1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 12 Non-Aligned Movement-Emergence of the Third world

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Karnataka 1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 12 Non-Aligned Movement-Emergence of the Third world

1st PUC History Non-Aligned Movement-Emergence of the Third world One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who was the first to use the word ‘Non-Aligned’?
V.K. Krishna Menon, India’s External Affairs Minister was the first to use the word ‘Non- Aligned’.

Question 2.
What is Non-Aligned Movement?
Non-Aligned Movement is a movement to settle International problems through peaceful and harmonious means without the use of force of weapons.

Question 3.
What according to Nehru is Non-Aligned Movement?
As USA and USSR called the neutral countries as inactive, Nehru used Non-Aligned instead of Neutral. He interpreted Non-Alignment as dynamic neutrality protesting peacefully the oppression of the two military blocs.


Question 4.
Where was the first summit of Non-Aligned countries held?
The first summit of Non-Aligned countries was held at Belgrade in 1961.

Question 5.
When was the Bandung Conference held?
Bandung conference was held in 1955.

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Question 6.
When was the Belgrade Conference held?
Apart from the first one in 1961, the 9th summit conference in 1989 was also hold in Belgnade.

Question 7.
Who was the Indian Prime Minister who participated in the Bandung Conference?
Jawaharlal Nehru was the Indian Prime minister who participated in the Bandung Conference.

Question 8.
Who was the Indonesian President who participated in the Bandung Conference?
Ahmad Sukarno was the Indonesian President who participated in the Bandung Conference.

Question 9.
Name the Egyptian President who participated in the Bandung Conference.
Gamal Abdel Nasser was the Egyptian President who participated in the Bandung Conference.

Question 10.
Who presided over the Non-Aligned Summit at Delhi?
India’s Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi presided over the 7th Non- Aligned Summit at Delhi.

Question 11.
What are the basic Principles of the Non-Aligned Movement?
The Panchasheela Principles accepted by India and China are the Principles of this Movement.

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Question 12.
When did Kuwait occupy Iraq?
On 2nd August 1990, Kuwait occupied Iraq.

Question 13.
Who is called the Architect of the Non-Aligned Movement?
Jawaharlal Nehru is called the Architect of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Question 14.
Where did Nehru’s Principles get World recognition?
Nehru’s Principles got World recognition in the Bandung Conference.

Question 15.
Where was the 7th summit of Non-Aligned countries held?
The 7th summit of Non-Aligned countries was held in Delhi.

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Question 16.
Where was the last summit of Non-Aligned countries held?
The last summit of Non-Aligned countries was held at Teheran, the capital of Iran in 2012.

Question 17.
State any two important Resolutions of the Belgrade Conference?

  • To reduce the intensity of the Cold War.
  • To oppose Atomic weapons at the international level.
  • To end Apartheid.
  • To oppose Colonialism.

These are some of the major resolutions passed at the inaugural Belgrade Conference.

1st PUC History Non-Aligned Movement-Emergence of the Third world Two Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who used the word ‘Non-Aligned’ for the first time? When?
The word Non-Alignment was first used by V.K. Krishna Menon in his speech at the U.N.O in 1953.

Question 2.
Where and when did Nehru use the word ‘Non-Aligned’?
As USA and USSR called the neutral countries as inactive, Nehru used Non-Aligned instead of Neutral. He used this term in his speech in Colombo in 1954.

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Question 3.
Write any two Principles of Non-Aligned Movement?
Few of the Principles of Non-Aligned Movement are:

  • Mutual non-Aggression.
  • Non interference in internal affairs.
  • Peaceful Coexistence.

Question 4.
When was the Bandung Conference held? Who presided over it?
Bandung Conference was held in 1955. Indonesian President Ahmad Sukarno presided over it.

Question 5.
Name any two World leaders at the Bandung Conference?
Nehru and Josip Broz Tito were two of the World leaders at the Bandung Conference.

Question 6.
Who were called as “The Three Stalwarts” (The Trio) of NAM?
Josip Broz Tito, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Gamal Abdel Nasser played a prominent role in the first NAM Conference. They were called ‘The Three Stalwarts’ (the Trio) of Non- Aligned bloc.

Question 7.
When was the Belgrade Summit held? Who presided over it?
The inaugural Belgrade summit was held in 1961. President of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito presided over it.

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Question 8.
Where and in which year did the Non-Aligned Movement begin?
In 1955, at the Bandung Conference of the African and Asian countries, the Non-Aligned Movement was advocated and came into being.

Question 9.
When was the first summit of Non-Aligned Countries held? Who presided over it?
The first summit of Non- Aligned Countries was held at Belgrade in 1961. Josip Broz Tito, the President of Yugoslavia presided over it.

Question 10.
Where and when was the 7th Summit of Non-Aligned countries held?
The 7th summit of the Non-Aligned countries was held at Delhi, India’s Prime Minister Smt. -Indira Gandhi president over the conference.

Question 11.
Where was the 8th Summit of Non-Aligned countries held? Who was the Indian Prime Minister who participated in it?
The 8th summit of Non-Aligned countries was held at Harare. Rajeev Gandhi was the Indian Prime Minister who participated in it.

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Question 12.
Where was the 9th Summit of Non-Aligned countries held? Name the Indian Prime- Minister who participated in it.
The 9th summit of the Non-Aligned countries was held at Belgrade. Rajeev Gandhi participated in it.

Question 13.
What is migration?
From most of the third world countries, people move out to safer places in the developed countries for better employment, food and self protection. This is called migration.

Question 14.
Write any two achievements of NAM?
The major achievements of NAM are as follows.

  • It has helped to decrease the intensity of Cold War.
  • Worked hard to end Apartheid in South Africa.
  • It is working hard to establish international peace.

Question 15.
State any-two limitations of Non-Aligned Movement.
The limitations of Non-Aligned Movements are as follows.

  • On 2nd August 1990, Kuwait occupied Iraq. Though these two countries are members of Non-Aligned Movement, it failed to solve this problem.
  • Arabian countries do not have complete interest in the Non-Aligned Movement.
  • Non-Aligned Movement has failed to get able leadership in recent times, as it had in the beginning like Tito, Nehru, and others.
  • Internal disputes among the Non-Aligned countries and lack of unity has weakened it.

Question 16.
State any two features of Non-Aligned Countries.
The main features of Non-Aligned Movement are as follows.

1. Economic Backwardness:
Non-Aligned countries are economically backward. These countries have primitive Agriculture and weak industries. Hence the national production and per capita income of these countries are very low.

2. Dependence on others:
Non-Aligned Countries are too backward in the fields of Science, Technology and Military power and are dependent on developed countries for assistance,

3. Rural Structure:
Non-Aligned Countries are mainly comprised of villages. Many villages are deprived of even basic necessities like proper sanitation, medical- facilities, transportation, basic education, and hygiene. These countries are lagging behind as they are far away from urbanization. Overpopulation, poverty and hunger and the spread of epidemics are other major drawbacks.

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Question 17.
What were the important Resolutions of the Bandung Conference?
The important Resolutions of Bandung Conference were as given below.

  • To give importance to International peaceful co-existence.
  • Noninterference in the internal affairs of other countries.
  • Protection of fundamental human rights.

1st PUC History Non-Aligned Movement-Emergence of the Third world Five Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Describe the objectives of Non-Aligned Movement.
The objectives of Non-Aligned Movements are as follows:

  • To reduce the intensity of the Cold War between the two powerful military blocs of America and Soviet Union and keep away from the two blocs.
  • To settle international disputes through peaceful dialogues.
  • To oppose colonialism and Imperialism and support movements against them.
  • To support the Atomic Weapon reduction agreement and come out of military agreements.
  • To oppose racial conflicts, class discrimination, and Apartheid and to stage a fight against them.
  • To condemn the acts of aggression, the injustice of the power blocks and to take measures to stop them.
  • To safeguard the weaker countries from Economic Exploitation by the developed countries. To give financial assistance to developing countries.
  • To protect the fundamental human rights.
  • To solve problems like poverty, hunger, and illiteracy faced by Non-Aligned Nations.
  • To support the programmes undertaken by the United Nations Organization.
  • To remove Economic dependence and build self-dependence.
  • To uphold democratic principles and popularize them.

Question 2.
Describe the causes for the rise of Non-Aligned Movement.
Causes that led to the Emergence of Non-Aligned Movement are as follows.

1. Birth of Nationalism:
As a result of the birth of nationalism, many Asian, African and Latin American countries got Independence before the onset of the Cold War. They decided to remain independent of the power blocs.

2. Problems of Non-Aligned Countries:
Problems like poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, and overpopulation faced by the third world countries led to the rise of Non-Aligned Movement. It was inevitable for these countries to join one ideology or an institution to find solutions to these common problems.

3. Policy of World peace:
World peace was affected by the constant conflict between capitalist and communist blocs affecting other Countries. Hence Non-Aligned Movement emerged to establish world peace.

4. Economic Exploitation:
The Non-Aligned countries came together to free themselves from the economic exploitation and dependence on developed countries to achieve

5. Opposition to the dominance of power blocs:
Non-Aligned countries came forward to oppose the two power blocs of the world, which imposed their dominance over them.

6. Principles of Panchasheela:
The Panchasheela principles of Nehru inspired the weaker countries to protect their freedom and existence. It led to the birth of Non-Aligned Movement.

7. Able Leadership:
Able leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Abdel Nasser, Marshal Tito, and Ahmad Sukarno played an important role in the Non-Aligned Movement.

8. Cold War:
Cold War started between the two power blocs. Non-Aligned Movement was needed to bring it under control.

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Question 3.
Describe the features of Non-Aligned Countries.
The features of Non-Aligned Countries are as given below.

1. Economic Backwardness:
Non-Aligned countries are economically backward. These countries have primitive Agriculture and weak industries. Hence the national production and per capita income of these countries are very low.

2. Dependence on others:
Non-Aligned Countries are too backward in the field of Science, Technology, and Military and are dependent on developed countries for assistance.

3. Rural Structure:
Non-Aligned Countries comprise of more number of villages. Many villages are deprived of basic necessities. These countries are lagging behind since they are far away from urbanization.

4. Overpopulation:
The population is increasing because of poverty, illiteracy, superstitions, etc., The Governments have failed in checking the growth of the population. Programmes relating to population control introduced by the Governments have not realised the expected level of exposure and enlightenment, due to the disinterest of the people and improper strategies. The increasing population is the cause of economic backwardness.

5. Poverty and Hunger:
Poverty is a serious problem among the Non-Aligned Countries. There is a shortage of food grains in these countries. They are dependent on developed countries for food grains. The majority of Africa lives in poverty. Non-Aligned countries are victims of poverty because of natural calamities, migration, internal clashes, unscientific utilization of natural resources, etc. countries like Nigeria, Somalia, Uganda, Haiti, Angola, and Ethiopia are unable to provide nutritious food.

6. Spread of Epidemics:
Negligence of Health is evident in the Non-Aligned Countries. Hence epidemics are spreading in these countries. There is a scarcity of health services. The most dreaded disease AIDS is on the rise in these countries.

7. Illiteracy:
The Educational development policies of Non-Aligned Countries have failed. The number of illiterates has increased. Literacy is very low in African countries and that among women is almost negligible. Asian countries are only slightly better in this respect.

8. Burden of Debt:
Most of the Non-Aligned Countries are reeling under foreign debt. It is inevitable for them to borrow loans from world economic institutions for their internal development. They have been forced to borrow new loans to repay the old loans and interests on them. This has a spiralling effect and these countries go bankrupt.

9. Migration:
From most of the third world countries, especially Africa, people move out to safer places in developed countries for better employment, food, and self-protection. This depletes the countries’ effective workforce. Water scarcity, unstable Governments and lack of modern military force are common in Non-Aligned countries.

Question 4.
Describe the achievements of the Non-Aligned Movement.
Achievements of NAM are manifold. Along with the United Nations Organization, NAM is trying to solve international problems peacefully. It has a role in the achievements of U.N.O.
The Major Achievements of the Non-Aligned Movement are as follows.

  • It has helped to decrease the intensity of Cold War.
  • Helped U.N.O. in resolving the issues pertaining to Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and Kuwait.
  • Worked hard to end Apartheid in South Africa.
  • Inspired treaties to reduce Atomic weapons.
  • Worked to resist the dominance of power blocs.
  • Popularized democratic principles.
  • It is working hard to establish international peace.
  • It is trying to find solutions to the problems faced by member nations.
  • It is fighting for the self-reliance of member countries.

Question 5.
What are the limitations of Non-Aligned Movement?
Limitations of NAM:
Non-Aligned Movement has been following the path of peace. It has opposed military power blocs. The economically backward countries and the ones that became independent after World War II and during the Cold War period have come together to achieve political Sovereignty and economic progress. Non-Aligned Movement neither has its own military nor economic power. Inevitably, these countries have sought economic assistance from developed countries. This shows the basic weakness of the Non-Aligned Movement.

The following few incidents highlight the limitations of the Non-Aligned Movement.

  • On 2nnd August 1990, Kuwait occupied Iraq. Though these two countries are members of the Non-Aligned Movement, it failed to solve this problem.
  • Arabian countries do not have complete trust and specific interest in the Non-Aligned Movement.
  • Non-Aligned Movement has failed to get able leadership in recent times, as it had in the beginning like Tito, Nehru, and others.
  • The internal disputes among the Non-Aligned countries and the lack of unity have weakened it.
  • Non-Aligned countries, on the one hand, are preaching disarmament and on the other are purchasing armaments from powerful countries.
  • Non-Aligned countries do not have their own military power. It is impossible to achieve anything through criticism and peace talks.
  • Non-Aligned countries have failed in checking terrorism.

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Question 6.
Write about the relationship between India and NAM.
India has played an important role in the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement. Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India is called the Architect of Non-Aligned Movement. His ‘Panchasheela’ formed the important principles of the Non-Aligned Movement. India has not only coined the word‘ Non-Aligned’ but has inspired others about it.

The following facts show the relationship between India and NAM.

  • India has good relations with the other Non-Aligned countries. Nehru’s principles got world recognition in the Bandung conference, which officially declared the Non-Aligned policy.
  • The 7th summit of Non-Aligned countries was held at Delhi and India’s Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi presided over the conference. She said we should become a united voice in international organizations. Disarmament, Economic development, technical help were some of the issues that were discussed in this summit. India insisted Israel to withdraw her troops from Palestine.
  • At the 8th summit of Non-Aligned countries in Harare, the then Indian Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi demanded the release of Nelson Mandela of South Africa. He also established the ‘African Fund’ to support the blacks who were fighting for their Rights and Freedom.
  • The 9th summit of Non-Aligned countries was held at Belgrade the capital of Yugoslavia. In this summit, Rajeev Gandhi gave a call for establishing ‘Global Protection Fund’ for the protection of the Environment.
  • At the 12th and 13th summits of Non-Aligned countries, Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee gave a call to take a firm decision to combat international Terrorism. India also supported nuclear disarmament.
  • At the 14th summit, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh spoke about international terrorism and nuclear disarmament. At the 15th summit, he brought to the notice of Non- Aligned countries, the Mumbai attacks and terrorism.
  • At the 16th summit held in Iran, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh advocated the need for international action against the spread of nuclear armaments and terrorism. He also gave a call to find a solution to the Syrian problem acceptable to all.

Question 7.
What are the Principles of Non-Aligned Movement?
The Panchasheela principles accepted by India and China in 1954 are the principles of Non-Aligned Movements. They are,

  • Mutual respect for each other’s Regional Integrity and Sovereignty.
  • Mutual non-Aggression.
  • Non interference in internal affairs.
  • To develop friendly relationship based on mutual co-operation and equality.
  • Peaceful co-existence.

Question 8.
Write a note on Bandung Conference.
A conference of the African and Asian countries was held at Bandung in Indonesia in the year 1955. Indonesian President Ahmad Sukarno organized and president over this conference and 29 countries participated in it. Most important leaders who participated in this conference were Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Ahmad Sukarno – the President of Indonesia, Josip Broz Tito – the President of Yugoslavia, Gama] Abdel Nasser – the President of Egypt and Kwame Nkrumah – President of Ghana. They were called the founders of Non-Aligned Movement. They desired a peaceful, amicable, military, political, economic, bilateral relationship with the USA and Soviet Union.
Important Resolutions passed at the Conference were:

  • To bring in mutual Economic Co-operation and Cultural exchange between Afro-Asian countries.
  • To give importance to International peaceful co-existence.
  • Non interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
  • Protection of fundamental human rights.

1st PUC History Non-Aligned Movement-Emergence of the Third world Ten Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Trace the development of Non-Aligned Movement.
The development of Non-Aligned Movement was envisaged for the following reasons.

  • To reduce the intensity of Cold War between the two powerful military blocs of America and Soviet Union and keep away from the two blocs.
  • To settle international disputes through peaceful dialouges.
  • To oppose colonialism and Imperialism and support movement against them.
  • To support Atomic weapon reduction agreement and come out of military agreements.
  • To oppose racial conflicts, class discrimination, and Apartheid and to stage a fight against them.
  • To condemn the acts of aggression, injustice of the power blocs and to take measures to stop them.
  • To safeguard the weaker countries from Economic Exploitation by the developed countries. To give financial assistance to developing countries.
  • To protect the fundamental human rights.
  • To solve problems like poverty, hunger, and illiteracy faced by Non-Aligned Nations.
  • To support the programmes undertaken by the United Nations Organization.
  • To remove Economic dependence and build self-dependence.
  • To uphold democratic principles and popularize them.

The features of the Non-Aligned Movement are:

1. Economic Backwardness:
Non-Aligned countries are economically backward. These countries have primitive Agriculture and weak industries. Hence the national production and per capita income of these countries are very low.

2. Dependence on others:
Non-Aligned Countries are too backward in the field of Science, Technology, and Military and are dependent on developed countries for assistance.

3. Rural Structure:
Non-Aligned Countries comprise of more number of villages. Many villages are deprived of basic necessities. These countries are lagging behind since they are far away from urbanization.

4. Over population:
Population is increasing because of poverty, illiteracy, superstitions, etc. The Governments have failed in checking the growth of population. Programmes relating to population control introduced by the Governments have not realised the expected level Increasing population is the cause of economic backwardness.

5. Poverty and Hunger:
Poverty is a serious problem among the Non-Aligned Countries. There is a shortage of food grains in these countries. They are dependent on the developed countries for food grains. Majority of Africans live in poverty. Non-Aligned countries are victims of poverty because of natural calamities, migration, internal clashes, unscientific utilization of natural resources, etc. Countries like Nigeria, Somalia, Uganda, Haiti, Angola, and Ethiopia are unable to provide nutritious food.

6. Spread of Epidemics:
Negligence of Health is evident in the Non-Aligned Countries. Hence epidemics are spreading in these countries. There is scarcity of health services. The most dreaded disease AIDS is on the rise in these countries.

7. Illiteracy:
The Educational development policies of Non-Aligned Countries have failed. The number of illiterates has increased. Literacy is very low in the African countries and that among women is almost negligible. Asian countries are only slightly better in this respect.

8. Burden of Debt:
Most of the Non-Aligned Countries are reeling under foreign debt. It is inevitable for them to borrow loans from world economic institutions for their internal development. They have been forced to borrow new loans to repay the old loans and interests on them. This has a spiralling effect and these countries go bankrupt.

9. Migration:
From most of the third world countries, especially Africa, people move out to safer places in the developed countries for better employment, food and self protection. This depletes the countries effective work force. Water scarcity, unstable Governments and lack of modern military force are common in Non-Aligned countries.

Achievements of NAM:
Achievements of NAM are manifold. Along with the United Nations Organization, NAM is trying to solve international problems peacefully. It has its role in the achievements of U.N.O.

The major Achievements of Non-Aligned Movement are as follows.

  • It has helped to decrease the intensity of Cold War.
  • Helped U.N.O. in resolving the issues pertaining to Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and Kuwait.
  • Worked hard to end Apartheid in South Africa.
  • Inspired treaties to reduce Atomic weapons.
  • Worked to resist the dominance of power blocs.
  • Popularized democratic principles.
  • It is working hard to establish international peace.
  • It is trying to find solutions to the problems faced by member nations.
  • It is fighting for the self-reliance of member countries.

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Question 2.
Explain the Limitations and Achievements of NAM.
The Limitations of NAM are as follows:
Non-Aligned Movement has been following the path of peace. It has opposed military power blocs. The economically backward countries and the ones that became independent after World War II and during the Cold War period, have come together to achieve political Sovereignty and economic progress. Non-Aligned Movement neither has its own military nor economic power. Inevitably, these countries have sought economic assistance from developed countries. This shows the basic weakness of the Non-Aligned Movement.

The following few incidents highlight the limitations of the Non-Aligned Movement.

  • On 2nd August 1990, Kuwait occupied Iraq. Though these two countries are members of Non-Aligned Movement, it failed to solve this problem.
  • Arabian countries do not have complete trust and specific interest in the Non-Aligned Movement.
  • Non-Aligned Movement has failed to get able leadership in recent times, as it had in the beginning like Tito, Nehru, and others.
  • The internal disputes among the Non-Aligned’countries and the lack of unity have weakened it.
  • Non-Aligned countries, on the one hand, are preaching disarmament and on the other are purchasing armaments from powerful countries.
  • Non-Aligned countries do not have their own military power. It is impossible to achieve anything through criticism and peace talks.
  • Non-Aligned countries have failed in checking terrorism.

Achievements of NAM are manifold. Along with the United Nations Organization, NAM is trying to solve international problems peacefully. It has a role in the achievements of U.N.0.

The Major Achievements of Non-Aligned Movement are as follows.

  • It has helped to decrease the intensity of Cold War.
  • Helped U.N.O. in resolving the issues pertaining to Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and Kuwait.
  • Worked hard to end Apartheid in South Africa.
  • Inspired treaties to reduce Atomic weapons.
  • Worked to resist the dominance of power blocs.
  • Popularized democratic principles.
  • It is working hard to establish international peace.
  • It is trying to find solutions to the problems faced by member nations.
  • It is fighting for the self-reliance of member countries.

Question 3.
Explain the objectives and causes for the rise of Non-Aligned Movements?
The objectives of Non-Aligned Movements are:

  • To reduce the intensity of the Cold War between the two powerful military blocs of America and the Soviet Union and keep away from the two blocs.
  • To settle international disputes through peaceful dialogues.
  • To oppose colonialism and Imperialism and support movement against them.
  • To support the Atomic weapon reduction agreement and come out of military agreements.
  • To oppose racial conflicts, class discrimination, and Apartheid and to stage a fight against them.
  • To condemn the acts of aggression, injustice of the power blocs and to take measures to stop them.
  • To safeguard the weaker countries from the Economic Exploitation by the developed countries. To give financial assistance to developing countries.
  • To protect the fundamental human rights.
  • To solve problems like poverty, hunger, and illiteracy faced by Non-Aligned Nations.
  • To support the programmes undertaken by the United Nations Organization.
  • To remove Economic dependence and build self dependence.
  • To uphold democratic principles and popularize them.

Causes that led to the Emergence of the Non-Aligned Movement are as follows.
1. Birth of Nationalism:
As a result of the birth of nationalism, many Asian, African and Latin American countries got Independence before the onset of the Cold War. They decided to remain independent of the power blocs.

2. Problems of Non-Aligned Countries:
Problems like poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and overpopulation faced by the third world countries led to the rise of the Non-Aligned Movement. It was inevitable for these countries to join one ideology or an institution to find solutions to these common problems.

3. Policy of World peace:
World peace was affected by the constant conflict between capitalist and communist blocs affecting other countries. Hence Non-Aligned Movement emerged to establish world peace.

4. Economic Exploitation:
The Non-Aligned countries came together to free themselves from the economic exploitation and dependence on developed countries to achieve development.

5. Opposition to the dominance of power blocs:
Non-Aligned countries came forward to oppose the two power blocs of the world, which imposed their dominance over them.

6. Principles of Panchasheela:
The Panchasheela principles of Nehru inspired the weaker countries to protect their freedom and existence. It led to the birth of the Non-Aligned Movement.

7. Able Leadership:
Able leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Abdel Nasser, Marshal Tito, and Ahmad Sukarno played an important role in the Non-Aligned Movement.

8. Cold War:
Cold War started between the two power blocs. Non-Aligned Movement was needed to bring it under control.
