1st PUC English Workbook Answers Articulation Language Functions

You can Download 1st PUC English Workbook Answers Articulation Language Functions, 1st PUC English Textbook Answers, Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka 1st PUC English Workbook Answers Articulation Language Functions

1. Starting a Conversation with a Stranger

Articulation English Workbook 1st Puc Answers Language Functions Activity 1:

Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions:

Meeting in a bus
Monica: _______ do you mind if I keep my luggage below your seat?
Sheila: _______ at your convenience.
Monica: Thank you very much.

  • Monica: Excuse me. do you mind if I keep my luggage below your seat?
  • Shaila: Not at all, at your convenience.
  • Monica: Thank you very much.

Articulation English Workbook Answers Activity 2:

Write a conversation of your own based on the picture below:

A student in a stationery shop
Student : _______ Can  i see different types of______ ?
Shopkeeper: Yes,_______

  • Student: May I have your attention? Can I see different types of pens?
  • Shopkeeper : Yes, by all means.

1st Puc English Workbook Answers Language Functions Activity 3:

Based on the picture below write a dialogue:

Two stranoers two clinic
Patient 1 : ______________ is this _________
Patient 2 : _______________________

  • Patient 1: I hope you don’t mind mv asking you. Is this your first visit to the clinic?
  • Patient 2: Yes. it is. But why do you ask?

1st Puc English Workbook Answers Activity 4:

Sagar meets Vîdya in a party held at Dixit’s house How would he start a conversation?

Fill in the blanks:
Segar: ______I Are you related to the Dixit ‘s?
Vidya: Hi! No, but,_______
Sogar: You ore looking._______
Vidyo: Thanks for your compliment.

  • Sagar: Hi Are you related to the Dixit’s?
  • Vidya; Hi No, but I have known them for a long time.
  • Sagar: You are looking great.
  • Vìdya: Thanks for your compliment.

1st Puc Articulation Answers Activity 5

How do you start a conversation with different kinds of people?
Articulation English Workbook Answers KSEEB Solution
Articulation English Workbook 1st Puc Language Functions KSEEB Solution

2. Making Requests

1st Puc English Articulation Workbook Answers Activity 1:

Sarala asks her nephew to help her with a heavy suitcase while boarding a bus. With the help of the expressions given In the box1 develop a dialogue between Sai-ala and Naveen. Sarah, Naveen, con you?
Naveen : __________________
Sarola : ___________________
Naveen : ___________________

  • Sarala : Naveen, can you please help me with the suitcase?
  • Naveen: Yes aunty. With pleasure.
  • Sarala: But it is very heavy.
  • Naveen: No problem at all. I am strong enough.

1st Puc English Workbook Answers Pdf Language Functions Activity 2:

Mr. Keshav buys a book from a book shop. He requests the shopkeeper to gift-wrap It for him. Write a conversation between them.
Shopkeeper : _____________________________________
Mr. Keshaw : _______________________________________
Shopkeeper : _______________________________________
Mr. Keshav : _______________________________________
Shopkeeper : _______________________________________
Mi: Keshav : _______________________________________

  • Shopkeeper : Good evening Sir. What can I do for you?
  • Mr. Keshav: I’ve chosen this flower vase. How much is it?
  • Shopkeeper: Just Rs. 150 sir. Shall I pack t for you?
  • Mr. Keshav: Yes, you may. But, please gift-wrap It.
  • Shopkeeper: Shall I remove the price tag?
  • Mr. Keshav: Yes, please. Thank you for asking.

3. Expressing gratitude

Complete the following conversations.
Old woman and young man:

Old woman : _________________ help me cross the road?
Young mon : Certainly,_________________
Old woman : _____________________________

  • Old woman : Will you please help me cross the road?
  • Young man: Certainly, the pleasure is mine.
  • Old woman: Thank you very much. May God bless you.

Between two friends:

Harish: ________________ Prakash, how are you doing?
Prakash: lam fine. ________________ How about you?
Harish : I too ________________ .

  • Harish: Hello, Prakash, how are you doing?
  • Prakash: I am fine. Thank you. How about you’
  • Harish: I too am fine. Thanks.

Father and daughter:

Father: Hi, Amudho, see what I’ve bought for you.
Amudha: What’s it, dad?
Father: Oxford English Dictionary.
Amudha: Of It’s a wonderful dictionary. _________ dad.

  • Father: Hi, Amudha, see what I’ve bought for you.
  • Amudha: What’s it, dad?
  • Father: Oxford English Dictionary.
  • Amudha: Oh! It’s a wonderful dictionary. Thanks a lot. dad

A passerby and man on the street:

Passerby: Excuse me, is there any hotel nearby?
Mon : Vegetarian or non-vegetarian hotel?
Passerby: Vegetarian one.
Mon: Yes, there’s one in Pampa Square.
Passerby: Is that one very for?
Man: No, no. It’s close by. Take the first right and walk o few steps. You’ll find hotel Adithya to your left.

  • Passerby: Excuse me, is there any hotel nearby?
  • Man : Vegetarian or non-vegetarian hotel?
  • Passerby: Vegetarian one.
  • Man: Yes, there’s one In Pampa Square.
  • Passerby: Is that one very far?
  • Man: No, no. It’s close by. Take the first right and walk a few steps. You’ll find the hotel Adithya to your left.
  • Passerby: Thank you. You have been very kind.

How would you express your gratitude in the following situations?

A. Your bike breaks down. A passerby gives you a lift.
I am grateful to you. You have been of great help.

B. You are traveling by train. One of the passengers moves a little and makes
room for you.
It is kind of you. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

C. You have been asked to submit the filled-in scholarship application form the next morning. But you do not have certain cert, fi cotes. The principal of your college gives you some more time to submit the application form, on your request.
Sincere thanks, Sir. You have been very kind.

D. You ore about to return home from college. It s rather lote. You realise you won‘t be able to get a bus to go back. Then one of your friends drops you home on his way back.
Thank you so much. It’s very nice of you to have helped me going out of your way.

E. You are waiting at a bus stop with o colleague. Someone snatches your handbag and runs away. Our colleague runs after the man and gets the handbag back. Words fail me in expressing how grateful I’m to you. Thanks a ton.

4. Complimenting and Congratulating

When would you use the following expressions?

1. What a beautiful dress you are wearing!
In a function.

2. It was great to hear that you got a distinction!
When you meet someone after the results.

3. How smart the boy looks!
In a wedding.

4. I would like to congratulate you on your success!
After a competition.

5. Let me congratulate you on your promotion os mono girl
After a promotion at a party.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions given In brackets below.
(Wow’ You look great…. /May I compliment you on this / May I say how…)

1. Mr. Awn : ______________ enlightening your speech was.
Principal: Thank you.
Mr. Arun: May I say how enlightening your speech was.
Principal: Thank you.

2. Sneho _______________________ now that you ore using lenses instead of spectacles.
Megha: Thanks.
Sneha: Wow! You look great now that you are using lenses instead of spectacles.
Megha: Thanks.

3. Ambassador: You have taken great care to beautify your city._______________________
Minister: Thank you.
Ambassador: You have taken great care to beautify your city.  May I compliment you on this?
Minister: Thank you.


Articulation English Workbook 1st Puc Answers Activity 1:

Provide an imaginary situation for the following expressions.

1. Well done! (informal)
You have won a prize in a party game.

2. Congratulations We are proud of you (formal)
You have won a shield for your college.

3. May we congratulate you? (formol)
You have been promoted to a higher position.

4. Con grats! (informal)
You have won a college election.

5. We are happy for you. (informal)
You are engaged to be married.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 11 English Workbook Activity 2:

Provide suitable dialogues for the contexts given below.

1. The Principal congratulates the captain of the football team on winning in the state level sports
Principal : ________________________________________
Captain : ___________________________________

  • Principal: Well done students. I am proud of you.
  • Captain: Thank you, We owe our success to your encouragement.

Articulation English Workbook 1st Puc Solutions Activity 3:

2. Pushpa has got a seat in the Government Medical College. Mr. Shridhaç her neighbour, congratulates her.
Mr: Shridhar : ________________________________
Pushpo : Thank you very much.

  • Mr. Shridhar: Hearty congratulations Pushpa It’s indeed a commendable achievement.
  • Pushpa: Thank you very much.

Class 11 Articulation Solutions Activity 4:

Two friends meet and discuss their achievements in the Annual Sports Meet. Create a dialogue between them.

  • Friend 1: Hi. We meet after sports meet only now. Let me congratulate you on getting the individual championship.
  • Friend 2: Oh, thank you so much. But, don’t forget that you were the ‘Man of the Meet’. You are the hero of the college.
  • Friend 1: Thank you for the compliment. But, your Individual championship was in recognition of your achievement In so many track events. Well done. Hearty congratulations.

5. Apologising and Responding to an Apology

English Class 11 Articulation Solutions Activity 1:

Formal Situation- Between a boss and a subordinate

Mr: Sampath: Sir, I went through the memo that was on my table last evening. I sincerely for coming lote to the office often.
Boss: Yes. We expect you to correct yourself in the future.
Mr: Sampath: I_________________ once again. I’ll certainly be pun ctuolfrom now on.
Boss: That’s It. This time your plea Is considered. But, please remember, this is the
lost warning.

  • Mr. Sampath: Sir, I went through the memo that was on my table last evening. I sincerely apologise for coming late to the office often.
  • Boss: Yes. We expect you to correct yourself in future.
    Mr. Sampath: I beg your pardon once again. I’ll certainly be punctual from now on.
  • Boss: That’s it. This time Your plea is considered. But, please remember, this Is the
    last warning.

1st Puc Workbook Answers Activity 2:

Informal situation. Between a mother and daughter
Tino: Mummy, I’m__________ to have kept you waiting for so long.
Mother: My dear, didn’t I tell you to come soon?
Tina : So__________ again. I thought I would complete the assignment and then come
with you.

  • Tina : Mummy, I’m awfully sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.
  • Mother: My dear, didn’t I tell you to come soon?
  • Tina: So sorry again. I thought I would complete the assignment and then come with you.

Activity 3:

Create a conversation based on the given pictures (refer workbook page nos. 8344):
Apologising to your friend for missing his/her birthday.

  • Me: Hi Reshma, I know that you are angry with me. But believe me, It was impossible to make it on your birthday. I’m so sorry.
  • Reshma: Yes, of course I’m angry with you. Till the party ended I kept hoping that you would make it.
  • Me: Sorry again. My grandma fell ill suddenly. I had to take her to the hospital.
  • Reshma: Oh, I’m so sorry. I hope she is okay now.
  • Me: Yes, she is, by Gods grace

Activity 4:

Apologising to your teacher for misbehaving in his/her class.

  • Student: Dear sir, sorry if I offended you. I didn’t mean to be rude. I was a little impatient and didn’t realise that I was accusing you of being partial. Please forgive me. I promise you that I won’t behave in this way again.
  • Teacher: It’s all right. I hope you won’t break your promise.

6. Expressing Sympathy


1. Your friend had token the Bank Officer’s Examination but was foiled in the examination, you enquire why he Is sod and express your sympathy. Write o dialogue between you and your friend.

  • Me: Hi Sathish, you seem to be unusually sad. Is there a problem?
  • Sathish: You know… Forget it Kishore. I don’t think I should trouble you with my sad stories.
  • Me: What are friends for? Do let me know. Let me see what I can do.
  • Sathish: Unfortunately, no one can do anything about my problem. I’ve failed the bank exam and I don’t think you can help It in any way.
  • Me: I’m so sorry. You are right. I can’t do anything about your failure. But, I can do
    something to ensure that you don’t fail again. Did you take any coaching before
    appearing for the exam?
  • Sathish: Coaching? No. Is coaching available for bank exams as well?
  • Me: Yes, of course. The coaching centre is run by one of my friends. I’ll ask him to take good care of you and to give you a huge concession.
  • Sathish: So sweet of you.
  • Me: Now at ‘east cheer up. Treat me to a cup of coffee.
  • Sathish: Sure. You deserve much more.

2. Saleem, your classmate, has lost his wallet on his way to college. You sympathise with him for the loss. Write a dialogue between you and Saleem.

  • Me: Saleem, Is It true that you have lost your wallet?
  • Saleem: Yes, Sushanth. It’s true.
  • Me: How sad! Hope you didn’t have a lot of money in it.
  • Saleem: I had around 2000 as I had to pay my fees for the computer classes.
  • Me: Oh… my heartfelt sympathies. If you are short of money, I can lend you some.
  • Saleem: Thoughtful of you. But, I’ve already spoken to my brother and he is getting the required amount to college.
  • Me: Fine then… Do call me if needed…
    Saleem Sure, I will. Thanks.

3. What expressions do you use to express sympathy in the following situations:

a. One of your friends has lost his grandfather?
Heartfelt sympathies. May the Almighty bless the soul and give you the strength to bear the loss.

b. You hear from your principal that one of your lecturers has met with an accident and is has pitalised?
Very sorry to hear the news sir, I do hope sir hasn’t had major injuries.

c. On your way home, an elderly lady tells you that o mon in a red shirt has snatched away her chain?
Oh my God… Shocked to know your plight. But don’t worry. Use my mobile to call the police, Meanwhile, I will see if I can catch sight of the rogue.

7. Seeking Permission

You help an old woman cross the road, but after the good deed is done the old woman instead of thanking you chides you. She says, “I didn’t want to cross the roað’. What do you think can be done now? Let us list a few polite expressions that you can use to seek her permission to take her back.
I thought ___________ I might ____________
Would be all right If I ____________

  • I thought you wanted to. I might have been wrong.
  • Would it be all right if I took you back to the other side?


1. Student: Sir, can I leave college early today?
Principal : ________________________ (refuses permission)
Student : lt’s on emergency sir.
Principal : _________________ (grants permission)

  • Student : Sir, can I leave the college early today?
  • Principal: I would rather you didn’t.
  • Student, It’s an emergency, sir.
  • Principal: Okay then. See that you come early tomorrow

2. Ajay : ______________ (asks A.rotl permission to use her vehicle to go to an art exhibition)
Arati: I don’t think Icon give you my vehicle because I need to go to the dentist.
Ajay : _____________________

  • Aay : Can I please use your car to o to an art exhibition?
  • Arati: I don’t think I can give you my vehicle because I need to go to the dentist.
  • Ajay: No problem. I will manage.

3. Rearrange the following dialogue between Henry and his class teacher to make a meaningful. conversation and rewrite it In the space provided. Yes, you may. When is the competition?
Good morning. Is anything the matter?
Sir, may l leave the college early today? I am competing in the inter-collegiate pointing
Thank you, sir.
At two in the afternoon.
Good luck.
Good morning, sir.
Henry : _______________________
Teacher: _______________________

  • Henry : Good morning, sir.
  • Teacher: Good morning. is anything the matter?
  • Henry: Sir, may I leave college early today? lam competing in the Inter-collegiate painting competition.
  • Teacher: Yes, you may. When is the competition?
  • Henry: At two in the afternoon.
  • Teacher: Good luck.
  • Henry: Thank you, sir.

8. Introducing

Meena and Rita are on their way home. They meet Meena’s friend Wilson. Meena greets him and introduces him to Rita. Study the given picture (refer workbook page no. 90) and develop a conversation.
Meeno: Hello Wilson!
Wilson : ______________________________________________
Meena : _______________________________________
Wilson : _________________________________________
Rita : _________________________________________

  • Meena : Hello Wilson!
  • Wilson: Hi Meena. How do you do?
  • Meena: lm fine. Thank you. Wilson. meet mv friend Rita.
  • Wilson: Helio, Glad to meet you.
  • Rita: Glad to meet you too. I’ve heard a lot about you from Meen.

Activity 1:

Fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions.
(Anup goes to play cricket. There he meets his friend Roju. Roju introduces his neighbour Monoj to Anup.)
Anup : ___________ Roju.
Raju : ___________ Anup. _________ neighbour Monoj. He’s In the college cricket team.
Anup: Hi Manoj.
Raju : But we must be going now. _______________
Manoj: OK, bye. Take core.

  • Anup: Hello Raju.
  • Raju : Hi Anup. Meet my neighbour Manoj. He’s in the college cricket team.
  • Anup: HI Manoj. Glad to meet you.
  • Raju: But we must be going now. Meet you again,
  • Manoj: 0K, bye. Take care.

Activity 2:

Given below is a conversation in jumbled form under three columns. Rearrange the dialogues to make a meaningful conversation and rewrite it in the space provided below. (Lalitha and her friend Leda come home. Lalitha’s father Is about to leave for work.)


See you daddy.

Leela, this is my father. Daddy, meet my friend Leela. Are you in a hurry, daddy?

I’m fine, Leela.
Lalitha often talks about you. I’m glad I could meet you.
I’m on my way to office. See you later. See you Lalitha.
Hello Leela. How are you?

I’m fine uncle.

Thank you. How are you? See you uncle.


  • Lalitha: Daddy, meet my friend Leela. Leela, this is my father.
  • Father: HelIo Leela. How are you?
  • Leela : I’m fine uncle. Thank you. How are you?
  • Father: I’m fine, Leela. Lalitha often talks about you. I’m glad I could meet you.
  • Lalitha : Are you in a hurry daddy?
  • Father : I’m on my way to office. See you later. See you Lalitha.
  • Lalitha: See you, daddy.
  • Leela: See you uncle.

9. Leave Taking

Activity 1:

Rearrange the pieces of dialogue in a meaningful order.
Deepa: Hello Geetha. You look so fresh and lively. What’s the matter?
Deepa: O.K. Bye.
Geeta: I must be leaving now. See you later. Bye.
Geeta: Hi Deepo, lam practising yoga. It makes you feel light and fresh.
Deepa: Wonderful Geetha.

  • Deepa : Hello Geetha. You look so fresh and lively. What’s the matter?
  • Geeta : Hi Deepa, I am practising yoga. It makes you feel light and fresh.
  • Deepa : Wonderful Geetha.
  • Geeta : I must be leaving now. See you later. Bye.
  • Deepa : O.K. Bye.

Activity 2:

Now practice writing similar dialogues with the help of the clues given below. Use your own surnames or names. in a group of three take turns to be A, B, and C
1st Puc English Workbook Answers Language Functions KSEEB Solution

  • Anil: Hi Bharathi. How are you?
  • Bharathi: I’mflrie.Thank you.
  • Anil: Bharathi, meet my friend Chethan.
  • Bharathi: Glad to meet you.
  • Chethan: Glad to meet you too.
  • Anil: Bharathl, Chethan Is new to this place and people. He is from Maharashtra.
  • Bharathi: I see. Hope you are comfortable here. From which part of Maharashtra are you?
  • Chethan: I like this place. I’m happy here. I’m from the southern part of Maharashtra.
  • Bharathi: Oh…. just as we are in South India. Hey Anil, I’m getting late for class. May I take your leave?
  • Anil : Yes, of course. I too should leave now, or else I will miss the bus.
    Bharathi: Bye then. See you both some time.
  • Anil : Bye Bharathi, bye Chethan.
  • Chethan : Bye.

10. Request for Repetition

What would you say in each of these situations?
1. You can’t hear the other person____________
I beg your pardon.

2. You won’t him/her to repeat something.
Would you mind repeating?

3. He/She Is speaking too fast.
May I ask you to repeat it?

11. Asking for Information


Your father meets your pn1ncipai. He introduces himself and enquires about your academic, progress. The principal gives the Information and congratulates you on your good performance. Then you take leave. Work in pairs and create o conversation based on the situation.

  • Principal: Good morning Dr. Rai. What can I do for you?
  • Father: I’ve come to meet my daughter’s teachers to find out about her academic performance.
  • Principal: Oh, I see. Have you met them?
    Father Not yet. I thought of having a word with you first.
  • Principal: Fine. On my part can tell you that I find your daughter good at not only academics but also extra-curricular activities. It’s a pleasure to have her as our student.
  • Father: Thank you so much. lm so happy to hear that.
  • Principal: Archana, congratulations. You have made us proud.
  • Archana: Thank you, Sir.
  • Principal: You are welcome.
  • Father: Thanks. I shall now meet the teachers. Good day.

12. Offering to Help

Activity 1:

Horini’s mother is sick. She couldn’t complete her assignment. Ramya offers to help.
Honni : ___________________________
Romyo : Con Iheip you?
Honni : Please______________________
Ramya : ___________________________

  • Harlni : tm afraid I wont be able to comolete mv assignment as mv mother Is sick.
  • Ramya: Can help you?
  • Haring: Please do the charts for me.
  • Ramya: Suren, Don’t worry.

Activity 2:

At the bookstall on elderly man is struggling to read and copy the titles. Sourav offers to help him.
Old man: Oh! How forgetful lam. ¡ hove left my reading glosses.
Sourav : Sir, if you don’t mind_____________
Old mon : ? am so thankful to you son.
Sourov : __________________________
Old mon : _____________ son, very

  • Old man : Oh’ How forgetful I am. I have left my reading glasses.
  • Souray: Sii ¡f you don’t mind can I read out the titles for you?
  • Oldman: I am so thankful to your son.
  • Souray: The pleasure is mine.
  • Oldman: Not many are as kind as your son, very grateful indeed.

Activity 3:

Look at the picture (refer workbook page no. 99). Complete the dialogue between the old woman and the young mon.
Voungmon : Can I_____________ ?
Old woman : Yes. ____________________
Young man : May! hold your ?
Old woman : ___________ God bless you.
Young man: No need to thank me. I have done my duty.

  • Young man: Can I help you?
  • Old woman: Yes, my dear. Can you help me cross the road?
  • Young man: May I hold your hand?
  • Old woman: Yes God bless you.
  • Young man: No need to thank me. I have done my duty.

13. Complaining

Activity 1:

Make polite complaints in the following situations.
(a) You are studying for the examination. Your neighbour’s children ore playing music very loudly.
May I request you to reduce the volume? I am not able to concentrate.

(b) You have bought a mobile phone but the battery is not getting charged properly.
I regret to bring to your notice that the battery of my new mobile phone is not getting charged properly.

(c) You are sitting in a restaurant to have some real but no one attends to you.
I am sorry to complain, but lee no option.

Activity 2:

What expressions would you use to complain in the following situations?

SI. No.SituationYou complain toThe expression you use
1.You are travelling in a bus. The passenger next to you is smoking.The conductor
 2.Your neighbour’s dog was barking throughout the night disturbing your sleep.
3.A stranger has parked his car in front of the gate and you find it difficult to take out your bike.


SI.No.SituationYou complain toThe expression you use
1.You are travelling in a bus. The passenger next to you is smoking.The conductorI’m sorry to say this, but smoking in public is an offence.
2.Your neighbour’s dog was barking throughout the night disturbing your sleep.The neighbourWhy don’t you ensure that your dog doesn’t bother us?
3.A stranger has parked his car in front of the gate and you find it difficult to take out your bike.The strangerHope you’ll remove your bike immediately.

14. Asking about Preferences

Activity 1:

Match the situation with the response.

a) At a hotel, you are asked whether you prefer ice cream/juice.1) My choice would always be to stay in paying guest accommodation.
b) Your father tells you to stay in a hostel.2) 1 would choose Management Studies rather than Hotel Management Course
c) The Career counselor advises you to take up a course in Hotel Management.3) I’d prefer juice to ice cream.

a—3, b—1; c—2.

Activity 2:

a) Your friend offers you coffee but you prefer tea.
I prefer tea to coffee.

b) To your boss who offers you a cup of tea.
I would rather have coffee.

c) To someone who joins you in o restaurant and asks you for your preference.
I prefer veg food to non-veg food.

Activity 3:

Pair Work
Create a conversation based on the given picture (refer to workbook page no. 104).

  • Receptionist: What can I do for you?
  • Client: Can I get a room?
  • Receptionist: Yes, which room do you prefer? A.C. or Non-A.C.?
  • Client: I prefer A.C. to non-A.C.
  • Receptionist: Fine sir. 1.11 give you 201,

Activity 4:

Customer:/would like to buy o mixie.
Shopkeeper: We have all good and reliable brands.
Customer: Let me see them.
Shopkeeper: These ore with three-year warranty and that ore with a five-year warranty.
Customer : ________________________________________ .

  • Customer: I would like to buy a, nixie.
  • Shopkeeper: We have all good and reliable brands.
  • Customer: Let me see them.
  • Shopkeeper: These are with a three-year warranty and those are with five-year warranty.
  • Customer: Somehow the one with three-year warrantY appeals to me more. I’ll take that.

Activity 5:

In an ongoing discussion over deciding the college working hours, the principal suggests a change to the shift system. As the secretory of the Students Association, how would you represent their preferences? Create a conversation.
Student Secretary: Sw, students.
Principal: We ore forced to resort to these timings due to a shortage of rooms.
Student Secretary : Students find_____________ more convenient thon .
Principal: lam sorry. /can’t do much about it.

  • Student Secretary: Sir, students prefer the old times to the new.
  • Principal: We are forced to resort to these timings due to a shortage of rooms.
  • Student Secretary: Students find the earlier arrangement more convenient than the present
  • Principal: I am sorry. I can’t do much about it.

15. Agreeing and Disagreeing


Here are some opinions. Do you agree/disagree with them?

1. Pollution in cities has increased tremendously.
I agree entirely.

2. Football is boring.
I’m afraid, I don’t agree.

3. Space travel/s a waste of money.
I’m not sure.

4. English is a very easy language to learn.
Yes, I agree.

5. Strikes should be mode illegal.
Well, you have a point there, but strikes are not entirely bad.

16. Ending a Conversation

You meet an old friend on your way home. After exchanging pleasontries, your friend keeps talking about his/her past. You ore in a hurry as you hove to take your uncle to the dentist. How do you end the conversation?
(a) Talk to you later. I hove to take my uncle to the dentist.
(b) I am sorry, but I have to go now. My uncle is waiting for meta take him to the dentist.
What is the difference between the two? Which one would you prefer? Why?
b) It’s more polite. It shows that although the speaker would like to continue the conversation, he can’t because of unavoidable reasons.

