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Karnataka 2nd PUC English Grammar Notes Pronominal Words
1. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to?
Whenever one of the couriers leaves any city, he takes his dispatches in one hand and the whip with bells in the other, which he keeps shaking. Upon hearing the sound, another man comes out in the next city and takes these dispatches so that he can deliver them to the next city. As a result the Sultan receives his dispatches in a very short time.
1. he : ……………………….. 2. which : ………………………..
3. them : ……………………….. 4. his : ………………………..
1. courier
2. the whip with bells
3. dispatches
4. Sultan’s.
2. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to?
Salim took the rare looking bird to his uncle and asked him what kind of bird it was. His uncle examined it and was unable to satisfy Salim’s curiosity. He took Salim to W.S. Millard, who was surprised to see such a young boy keen about birds. Millard took Salim and showed him many stuffed birds at the society, where he worked.
1. him : ……………………….. 2. it : ………………………..
3. who : ……………………….. 4. where : ………………………..
1. uncle
2. the bird
3. W. S. Millard
4. the society.
3. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to?
Colonel Rankin opened his parachute, it blossomed out over him, and another tremendous blast battered his body, with wind and hail. He could withstand its force, suddenly he felt being pulled up by a current of air and he was floating in the clouds, which enclosed him from all directions.
1. it : ……………………….. 2. his : ………………………..
3. its : ……………………….. 4. which : ………………………..
1. the parachute
2. Colonel Rankin’s
3. blast’s
4. clouds.
4. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to?
Bernard Shaw’s legendary musical hit became a popular film. it is the story of an English professor who meets a young flower girl in a train, where she was singing and selling flowers. He was fascinated by her voice and appearance. So he decided to train her and teach her English. Very soon he transformed her into a refined lady.
1. It : ……………………….. 2. where : ………………………..
3. her : ……………………….. 4. he : ………………………..
1. the film
2. train
3. the young flower girl’s
4. the English professor.
5. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to?
There are many Sphinxes in Egypt, and their heads represent the kings who had once ruled over the land. When a king died he himself was supposed to become the ‘Sun God’. The Egyptians worshipped and had great faith in the Sun God, who they trusted would protect them from evil powers.
1. their : ……………………….. 2. himself : ………………………..
3. who : ……………………….. 4. them : ………………………..
1. Sphinxes’
2. King
3. Sun God
4. Egyptians.
6. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to?
Confucius was born into a family of lowest level of aristocracy. They led a poor and miserable life. Unfortunately his parents died when he was very young. Their death completely shattered his life and he was forced to grow up in poverty, which taught him the hard realities
7. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to?
Dining places provided meals every day at a fixed place. These were started in the 15th Century. By the middle of the 16th century, town people made it a habit to dine out. They paid – a shilling, which was quite affordable. Many taverns became the meeting places of leading people. Shakespeare, who lived in London, was a regular customer of Mermaid tavern.
1. These : ……………………….. 2. They : ………………………..
3. which : ……………………….. 4. who : ………………………..
1. dining places
2. town people
3. a shilling
4. Shakespeare.
8. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to?
A copy editor checks grammatical errors and misspellings that might lead to confusion. He corrects them and makes the story easier to read. If the story is too long it is again edited down to the right size. An eye-catching headline is added to make the reader interested so that he will further recommend the story to his associates.
1. that : ……………………….. 2. He : ………………………..
3. it : ……………………….. 4. his : ………………………..
1. grammatical errors and misspellings
2. a copy editor
3. the story
4. reader’s.
9. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to?
Amelia chose Fred Noonan as her navigator in her second attempt, because he was skilled and experienced. They departed on June 1st from Miami where she left behind some things, to make room for additional fuel which was essential for them to fly on the long route.
1. her : ……………………….. 2. he : ………………………..
3. where : ……………………….. 4. which : ………………………..
1. Amelia’s
2. Fred Noonan
3. Miami
4. fuel.
10. What do the underlined words in the following paragraph refer to?
In Egypt, wild cats preyed upon rats that were destroying grains which were stored in granaries. In Rome, cats were treated as working animals and not much respect was given to them. The Europeans owned cats for fancy. They started breeding them at home. In Japan, the beckoning cats were seen as lucky since their charm was believed to protect households.
1. which : ……………………….. 2. them : ………………………..
3. They : ……………………….. 4. their : ………………………..
1. grains
2. cats
3. Europeans
4. beckoning cats’.
Get the quick tips to improve English with the help of Karnataka 2nd PUC English Chapter Wise Notes. One of the simplest approaches to learn English is KSEEB 2nd PUC English Grammar. Follow Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board 2nd PUC Notes for better practice. Download KSEEB 2nd PUC English Solutions PDF for free. Karnataka 2nd PUC English Grammar Notes Pronominal Words notes for quick preparation of exams. Note down all the key points and begin your learning to get the best results in the exam. Karnataka 2nd PUC English includes chapter wise explanations for all the topics.