Students can Download Economics Chapter 9 Uses of Statistical Methods Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, 1st PUC Economics Question Bank with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
Karnataka 1st PUC Economics Question Bank Chapter 9 Uses of Statistical Methods
1st PUC Economics Uses of Statistical Methods Additional Questions and Answers
1st PUC Economics Uses of Statistical Methods Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Write any three economic activities:
Banking, Insurance, Trade
Question 2.
Write down the first step of preparing a project.
Identifying a problem.
Question 3.
What may be the areas of your interest? Write any three
- Sale of car
- Production of shoe polish
- Production of bathing soap
Question 4.
What is important for framing appropriate questions for a questionnaire?
The choice of identification of the target group is important for framing appropriate questions for a questionnaire.
Question 5.
What will be your target group of your project related to cars?
Our target group will mainly be the middle income and higher income groups for our project related to cars.
Question 6.
What are Primary data?
Primary data are those data which are collected by the investigators himself for the first time for his own purpose.
Question 7.
What methods can be adopted for collecting Primary data? Name these methods.
Direct personal interview, Indirect personal interview, Information from correspondents, mailed questionnaire, Questions filled by enumerator.
Question 8.
Write any three features of a good questionnaire?
Questions should be simple and clear, Questions should be limited, personal questions should be avoided.
Question 9.
What are secondary data?
Secondary data are those data which have been collected by some other individual organisations and not by the investigator himself. These data are available in the form of published or unpublished reports.
Question 10.
Write down the sources of secondary data?
The sources of secondary data are
- Published sources (Govt Publication)
- Semi government publications
- International Publications
- Studies made by the research scholars.
Question 11.
When are secondary sources of data usually data?
Secondary sources of data are used when there is pancity o time, money and manpower and the required information is easily available.
Question 12.
What precautions should be taken while using secondary data?
The investigator should be assured of the reliability, adquacy, and suitability of the data.
Question 13.
Name any three statistical tools.
- Arithmetic mean
- Mean deviation
- Standard deviation.
Question 14.
What is a questionnaire?
A questionnaire is a list of questions prepared by an investigator on the subject of enquiry. The respondent is required to answer the questions.
1st PUC Economics Uses of Statistical Methods Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Write down the essential qualities of a good questionnaire.
Essentials of a good questionnaire: Following are the essentials of a good questionnaire
1. Limited number of questions:
The number of questions should be limited as for as possible normally fifteen to twenty questions are sufficient enough for making the required enquiry.
2. Simplicity:
The language of the questions should be simple and easily understandable. It should be clear and not vague. It should not convey two meanings.
3. Logically arranged:
The questions should be arranged logically. There should be a proper sequence of the questions.
4. Related to the points:
Questions should be related to the point. They should not be irrelevant.
5. Avoiding personal questions:
Personal questions should be avoided as far as possible for example, questions about income, volume of sales, etc. should not be asked.
Question 2.
Differentiate between primary Data and Secondary Data
Differences between primary data and Secondary data
Question 3.
Show the following data with the help of a bar – diagram. Through which media do the people know about the product?
Median Influence
The majority of people came to know about the product either through television of through newspapers.
Question 4.
On the basis of the following information find out which types of air – conditioners are preferred by the people. Bases of preference are
- Brand
- Price
- After-sales service and
- Technology.
From the table we observe that a high Percentage of customers prefer to buys air conditions according to:
1. Brand: Videcon or Samsung
2. Price: LG or Videocon
3. After-Sale Service: LG or Videocon
4. Technology: Videocon or LG
Question 5.
From the following information, tell us which type of air conditioner you will prefer to buy and why? (Find out with the help of arithmetic mean)
Consumer Awareness about air – Conditioners.
Calculation of Arithmetic mean:
Consumer Awareness about air conditioners.
1st PUC Economics Uses of Statistical Methods Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Frame one two – way questions and one multiple choice question relating to a questionnaire that you intend to design for collecting primary data on the level and composition of expenditure of the people in your locality.
1. Two – way Questions: Is your monthly expenditure equal to or less than your monthly income.
2. Multiple choice: What is your major item of expenditure during the month
Question 2.
Prepare a questionnaire for estimating the demand of LP Gas as a domestic fuel. Questionnaire
1. Name of the head of family:
2. Age:
3. Residential Address :
4. Martial Status: Married ☐ Unmarried ☐
5. No. of members of family (dependent)
6. Occupation: Service ☐ Self employed ☐
7. Average monthly income (in Rs.)
- UptoRs. 1000 ☐
- Between Rs. 1000 to Rs. 2000 ☐
- Between Rs. 2000 to Rs. 5000 ☐
- Between Rs. 5000 to Rs. 10,000 ☐
- More than Rs. 10,000 ☐
8. Which type of fuel do you use
- Wood coal
- Kerosene
- Oil Gas
9. Do you use gas yes ☐ No ☐
10. Do you use only gas Yes ☐ No ☐
11. If you do not use gas, what is the main reason?
- Not getting the gas connection. ☐
- Insufficient money to get connection ☐
- Use of gas is unsafe ☐
12. If you use other fuel goods along with the use of gas, what is the main reason?
- Non – availability of sufficient gas. ☐
- Limited use of gas due to high price of gas ☐
- For the point of view of health, use of gas for all activities is not right ☐
13. If you use gas, why?
- Cheap than other types of fuel ☐
- Useofgasisconveninent ☐
- Any other reason ☐
14. How far is gas distribution agency from residence?
- up to 1 km ☐
- Between 1 km and 5 km. ☐
- More than 5 km. ☐
Question 3.
Below information has been received on the consumes awareness: show with the help of a table.
A. Data relating to rural households:
B. Data relating to urban households:
Consumers Awareness among households.
Question 4.
Analyse the date given in question No.3
From the table we come to know that:
- There is a general lack of consumer awareness among rural households while urban house¬holds show a high degree of consumer awareness.
- Rural households have more awareness about fair price shops than urban households.
- Both rural and urban households do not give importance to cash memos.
Question 5.
Prepare a project report on the increase in price in some vegetables at mother Dairy outlets during Jan – Feb 2006 with the help of primary data.
The following data regarding the prices of some vegetables have been collected.
Classification of Data:
Data has already been classified
Graphic presentation of Data:
Data can be presented graphically we have presented the data concerning the prices of potato graphically
Analysis of Data: