1st PUC Political Science Question Bank Chapter 1 Political Science as a Discipline

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Karnataka 1st PUC Political Science Question Bank Chapter 1 Political Science as a Discipline

1st PUC Political Science as a Discipline One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who is known as the Father of Political Science?
Aristotle is known as the father of Political Science.

Question 2.
Who studied political science first scientifically?
Aristotle studies political science first scientifically.

Question 3.
Name the book written by Aristotle.
Aristotle wrote the book “The Politics”.


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Question 4.
Name any one of the city-state of ancient Greece?
Sparta is one city-state of ancient Greece.

Question 5.
What is political science?
A study of the political activities of human being is called political science,

Question 6.
Who called political science as supreme or master science?

Question 7.
Who said, ‘man is a social animal’?

Question 8.
How many constitutions did Aristotle study prior to writing ‘The politics’?
Aristotle studies 158 constitutions prior to write ‘The politics’.

Question 9.
Which is the root word of Politics’?
Politics is derived from the Greek word ‘polis’.

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Question 10.
What is the meaning of word ‘polis’?
‘Polis’ means Greek City-States.

Question 11.
Name the book written by Machiavelli?
The book written by Machiavelli is ‘The prince’.

Question 12.
Which is the root word of Political Science?
Greek word‘Polis’is the root word of Political Science.

Question 13.
To which branch of science does Political Science belong?
Political Science is an exact science. It belongs to the category of Social Science.

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Question 14.
Which scholar considered Political Science to be both normative and descriptive?
MAX WEBER considered Political Science to be both normative and descriptive.

Question 15.
What are the major divisions of Political Science?
The major division of Political Science is

  1. Study of Political Theory.
  2. Normative and Empirical study.
  3. Study of Political institutions.

Question 16.
Mention the writers who believed Political Science to be a study of the state alone.
Garies, Garner, Goodnow, and Bluntschli believed political science to be the study of the state alone.

Question 17.
For what reason Political Science cannot be regarded as science?

  1. Political Science deals with human beings and society where there is no uniform behaviour among the people.
  2. It cannot have exact and universal laws.

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Question 18.
Who said a man is a social animal?
Aristotle has said man is a social animal.

Question 19.
Write the definition of Political Science given by G W. Garner.
G W. Garner: Political science begins and ends with the state.

Question 20.
Who said political Science is a master science?
Aristotle said political science is a master science.

Question 21.
Who wrote the book ‘Republic’?
Plato wrote the book ‘Republic’.

Question 22.
What is the subject matter of Political Science?
State and Government are subject matter of Political Science.

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Question 23.
What is the meaning of ‘Politics’?
The word ‘Politics’ is derived from the word ‘Polis’, which means city to Greeks, which deals with city-state.

1st PUC Political Science as a Discipline Two Marks Questions And Answers

Question 1.
Define political science.
Political Science is the part of social science which deals with the study of the state, government, law, people, power and other political concepts of the state. Aristotle considered the father of political science.

Question 2.
Name the divisions of the scope of political science.

  1. Political theory
  2. Political institutions
  3. Political parties
  4. International relations.

Question 3.
What is the subject matter of political science?
The subject matter of political science is state and government.

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Question 4.
Why is ‘man is a social animal’?
Aristotle said, man, is a social animal because man can fulfill his basic desires, needs, requirements and protect himself. He cannot live all alone himself and he is not self-sufficient and self reliant.

Question 5.
What is the scope of political science?
The scope of political science means boundary or the sphere of the province of the subject. It means the subject matter of the study.

Question 6.
What do you know about the Greek city-states?
In the ancient days, the Greeks lived in city-states. In those days, city-states were very small. People were living in small city-states and direct democracy was existing in those city-states.

Question 7.
In which of the ancient Indian work do we find reference to state administration?
We find references of state administration in the works of Kautilya in ‘Arthashastra’, Kamandaka in ‘Neetisara’, Rigveda, Yajurveda, Shukraneetisara and Manusmrithi.

Question 8.
When and where was the International Political Science Conference held?
The International Political Science Conference was held in Paris in 1948 under the UNESCO conference.

Question 9.
Who is called the Greek Philosopher Trio?
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are called a Greek philosopher Trio.

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Question 10.
Who are the writers who said political science is a science?
Aristotle, Bodin, Hobbes, Machiavelli, Montesque, Lewis, Bluntschli argues that political science is a science.

Question 11.
Who are the writers who said political science is an art?
J.S. Mill, Buckle, August Compte, Maitland, James Bryce, and Charles A. Bryde says that political science is an art.

Question 12.
Write the definition of Political Science given by Paul Janet.
According to Paul Janet, “Political Science is’ that part of social science, which treats the foundation of the state and principle of government”.

Question 13.
Explain the nature of political Science.
He who is unable to live in society must be either a beast or a god. It means that man is a social animal. He cannot lead a life of isolation. He has to live in society. To satisfy his wants man has to live in society. Man is not only a social animal but he also a political animal. He is quarrelsome by nature, to control this behaviour some laws are needed.

Question 14.
Is Political Science a Philosophy?
Some writers consider political science as a part of philosophy because it deals with abstract concepts. But we cannot fully accept this argument because political science deals not only .with theories and ideas but also with practice.

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Question 15.
Is the study of Political Science a must for every Politician?
Politician is a person who takes an active part in politics. It is very much necessary for a politician to study political science. It teaches him good governance about the state and working of the government.

16. Is the study of political Science necessary for every citizen?
The study of political science is very much necessary for every citizen, especially in a democracy. To know the value of vote, rights and to take part actively in the administration of the government.

Question 17.
Write the two definitions of Political Science.
According to Paul Janet “Political Science is that part of social science which treats the foundation of the state and principles of government”. According to Gilchrist “Political Science deals with state and government”.

Question 18.
Who are the writers who said Political Science is the study of the state alone?
Garies, Garner, Goodnow, and Bluntschli are a group of thinkers who maintain that only the state is the subject matter of political science.

Question 19.
Who are the writers who say political science is the study of government alone?
Stephen Leacock, John Seelay and Robson argued that political science deals with the only government. They believed that the subject matter of political science is the government.

Question 20.
Mari cannot live in isolation, Why?
Man cannot live in isolation because he is a social animal and as such he is born and lives in the society living together give protection and security and man can fulfill all his basic necessities.

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Question 21.
Give Gettell’s definition of political science.
According to Gettell, Political Science is a historical investigation of what the state has been, an analytical study of what the state is and a political ethical discussion of what the state should be.

Question 22.
Mention any one major work of Plato and Aristotle.
Plato – The Republic. Aristotle – Politics.

1st PUC Political Science as a Discipline Five Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Discuss the evolution of political science.
Man can understand the world with the help of science. Science is classified into different divisions such as physical science, biological science, and social science. Physical science helps us to discover new innovations, Biological science helps us to know nature. Social science helps us to know- the world in different dimensions. Social science includes history, economics, sociology, political science, geography, psychology, Ethics, philosophy, etc. Political science is one of the important branches of social science and occupies a very significant role in understanding the evolution of human beings.

The subject matter of political science is an ancient one. The ancient Greek philosophers have laid a good foundation for political science. In fact, the ancient Indian thinkers have referred to the concepts of political science in their works and historical documents. References are made on the state administration in the works of Kautilya in ‘Arthashatra1, Shukraneetisara of Shukra and Manusmirthi of Manu. But these works are focused more on religious consciousness rather than political awareness.

Hence the study of political science was neither systematic nor scientific during that period. The credit for developing the theory of political science on a systematic and scientific basis rightly goes to the Greeks. Socrates a great ancient Greek philosopher contributed his political thinking through dialogues.

Plato emphasized his political views in his work ‘The Republic’. Whereas, Aristotle went a step ahead and made his approach to the study of political science more realistic. He laid a scientific foundation for the study of political science and regarded it as the “Supreme science”. He expressed his political thinking in his familiar work “The Politics”. In the modem context, Machiavelli of Italy added a new dimension to the study of political science in his great work “The prince”.

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Question 2.
Explain the nature of political science.
Aristotle says that man by nature is a social animal. He born in society, live in society and die in society only. To fulfill his needs, he created society. In society only he can enjoy all the facility’s love and affection. Away from society he maybe God or ghost. Man is a social being at the same time he is a political being also.

He is a selfish, egoist and quarrelsome by nature. The attitudes of selfish, egoist and jealousy of a man lead to anarchy in the society while leading the life. So the order of the society may be disrupted and man cannot lead his life happily and peacefully.

In order to control the bad behavior of such people and establish a peaceful society, there should be rules and regulations. The state has emerged to frame and implement these rules through its agency “The Government”. So the state controls the political activities of the human being and restore peace in the society. The subject which studies about the state, government, the political activities of a human being is regarded as political science.

Question 3.
Explain the scope of political science.
Aristotle described political science as a ‘master science’ which made it perhaps the greatest contribution to the making of political science scientific. Hie term “Scope” refers to the subject or the boundaries of a particular branch of knowledge. There is no perfect agreement among the political thinkers as to the problems, which come under the study of political science. Broadly speaking, there are three groups of writers holding different views on the scope of political science.

The first group of writers like Garies, Gamer, Goodnow, and Bluntschli restricted the scope of political science only to the study of the state.

The second group of writers like Prof. Sheley and Dr. Stephen Leacock said that political science deals with government only.

The third group of writers like Gettell, Gilchrist, Paul Janet, and Prof. Laski maintained that the scope of political science extends to both state and government. Prof. Laski maintains that the state, in reality, means the government.

We may agree with the third group of writers that political science is a study of both state and government is the steering wheel of the ship of the state. There can be no state without a government, the state remains the central subject of our study, and the whole mechanism of government revolves around it.

Scope according to the UNESCO; the international Political Science Association at its Paris Conference in 1948 discussed the scope of political science and marked out its subject matter as follows:

1. Political Theory:
Political Theory, History of Political Ideas.

2. Government:
The Constitution, the Government-Regional and Local Government, Public Administration, Economics and Social functions of government, Comparative political institutions.

3. Parties, Groups and Public Opinion:
Political Parties, Group and Associations, Citizen Participation in Government and administration, Public Opinion.

4. International Relations:
International relations, International organization, and Administration, International Law.

Question 4.
Is political science a Science? Explain.
Aristotle called political science as supreme or Master science. Many writers like Thomas Hobbes, Jean Bodin, and Lord Bryce agree that political science is a science.

Reasons for it to be called as a science are:

1. Political Science is a systematic study:
Just like the science subjects which are studied systematically, in the same way. it is possible to make a study of political science. There is a connection between cause and effects.

2. Experiments are possible in Political Science:
Politics is also a systematized knowledge that has been acquired by systematic observation, experiment and study For e.g. framing the Indian constitution and the methods of direct democratic devices adopted in Switzerland.

3. Common principles, conclusions possible:
Political scientists have arrived at broad principles after observing the political phenomenon over a long period of time. Reasons for the rise of new states, the eruption of revolts and revolutions, the emergence of political parties, etc, have been discovered.

4. Relationship between the causes and effects can be known:
In political science with a greater degree of approximation, the relationship between causes and effects can be established.

5. More exact than other social sciences:
Political science has the status of being more exact than other social sciences.

Question 5.
Is Political science is an art? Explain.

1. Absence of Uniform terminology:
The study is called by different terms and there is no unanimity among thinkers regarding the exact term. The subject is called politics, political science, political theory, political philosophy, applied politics, theoretical politics, etc.

2. Differences regarding methods, definition, and scope:
There is no single method of studying the subject but different methods are available. Political principles are not universally accepted and applied. Terms like democracy, socialism, communism, liberalism, and Nationalism have been defined and explained in different ways.

3. Absence of Precision:
Political science lacks precision in the study of state and government or theories like democracy.

4. Experimentation is not possible:
Conducting experiments in political science is difficult since it deals with human beings and their behavior is unpredictable.

5. Absence of Universal Laws:
Political science has certain concepts acceptable with similar meaning but there is no universal truth.

6. Difficult to predict the future:
Political researchers find it difficult to predict the future course of events since political events are subject to ever-changing public opinion.

7. Lack of Objectivity:
The political scientists cannot be objective since he is influenced by race, religious, economic and other considerations.

Question 6.
Explain the origin and development of political science.
According to Aristotle, political activity can be traced to the very nature of man. It is true that no individual can exist or live in isolation. No one is self-sufficient. So, man is a social animal. In the same manner, he is a political animal. Hence society requires an organization to regulate and control human activities. The organization states, which in turn function through its agency, government.

1st PUC Political Science as a Discipline Ten Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the Nature and Scope of Political science.
Aristotle described political science as a ‘master science‘ which made it perhaps the greatest contribution to the making of political science scientific. The term “Scope” refers to the subject or the boundaries of a particular branch of knowledge. There is no perfect agreement among the political thinkers as to the problems, which come under the study of political science.

Broadly speaking, there are three groups of writers holding different views on the scope of political science.

The first group of writers like Garies, Gamer, Goodnow, and Bluntschli restricted the scope of political science only to the study of the state.

The second group of writers like Prof. Sheley and Dr. Stephen Leacock said that political science deals with the government only.

The third group of writers like Gettell, Gilchrist, Paul Janet, and Prof. Laski maintained that the scope of political science extends to both state and government. Prof. Laski maintains that the state, in reality, means the government.

We may agree with the third group of writers that political science is a study of both state and government is the steering wheel of the ship of the state. There can be no state without a government, the state remains the central subject of our study, and the whole mechanism of government revolves around it.

Scope according to the UNESCO; the international Political Science Association at its Paris Conference in 1948 discussed the scope of political science and marked out its subject matter as follows:

Political Theory:
Political Theory. History of Political Ideas.

The Constitution, the Government-Regional and Local Government, Public Administration, Economics and Social functions of government, Comparative political institutions.

Parties, Groups and Public Opinion:
Political Parties, Group and Associations, Citizen Participation in Government and administration, Public Opinion.

International Relations:
International relations. International organization and Administration, International Law.

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Question 2.
Explain the relevance of the study of political science in the contemporary world.
The study of political science is very useful to individuals and society. As said by Bernard Shaw that “political science by which alone civilization can be saved”. Political science exerts its influence on the life and destiny of human beings. Why political science has become so important in the life of man? It can be judged on the following grounds:

1. Essential for a cultured existence:
The study of Political Science introduces an individual to the requirements of a civilized and cultured society.

2. To understand the evolution of state and government:
Political Science is a study of state and government in all its aspects, in order to understand the roots of state and government such as how and why the state and government came into existence and .why it continues to be in existence and what are the essential factors that make a state, the types and forms of government, the aims and objectives of the government, etc., the knowledge of political science is essential.

3. To provide knowledge of rights and duties:
Every citizen, especially in a democracy desires to have knowledge of rights and duties. It is in political science that one learns all the aspects of these rights and duties.

4. To make Democracy effective:
Democracy today is the most popular system of government. Many factors contribute to the success and effectiveness of democracy. Political science enables one to understand all the principles, merits and defects of democracy.

5. Provides political education:
The study of political science provides political education to a citizen so that he may understand national problems in a new perspective.

6. Provides knowledge of ideologies:
The study of political science provides a vast knowledge of various prevailing ideologies like democracy, socialism, communism, nazism, fascism, etc.

7. Knowledge useful to political leaders and bureaucrats:
Knowledge of political science is very useful to the political leaders to carry on the working of the government effectively. Knowledge of the constitution is necessary for everyone to contribute better to the functioning of the government.

8. To understand political power:
Political Science helps citizens to understand the concept of political power; how governments function; what are the interest and forces behind the policies; who are his elected representatives and what they stand for.

9. To promote human warfare:
Political Science in the contemporary’ period lies the fact that it creates conditions for economic progress since it is motivated by an interest in human welfare.

10. To understand international relations and contribute to peace:
International relations is one of the specialized branches of political science dealing with the relationship among sovereign states. It includes many concepts like balance power, collective security alliances, treaties, international law, international organizations, etc.

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Question 3.
Is political science a Science or an art? Explain.
Aristotle called political science as supreme or Master science. Many writers like Thomas Hobbes, Jean Bodin, and Lord Bryce agree that political science is a science.

Reasons for it to be called as a science are:
1. Political Science is a systematic study:
Just like the science subjects which are studied systematically, in the same way, it is possible to make a study of political science. There is a connection between cause and effects.

2. Experiments are possible in Political Science:
Politics is also a systematized knowledge which has been acquired by systematic observation, experiment and study. For e.g. framing the Indian constitution and the methods of direct democratic devices adopted in Switzerland.

3. Common principles, conclusions possible:
Political scientists have arrived at broad principles after observing the political phenomenon over a long period of time. Reasons for the rise of new states, the eruption of revolts and revolutions, the emergence of political parties, etc, have been discovered.

4. Relationship between the causes and effects can be known:
In political science with a greater degree of approximation, the relationship between causes and effects can be established.

5. More exact than other social sciences:
Political science has the status of being more exact than other social sciences. Some writers consider political science as a part of political philosophy. It may be noticed that every political theory owes its origin to some philosophical idea. But however, we need not accept this argument in political science, not only deal with theories and ideas but also with practice.

In political science, there is an attempt to apply theoretical knowledge to the practice of politics. An art to be perfected require intelligence and constant practice by artist. On the basis of the above discussions, it may be concluded that it is an art.

1. Absence of Uniform terminology:
The study is called by different terms and there is no unanimity among thinkers regarding the exact term. The subject is called politics, political science, political theory, political philosophy, applied politics, theoretical politics, etc.

2. Differences regarding methods, definition, and scope:
There is no single method of studying the subject but different methods are available. Political principles are not universally accepted and applied. Terms like democracy, socialism, communism, liberalism, and Nationalism have been defined and explained in different ways.

3. Absence of Precision:
Political science lacks precision in the study of state and government or theories like democracy.

4. Experimentation is not possible:
Conducting experiments in political science is difficult since it deals with human beings and their behavior is unpredictable.

5. Absence of Universal Laws:
Political science has certain concepts acceptable with similar meaning but there is no universal truth.

6. Difficult to predict the future:
Political researchers find it difficult to predict the future course of events since political events are subject to ever-changing public opinion.

7. Lack of Objectivity:
The political scientist cannot be objective since he is influenced by race, religious, economic and other considerations.

Question 4.
Define political science. What is the significance or utility of its study?
The term ‘Politics’ was used by the great Greek Philosopher Aristotle. It is derived from the term ‘Polis’ which means ‘city’ to Greeks city was the state and subject that was dealing with city-state was called politics. So political science means a systematic study of the state and government.

The following are some of the important definitions.

  • Garner: “Political science begins and ends with the state”.
  • Garies: “Political science deals with government”.
  • Gilchrist: “Political science deals with state and government”.
  • Paul Janet: “Political science is that part of social science which treats the foundations of state and principles of government”.

Political science has become the most important branch of social science. Aristotle called it a master science. Democracy has become the most common form of government nowadays. The study of political science trains the people for the successful working of democracy. The study of political science enables the individual to understand his rights and duties and enlightens him to take an active part in the affairs of the state.

It also promotes a sense of responsibility and the spirit of patriotism.

The citizen can understand the nature, merits, and demerits of different types of Government and other administrative institutions in their state by studying political science. Studying political science will enable people to understand different theories and ideologies and help him to decide whether to accept it or reject it.

The study of political science enables to understand international relations and international law. It helps to understand thoroughly the significance of world organizations in solving international problems and in maintaining international people.
