You can Download Chapter 2 State Questions and Answers, Notes, 1st PUC Political Science Question Bank with Answers Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
Karnataka 1st PUC Political Science Question Bank Chapter 2 State
1st PUC Political Science State One Mark Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Which is the most essential human organisation?
State is the most essential human organisation.
Question 2.
What is State?
The state is politically organised people in a definite territory.
Question 3.
What is the main purpose of a state?
The welfare of the people is the main purpose of a state.
Question 4.
Who said that man is a social and. also a political animal?
Aristotle says man is a social and also a political animal.
Question 5.
What are the root words of the state?
Romans says ‘‘civitas’’ and Italians say ‘statio’.
Question 6.
Give an example of a city-state.
Sparta and Athens are examples of a city-state.
Question 7.
Who called the state as ‘Civitas’?
Romans called the state as ‘Civitas’.
Question 8.
Who introduced the term state for the first time?
Italian thinker Machiavelli introduced the word state in Political Science.
Question 9.
Who is the author of “The Prince”?
Machiavehi is the author of ‘The prince’.
Question 10.
Which is the supreme of all associations?.
The State.
Question 11.
Which association serves people from birth to death?
Question 12.
Who advocated the Sapthanga theory of the state?
Kautilya advocates the Sapthanga theory of the state.
Question 13.
According to Plato what should be the population of the state?
According to Plato, the population of the state is 5040.
Question 14.
Who said that the population of the state should be 10,000?
Rousseau says the population of the state should be 10,000.
Question 15.
Who is the author of the book ‘Arthashastra’?
Kautilya is the author of the book ‘Arthashastra’.
Question 16.
Name the state with the highest population in the world.
The hight population state in the world is China.
Question 17.
Name the state with the lowest population in the world.
The lowest population in the world is Nauru.
Question 18.
Who said that ‘Good people build a good state’.
Aristotle says ‘Good people build a good state’.
Question 19.
What is the territory?
A definite land which is essential for a state is called territory.
Question 20.
What is the government?
An agent of a state is called the government.
Question 21.
Which is called as an agent of the state?
The government is called an agent of the state.
Question 22.
Which organ is called as the ‘Heart and soul’ of the state?
The government is called the ‘Heart and soul’ of the state.
Question 23.
What is meant by Sovereignty?
Sovereignty is the Supreme Power of the State.
Question 24.
What is an association?
A group of people which have a specific objectives is called an association.
Question 25.
Which is called as ‘The association of associations’?
Question 26.
What is society?
A web of social relationships is called society.
Question 27.
Who said ‘Society is the web of social relationship’?
Max Weber says society is the web of social relationship.
Question 28.
Which is known as the ‘crown association’?
Question 29.
What is the root word of the term ‘Nation’?
The term ‘Nation has been derived from the Latin word ‘Natio’.
Question 30.
Who said ‘Nation is state + Nationality’?
Gilchirst says ‘Nation is state + Nationality’.
Question 31.
When did India became a sovereign state?
India becomes sovereign state on 15th August 1947.
Question 32.
What is nation?
An emotional feeling of oneness is called a nation.
Question 33.
What is meant by the State?
State means an assembly of people occupying a definite territory, having an organized government and subject to no outside control. (Sovereignty)
Question 34.
What is the root word of the term ‘STATE’?
The Teutonic term ‘Status’ may be regarded as the root word of the term State in Political Science.
Question 35.
What are the four Elements of the State?
The four Elements of the State are:
- Population
- Territory
- Government
- Sovereignty
Question 36.
Which is the most important element of the State?
The most important element of the state is sovereignty.
Question 37.
Mention the two aspects of Sovereignty.
Two aspects of Sovereignty are: Internal and External Sovereignty.
Question 38. Which is the most powerful of all Social Institutions.
The State.
Question 39.
Which is the root word of Sovereignty?
The root word of Sovereignty is the Latin word ‘Super nus’ which means State.
Question 40.
Who wrote the book ‘The Prince’?
Machiavelli of Italy.
1st PUC Political Science State Two Mark Questions and Answers
Question 1.
What is the meaning of state.
The state is politically organised people in a definite territory.
Question 2.
Why is the state inevitable?
The state is inevitable to ensure the protection of the life and property of the inevitable.
Question 3.
Name any two theories of the origin of the state.
Divine theory and social contract theory are the two theories of the state.
Question 4.
Define state.
According to Woodrow Wison, the state is people organised for law within a definite territory.
Question 5.
What is the welfare state?
A state which provides the basic facilities to all the people from birth to death is called a welfare state.
Question 6.
Mention the organs of Sapthanga Theory.
Swami (King), Amatya (Minister), Janapada (Population and territory), Kosha (treasury), Bala (Army), Durga (Fort). Mithra (International relations).
Question 7.
Mention the four elements of a state.
Population, definite territory, sovereignty, and government.
Question 8.
Write any two advantages of a limited population.
- Nationality among the people.
- No unemployment problem.
Question 9.
Name any two states which have a large population.
- China
- India.
Question 10.
Name any two advantages of small territory.
- Effective administration.
- Harmonious relationship between state and people.
Question 11.
Write any two advantages of large territory.
- Promoting as a strong country in the Global level.
- The human resources can be utilised effectively.
Question 12.
Name any two states with large territory.
- Russia
- U.S.A.
Question 13.
Name any two states which have small territory.
- Vatican city
- Monaco
Question 14.
Write the meaning of government.
The government his an agent which fulfills the interests of a state.
Question 15.
Mention the organs of government.
- Legislature.
- Executive
- Judiciary
Question 16.
Write any two forms of government.
- Democratic government.
- Dictatorial government.
Question 17.
What is the meaning of sovereignty?
A supreme power of the state over its citizens is called sovereignty.
Question 18.
Name the aspects of sovereignty.
- Internal sovereignty.
- External sovereignty.
Question 19.
What is Internal Sovereignty?
A Country that is free overall its individuals and associations within its territory is called internal Sovereignty.
Question 20.
What is external sovereignty?
Freedom of a state which ensures to have an independent foreign policy with other countries is called external sovereignty.
Question 21.
What is the meaning of Society?
The term Society refers to the whole complex of the Social relationship of Man. A Society may be defined as an association of individuals.
Question 22.
Write the difference between State and Society.
Society was there before the State. It is prior to the State. Society has got variety purposes whereas the State only one object.
Question 23.
What is an associations? Give an example.
Associations are a group of people united together to realize some common goals. They are Social institutions. The State is one among associations. Ex. Lions club.
Question 24.
Mention the two differences between State and Association.
Membership of the State is Compulsory. It is Voluntary or Optional in the case of association. A Person can be a Citizen of only one State at a time. On the other hand, he can become a member of many associations at the same time.
Question 25.
Write the meaning of the Nation.
An emotional feeling of oneness among the people who belongs to common stock is called a nation.
Question 26.
Write any two differences between the State and Nation.
- State is politically organised Nation is spiritually united
- State is objective Nation is subjective.
Question 27.
What is the main difference between the State and Government?
The government is the agent of the State. It is the agent through which the will of the State is formulated expressed realized. The State is an abstract concept government, is its concrete
Question 28.
Why is the association ‘Voluntary’?
Associations are formed to serve different aspects of Social life. Each having its own aims and objectives. Its membership is optional, so they are Voluntary.
Question 29.
Mention the Elements of Nationality.
Common Race, Common Religion, Common Language, Common Culture and Traditions, Common History.
Question 30.
Who is an Alien?
An Alien is one who owes his allegiance to his home state and not to the state where he lives temporarily. He enjoys only Civil Rights.
Question 31.
Give the meaning of Secular State.
A country that does not have any religion as State religion, and it gives equal importance to all religions and does not insist on any individual to follow a particular religion is called a Secular State.
Question 32.
What is meant by Power?
It is one of the subject matters of Political Science. It is the capacity to influence the behavior of others and also the capacity to get things done from others.
Question 33.
What is Dual Citizenship? Give Example?
Answer: The Citizen of a Nation Enjoys two kinds of Citizenship, one of his nation and another is of the state where he actually resides.
E g: U S A and Switzerland.
Question 34.
Name the two features of Power?
- Power is relative
- Power is Circumstantial.
1st PUC Political Science State Five Mark Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Explain the Importance of the state.
1. To realize social good:
the existence of the state enables the realization of social good.
2. Protection of rights and duties:
rights and duties enjoyed by men today can exist only within a state. It also promotes a smooth relationship between the government and the governed.
3. Protection to life and property:
state is the basic structure for the maintenance of law and order, so the property of the people is also protected by the state.
4. Protection of Weaker section of Society:
The state also protects the weaker section of the society like women, children, and minorities.
5. State creates Order in Society:
A society without a state will be one of anarchy. Political organization is necessary7 to prevent anarchy.
6. State creates order and Progress m the world:
The conception of the state is not only important within a state to create order but even outside the state in the international sphere.
Question 2.
What is Sovereignty? Explain the two aspects.
The supreme power of the state is called Sovereignty. It can not be questioned by any person in the state. The two aspects of Soverignity are as follows.
Internal sovereignty means the supremacy of the state overall individuals and associations within its territory. Every independent state has some person, assembly or group which has the final legal power to command and enforce the authority on behalf of the state. It issues all the orders within its jurisdiction and receives orders from no one. It is absolute and has no legal limitations. Hence the laws of the state are final and binding.
External sovereignity means the state is independent of all external control and force which can coerce a state into obedience. A state is free and equal with other states. An independent state can enter into any treaty or agreement and have its own foreign policy to carry on its own foreign affairs without any interference from other states.
Question 3.
What is the difference between State and Society?
State | Society |
1. State is supreme institution. | 1. Society is not supreme Institution. |
2. State originated after the society. | 2. Society originated prior state. |
3. Scope of state is limited. | 3. Scope of society is wider. |
4. Definite Territory is essential for the state. | 4. Definite territory is not essential for society. |
5. State consists of organized people | 5. Society consists of both organized and unorganized people. |
6. State has sovereignty. | 6. Society has no sovereignty. |
7. State functions through the government. | 7. Society has no government. |
8. State is one of the association in the society. | 8. Society has many associations of which state is one. |
9. Membership of state is compulsory. | 9. Membership of society is obligatory. |
10. State Studies about Political system. | 10. Society studies about social system. |
11. State controls our external relations. | 11. Society influences on our internal relations. |
12. Rules of the state are compulsory. | 12. The rules of society are not compulsory. |
13.State has the power to punish the people. | 13. Society cannot punish people. |
14. State has a legal system. | 14. Society has no legal system. |
Question 4.
Distinguish between State and Association.
State | Voluntary Association |
1. Definite territory is essential element of state | 1. Associations have no definite territory. |
2. Membership is compulsory man cannot Give up the membership. | 2. Membership is temporary; man can give up the membership. |
3. Individual can get the membership of only a state. | 3. Individuals can get the membership of various associations as he pleases. |
4. State is permanent and continuous. | 4. Associations are temporary. State can control and abolish them at any time. |
5. State has sovereignty. | 5. Associations have no sovereignty. |
6. State’s functions are wider. | 6. Functions of associations are narrower. |
Question 5.
Explain the differences between State and Nation.
State | Nation |
1. State is Political Institution. | 1. Nation is a Social Institution. |
2. The State should be a nation. | 2. Nation can become state. |
3. The state four elements such as population, territory government, and sovereignty. | 3. Nation has no four elements. It has Population and territory. |
4. State expresses the political concept. | 4. Nation has internal, psychological, Spiritual concepts. |
5. State is limited. | 5. Nation is universal. |
6. State has sovereignty. | 6. Nation has no sovereignty. |
7. State may lose its state ship. | 7. Nation is permanent. |
8. State is Supreme. | 8. Nation is not supreme. |
9. State is organized. | 9. Nation has social, religious, cultural nature. |
10. State has the power to punish the people. | 10. Nation has no power to punish the people. |
Question 6.
Explain any two elements of Nationality.
Common Race:
[Some writers Say racial purely is a factor, which helps in the formation and continuance of nationality].
People belonging to the same race develop strong bonds of unity and form nationality.
There is no pure race in any nation. The USA, Canada, Switzerland and India are belonging to various origins . Thus the racial unity is a desirable factor for the formation of nationality but an absolutely essential factor.
Common Language:
It brings people together. People who speak common language have a strong bond of relationship and unity. It helps people to communicate with each other. For e. g: People of Switzerland speak their languages, Hench, German and Italian but form one nationality. In India, we speak many languages but we belong to one nationality.
Question 7.
Write a note on the general duties of a citizen.
Duty is an obligation and a responsibility of a citizen. A Citizen of a state is directed to discharge some functions and prohibited from certain functions. These are called duties. They are broadly divided into moral and legal duties. The legal duties are general duties that are enforced and recognized by the laws of the state. They are compulsory. If a citizen neglects his duty he is punished. The important general duties of a citizen are:
1. Loyalty to the state:
Every citizen should be loyal to his state. This includes his duty to defend the state during the war and his involvement in developmental activities, to Protect and promote unity and integrity of the state and for the maintenance of peace, order, and security of the state.
2. Obedience to law:
Every citizen should obey the laws as disobedience leads to confusion
and disorder.
3. Payment of Taxes:
Every citizen must honestly pay and promptly taxes for the economic development of the state.
4. Honest exercise of the right to vote:
This duty enables citizens to elect gout of their choice which works for development, welfare, security, etc.
Question 8.
Explain the Nature of State.
- State is sovereign as the people within the state have to obey the laws made by the state.
- In order to operate its sovereign power, the state has to use coercive power.
- Membership of the state is necessary for man for his very existence.
- State protects and promotes individuals’ welfare.
- State has come into existence due to the deliberate and conscious efforts of human beings.
- State is dynamic in nature as it keeps changing from stage to stage.
- State should necessarily have four elements viz, population, territory, government and, sovereignty.
1st PUC Political Science State Ten Mark Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Define state and explain its essential elements. .
Aristotle defines the state as “A Union of families and villages having for its end a perfect and self-sufficient life, by which we mean a happy and honorable life”.
According to Bluntschli. The state is Politically Organized people According to Wilson, “The state is a people organized for law within a definite territory”. According to Laski, “The state is a territorial society divided into government and subject, etc, claiming within its allotted physical area, a supremacy over all other institutions”.
The above definitions show that there are four essential elements of the state.
- Population.
- Territory.
- Government.
- Sovereignty.
1. population:
People are the most important essential of the state. If there are no people there will be nobody to rule and nobody to be ruled. A vacant island or desert can’t constitute a state. Hence, the population is essential for state and without population there can be no state.
For Aristotle, the number should be neither too large nor too small. It should be large enough to be self-sufficient and small enough to be well-governed. The actual population is less than the optimum; the natural resources can’t be fully utilized. If it is more, poverty will be the result.
2. Territory:
Territory is a definite area of earth’s surface where people reside permanently. We can’t think of a state without territory.
The area within these boundaries constitutes the “Territorial Jurisdiction” of a state.
There is no fixed limit to the size of the territory, it may be generally laid down that there should be a proper balance between population and territory.
3. Government:
For the peaceful existence, gout is very much essential for a state. The government is the machinery, which regulates controls and directs human behavior in society. It is an agency of the state through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and executed. The entire population of a political community makes a state. The gout is composed of few persons duly elected or selected. There are branches of government. They are legislature, executive and judiciary. The form of government differs from state to state.
4. Sovereignty:
It means the supreme power of the state. The term sovereignty derived from the Latin word supreranus, which means supreme. There are two aspects of sovereignty Internal and external ‘sovereignty’. Internal means supreme legal authority and group within its territory. External means freedom of state from any kind of outside control. It means Pot – Independence of state. ‘Sovereignty’ is the most important element of the State.
Question 2.
Explain the Importance of state.
1. To realize social good:
The existence of the state enables the realization of social good.
2. Protection of rights and duties:
Rights and duties enjoyed by men today can exist only within a state. It also promotes a smooth relationship between the government and the governed.
3. Protection to life and property:
State is the basic structure for the maintenance of law and order, so the property of the people is also protected by the state.
4. Protection of Weaker section of Society:
The state also protects the weaker section of society like women, children, and minorities.
5. State creates Order in Society:
A society without a state will be one of anarchy. Political organization is necessary to prevent anarchy.
6. State creates order and Progress in the world:
The conception of the state is not only important within a state to create order but even outside the state in the international sphere.
Question 3.
What is meant by Nation and Nationality?
Writers on political science are not agreed on the exact meaning of word nationality. The term. Nation and Nationality have been used interchangeably. Both the term Nation and Nationality are derived from the same root word ‘Nato’, which means born, birth, or race. The word nation has acquired a political meaning whereas nationality acquired spiritual meaning.
According to Lord Bryce, a nation means a self governs nationality.
To Gilchrist, a nation means state plus nationality refers to the feeling of oneness, which exists among a group of people with common race, religion, common language, etc.
The meaning of the word nation is not very clear as we have already stated this word derived from the word ‘Nato’ which means birth.
The Major points of difference are as follower.
- The state refers to a politically organized society oh a given territory. Nation comprises of a group of people united by several ethnic factors.
- The state is a political concept and a political organization. It signifies common consciousness and units.
- The term state is narrow and technical. It consists of four elements of population, territory, government, and sovereignty.
- State may be inhabited by heterogeneous groups of people. The nation is homogeneous in composition.
- The state is sovereign. Sovereignty is its most essential feature. Without sovereignty may still be called a nation. Before 15th August 1947 Indian was a nation, but not a state.