Write a letter to the Bank Manager requesting to transfer your account from SBI, Chickmagaluru branch to SBI Hubballi Main Branch as you have been transferred to Hubballi. Your letter should have the following information: (1 × 5 = 5)

  • Type of account
  • Account Number.


Vasudeva Rao
45/3, Koppikar Road

14 September 2018

The Manager

Dear Sir,

Sub: Request for transfer of account

This is to request you to transfer my account from your Chikmagaluru Branch to Hubballi Branch as I have been transferred to Hubballi.
The details of my account are as follows:
Type of account: SB
Account Number: 1172000946239
I hope you will expedite the procedure as I have to make a few bank transactions immediately. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Vasudeva Rao.

VII. A. Match the expressions under column A with their corresponding language functions under B: (1 × 5 = 5)

Question 47.

A. ExpressionsB. Functions
1. Hello! Good morning.Expressing gratitude.
2. It’s very kind of you.Apologising.
3. Sorry, I won’t allow you inside.Introducing.
4. I’m really sorry for the mistake.Greeting.
5. Meet my friend Rashmi.Refusing permission.

1 – Greeting
2 – Expressing gratitude
5 – Introducing
3 – Refusing permission
4 – Apologising

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B. Complete the dialogue: (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 48.
Rekha: Hi, Adarsh. _______?
Adarsh: I’m fine. _____. How are you, Rekha?
Rekha: I’m fine too, thank you. We have a party at home today _______?
Adarsh: _______. I will definitely come.
Rekha: Hi, Adarsh. How are you?
Adarsh: I’m fine. Thank you. How are you, Rekha?
Rekha: I’m fine too, thank you. We have a party at home today. Can you please come to my house?
Adarsh: Oh! Sure. I will definitely come.

C. Dialogue Writing: (1 × 3 = 3)

Question 49.
Salim goes to a hospital and enquires with the receptionist about an appointment with the ENT specialist. Write a dialogue between Salim and the receptionist.
Salim: Good morning, excuse me. Can you please give me an appointment with the ENT specialist?
Receptionist: Good morning. Sorry, he is not available today. Can I give you an appointment for tomorrow?
Salim: That should be fine. Thank you.
Receptionist: You are most welcome, sir.
