1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 (South)

Students can Download 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 (South), Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka 1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 (South)

Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100


  • Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
  • Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
  • One mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
  • For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each: (12 × 1 = 12)


Question 1.
Who made a friendship with the man in ‘The Gentleman of the Jungle’?

Question 2.
What does the Schoolboy love to do in a morning?
Listen to the bird’s song, distant huntsman’s horn.

Question 3.
Who promised Mara to give his whole plantation?
The Godman / White man.

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Question 4.
What were the daily occurrences in the city, where the Narrator stayed in ‘Oru Manushyan’?
Murder, theft, crime.

Question 5.
The speaker in the poem ‘Money Madness’ is frightened of
(a) having no money
(b) money madness
(c) eating dirt.
(b) money madness.

Question 6.
Who is the illiterate fishmonger in the lesson ‘Babar Ali’?
Tulu Rani Hazra.

Question 7.
What does the word ‘bier’ mean in the poem ‘If I was a Tree’?
Tree/pieces of dry wood.

Question 8.
What was Mara’s last request to the King in the play ‘Watchman of the Lake’?
To kill him.

Question 9.
Which crop did the farmer grow in the poem ‘The Farmer’s Wife’?
Cotton crop.

Question 10.
Where was Frederick Douglass born?
Maryland, Hills borough.

Question 11.
The old woman’s eyes are compared to _________
Bullet holes.

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Question 12.
Why did the two boys wait in the deserted square late night in ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’?
To sell newspapers.

II. Answer any EIGHT of the following in a paragraph of 80 – 100 words each: (8 × 4 = 32)

Question 13.
How did the elephant justify its act of occupying the hut?
The elephant went to the man when it was in difficulty and asked him to give a place to keep its trunk to protect it from rain. A man showed sympathy and gave permission to keep its trunk only as there was enough place only for its trunk and himself. But the elephant slowly sneaked in and occupied the whole hut and threw him out, by saying that it would protect his hut from the hurricane.

Question 14.
How does the formal education curb the learner’s potential, in the poem ‘The School Boy’?
Formal education is the obstacle for free learning to the children. Children prefer natural learning than formal schooling. The restrictions of formal schooling make children to detest their learning. Hence the poet questions when the buds are nipped and ‘blossoms have blown away’, and ‘tender plants are stripped’, how can a child get happiness in learning.

Question 15.
What was the story behind Mara’s loss of teeth in ‘Around a Medicinal Creeper’?
Once Mara laid a trap for the rabbit in the forest, so he went next morning to check it but there was no animal in the trap. So he decided to brush his teeth as there was a stream nearby to wash face before returning home. He broke a small stick from a nearby plant to brush a third or fourth time, he felt a sour taste in the mouth. He wanted to try another stick hut before that he wanted to rinse his mouth. He took some water from the stream and after churning it around in his mouth, spat it out. He lost the teeth on one side, which had been touched by that stick.

Question 16.
Bring out the significance of Mara’s dream, in the play ‘Watchman of the Lake’.
The poem Money Madness by D.H. Lawrence focusses on how a man becomes more materialistic and loses the values and sentiments in society. He respects money over relationships. Society goes on measuring a man in terms of money. A man who does not have money does not get respect from society and those who have money get respect and are obeyed by all. So to get all these social status, the man gives much importance to money and he never helps other fellow beings who may be in difficulties. The poet says that man has this money madness and it is widely spread among men. He affirms that if society goes behind money, individual to goes behind the same. He confirms that no man gives a pound without pain and no man gives a ten pounds without trembling, and the man loses his generosity. Man makes money, but money makes man and many things.

So, the man fears money and tries to accumulate it and respects it instead of other men. The poet also warns that money-less people should not be treated with neglect and should not be treated based on status. The poet fears for mankind that if it measures another man only in terms of money, there would be no future for human relationships. If people do not regain sanity about money, certainly money has got men down to become its slaves. So, the poet offers a genuine solution that bread should be free, shelter should be free and fire should be free to all the people in the world. In the overall view of the poem, the poet worries about man’s greed about money and offers a better solution for a better tomorrow.

Question 17.
Discuss the plight of farmer’s widows in reference to the poem ‘The Farmer’s Wife’.
The poem “The Farmer’s Wife” is a tragic poem that reflects the helpless conditions of farmers’ widows. The plight of the widows is explained by one such widow. The poet uses many phrases to contrast her condition with that of her dead husband. She called the farmer as ‘virtuous’ and herself a ‘poor sinner’. The farmer was unable to pay the debts and he left all the debts to his wife, so she was very sad on his act of committing suicide. The feminist concept was also highlighted in the poem, the phrase “I was born with a head bent” justifies the discrimination in our society between men and women. Man is born with his head held high, but a woman is born with her head bent. But he did not face his creditors bravely and left all this to his wife to solve. She accused her husband that he poisoned himself and gone away by poisoning his wife’s existence. She remembered the memories of his beating, blaming drinking, and kicking’ haunting her. She never dreamt that he would commit suicide. It was true that the crop was gone but the debt remained there and dignity had hit the dust. She expresses her helplessness that how would she be able to bear the burden of their four children. She compared her condition with “worm-eaten cotton pods”. She got ambiguity and asked what was that and why he committed suicide. At last, she confidently asserts her determination to struggle out her life even – without her husband for the sake of her children. So, she shows a strong will to survive against all difficulties. Her voice is raised against the society in general.

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Question 18.
Discuss the plight of an old woman in reference to the poem ‘An old woman’?
The poem An old woman depicts the worst condition of au old woman. who is an old beggar near the Horseshoe shrine? She holds the sleeves of the passers-by and follows them asking for a fifty paise coin. Even though by appearance she looks like a beggar, she has her self respect and in return for the fifty paise, offers to show the tourists around the Horseshoe shrine. She laments about her helplessness in those wretched hills to eke out a living. Her physical appearance evokes sympathy in the passers-by. Phrases like “bullet holes for her eyes. ‘cracks that begin around her eyes spread beyond her skin”, and shatterproof crone” describe the pathetic condition of her miserable existence.

Question 19.
Describe the childhood experiences of Frederick Douglass as a slave.
The passage reflects the brutal hidden faces of the masters who treat their slaves cruelly. The slaves were not given proper food. They were exploited without any freedom. Especially for women, it was double exploitation in the name of patriarchy and in the name of slavery. When the girls at teenage seem to be beautiful for their masters, they use them sexually and if they give birth to children, the children were sold at the age of infants to avoid their sentimental relationship. The passage also explains the heart-rendering description of walking at nights for several miles of mothers to see their children. Moreover, they could talk only a little bit because the children would be tired and go to sleep but in the morning they have to go back to work before sunrise. If they fail, they get whipping. This shows the brutal nature of white masters towards their slaves.

Question 20.
How does the speaker’s attitude undergo a change in the poem ‘An Old Woman’?
The poet by depicting her physical appearance makes ‘An Old Woman’ more sympathetic. The passer-by initially did not show much sympathy to her but later when she observes keenly her physical appearance and when she offered to become a tourist guide to show around the shrine, she was very much moved by her condition and admired her self respect. Here, passer-by represents anybody in general. Finally, when she feels as if the skyway falling with the sound of plate glass clatter all around the old crone who was shatterproof and standing alone, she undergoes a change in attitude. So, the old woman was successful in evoking sympathy from anyone, in front of the temple.

Question 21.
How did the two boys struggle to look after their sister Lucia?
The two boys were devoted to their sister and to earn money for her treatment, undertook all kind of jobs available in Verona. They sold fruit, shined shoes, ran errands and hawked newspapers and worked hard throughout the day.

Question 22.
Why did the poet ask his Love, ‘Do not ask of me my love, that love once I had for you?’
A transformation from imagination to reality can be seen in the perception of love. Every teenager lives in a world of illusions and dreams of his love, but when he is more mature and deals deep in society and problems. he realises that love is not a complete world and there are other important issues too.

III. Answer ONE of the following in about 200 words: (1 × 6 = 6)

Question 23.
Does the story ‘Oru Manushyan’ talk about transformation in a person? Discuss.
The narrator used to forego his breakfast and morning tea so that he had the money for his evening meal and tea. One day, as usual, he came to the crowded restaurant and had his regular meal and tea. When he had to pay the bill, he realized that his wallet had been picked. He revealed this fact to the owner who only found it funny and laughed out loud. Though the narrator offered to leave his coat with the owner, he forced the narrator to take off all his clothes. As the narrator was very much ashamed taking off his trousers, a stranger stopped him and paid his bill. He later made the narrator wear his clothes and took him away. When the narrator praised and thanked him, the stranger just laughed. He did not reveal his name but only warned the narrator against speaking about him.

The stranger showed five wallets to the narrator, out of which one was the narrators. The stranger told the narrator to check whether his money was intact, and he wished him good luck. The narrator had mixed feelings by now. It Was clear that his humiliation at the restaurant was due to the stranger’s picking his wallet and rendering him helpless. But he was also thankful for his help at the right moment, avoiding the humiliation of standing stark naked in front of all the people. He felt that the stranger had perhaps undergone a transformation during his own interaction with the restaurant owner. This made him say at the end, ‘May God help you’, and leave without saying anything more to the stranger.
Is Babar Ali’s evening school a successful effort? Explain.
Education is a true religion’ is a good thought of Nasiruddin where all the people are quarrelling about their religions and castes he is the man who gives education for and says education s a true religion. Anybody can steal anything but nobody can steal education. It is immortal light which lights millions of other lights. understanding this Nasiruddin excellently quotes. ‘Education is a true religion’ Getting inspired by his thought many people send their children to schools. because they understood the value of education and its uses. Babar’s commitment is also not deniable, he started with eight and continued now with eight hundred, it shows how he had changed the people and attracted the children towards school. Babar Ali is a good example for the quote, “Where there is will there is away. Otherwise in the teenage. he got the thought and initiated it and followed it and made others to follow it if some others in his place would have played in the grounds in the age. So he is a great success, and his name is spread all over the country. It should be not stopped with this but ignites many souls to take initiative to see a better tomorrow for India. Hence, Habar Ah is a legend of youth and stood perfectly an icon of youth to the modern world.
How did Mara save the Lake, in the play ‘Watchman of the Lake’?
The initiation is a definite success. Babar Ali’s intention then he started his school was to help the less fortunate people by providing free education. Today, more and more under village people have utilized this opportunity of his and are coming up in society. Moreover, we can clearly see that BabarAli’saction has inspired millions of people around the world. if more people take part to change the world for the better, there will be a greater success than he would have wished for Babar Ali has brought about the change he wanted to see in his surroundings. If a young boy from a village had the will and determinations to make a change in the world out there, it is not right on own part to remain as mute spectators hut we most also actively participate towards bringing the change.

IV. Read the follow ing passage and answer the questions set on it: (10 × 1 = 10)

Many of the plants that are poisonous in large quantities are useful medicinally if taken in very small quantities. Foxgloves are poisonous if eaten, but the drug digitalis extracted from the plants, and this is used to treat people with heart diseases. The deadly Nightshades gives belladonna, which is used as a sedative and Nux Vomica tree supplies strychnine which can increase appetite. However, both of these medicines must be taken in small doses; they are poisonous if that does is exceeded. Before men could manufacture drugs, plants were their only source. The Chinese were using Opium from Poppies and the South American Indians chewing Cocoa leaves as painkillers long before the presence of drugs called Cocaine and Heroin.

Now that these drugs are distilled from the plants and used at greater strengths, they have become addictive drugs causing as much distress as relief from pain. Other drugs are not as dangerous. Quinine which heals to bring down lever extracted from the bark of the Cinchona tree; which grows in South America – Camphor, Caster beans and Cloves all give oils with medicinal uses, and these are only a few of the many plants used to ease the illness. Another fungus must be included here, the penicillin fungus, which gives penicillin, and it is a valuable antibiotic.

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Question 24.
How are the poisonous plants medicinally useful?
If taken in very small quantities.

Question 25.
Which drug is helpful to treat people with heart diseases?
Drug digitalis.

Question 26.
What happens if belladonna and strychnine are given in small doses?
Increase appetite.

Question 27.
Before the man could manufacture drugs, plants were not the only source of medicines. (True/False)

Question 28.
The drug that is extracted from foxgloves is
(a) Belladonna
(b) Strychnine
(c) Nuxvomica
(d) Digitalis
(d) Digitalis

Question 29.
What was used as painkillers by the Chinese and the South American Indians?
Chinese used Opium South American Indians Cocoa.

Question 30.
Which plants produce oils of medicinal value?
Camphor, Caster beans and Cloves.

Question 31.
Which fungus proves a good antibiotic?

Question 32.
_____ helps to bring down a fever.

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Question 33.
Add a prefix to the word ‘Valuable’t form its antonym.

V. A. till in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets: (4 × 1 = 4)

Question 34.
One of the two boys, had worn ________ jersey and cut off Khaki pants; ________ other _______ shortened army tunic gathered ______ loose folds about his skinny frame.
a, on, the, in

B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets: (4 × 1 = 4)

Question 35.
We ______ (send) Sanna to get some creepers from the forest. He _______ (bring) a whole bundle. Mara ______ (open) the bundle. He suddenly looked at one of the creepers and ______ (scold) Sanna.
sent, brought, opened, scolded.

C. Choose the correct form of the Verb that agrees with the Subject: (3 × 1 = 3)

Question 36.
The Commission _______ (sits/sat) to take the evidence. Mr Elephant _______ (was/were) first called. He said “There ______ (are/is) no need to waste their valuable time”.
sat, was, is.

D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them: (2 × 1 = 2)

Question 37.
I get up at 6 A.M in the morning.
I get up at 6 in the morning.

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Question 38.
What your command is?
What is your command?

E. Re-write as directed: (6 × 1 = 6)

Question 39.
The bus _______ (fare/fair) has been increased.
(Fill in the blank with the appropriate word given in bracket)

Question 40.
Students learnt the correct _________ (pronounce).
(Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in the brackets).

Question 41.
treated as/ a/ Mara/ was/ madman
(Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence)
Mara was treated as a madman.

Question 42.
The students can speak English, ______
(Add a question tag).
Can’t they?

Question 43.
The members understand the situation.
(Change into a question beginning with the right form of ‘Do’)
Did the members understand the situation?

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Question 44.
The Lion wanted to have peace and tranquilly in his kingdom.
(Frame a question so as to get the underlined word as answers).
What did the lion want in his kingdom?

VI. A.
Question 45.
Refer to the following table and answer the questions. (4 × 1 = 4)
1st PUC English Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 (South) 1
(a) How many teams played in the league?
(b) Which team has the highest run rate?
(c) How many matches did RR Lose?
(d) Name the team that has the lowest run rate?
(a) 6 teams
(b) Mumbai Indians.
(c) 3
(d) DD

Question 46.
Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your area requesting him/her to take remedial measures to overcome the stray dog menace. Your letter should also include the following points.

  • Increase in the number of stray dogs.
  • Frequent attacks by stray dogs.
  • Adapting measures such as castration, relocation etc…

Akshay Gupta
No. 22, 1 Cross
Bengaluru – 560004
5th February 2019

The Municipal Commissioner
Bengaluru – 560004

Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Stray dog Menance.
This is to bring to your kind notice about the increase in the number of stray dogs in our area. There are also frequent attacks by stray dogs. So I request the officials kindly to take preventive measures such as castration, relocation to bring down the astray dogs population in our area.
Kindly do the needful and oblige.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully Sd/-
(Akshay Gupta)

VII. A. Match the expressions under column ‘A’ to its corresponding language functions under ‘B’. (5 × 1 = 5)

Question 47.

A. ExpressionsB. Functions
1. Could you give me your pen, please?a. Introducing
2. Hello, Good Morning.b. Expressing gratitude
3. What You Say may be right but ………c. Requesting
4. Raju, This is Ravi.d. Disagreeing
5. Thank You so much.e. Greeting
f. Expressing Sympathy

(1) – c, (2) – e, G) – d, (4) – a, (5) – f.

B. Complete the dialogue. (4 × 1 = 4)

Question 48.
A Conversation between a teacher and the student who has come late to the class.
Student: May _________ Sir?
Teacher: Why are you late?
Student: I am sorry sir, ________
Teacher: Why did you miss the bus? You should have left home early.
Student: ______ Hereafter, I will leave the home early.
Teacher: OK. Come in.
Student: _________
Student: May I come in Sir?
Teacher: Why are you late?
Student: I am sorry sir, I missed the bus
Teacher: Why did you miss the bus? You should have left home early.
Student: Sorry Sir hereafter, I will leave home early.
Teacher: OK. Come in.
Student: Thank you, Sir.

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C. Dialogue writing: (1 × 4 = 4)

Question 49.
Salim goes to the railway station to enquire about the trains to Delhi on Sunday. Write a dialogue between Salim and the Receptionist. (1 × 3 = 3)
Salim: Good Morning Sir, Can you please suggest me the trains to Delhi.
Railway Station Master: We have 2 trains on weekdays.
Salim: I need to take the train to Delhi on Sunday.
Railway Station Master: It is Bhuvaneshwar Express at 9 A.M.
Salim: Thank you, sir, for the information.
