2nd PUC English Workbook Answers Streams Linkers

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Karnataka 2nd PUC English Workbook Answers Streams Linkers

Linkers help us establish our ideas explicitly. They make it easy for us to compare, contrast, illustrate, define and summarize our thoughts and develop a coherent paragraph.

My mother was an extraordinary person and I should speak, above all, of her kindness towards me. But I’ll tell you a secret of mine because I feel somewhat guilty for not having been a happy man in order to have given her a deserved happiness. Therefore I feel I should have been more understanding of her.

Identify the function of the underlined words and mention them in the space given below:

in order to


in order toPurpose

Look At The Following Table:
Study the list of linkers and their functions.

FunctionLink Words
Additionand, also, besides, moreover, similarly, and then, what is more, such as, then, in addition (to), too, next
Timewhen, while, as soon as, before, after, till, until, eventually, as long as, since
Placeafter, where, wherever
Reason/causebecause, as, that, since
Purposein order that, so that, lest
Resultso, such, consequently, in conclusion, as a result, in all, thus, finally
Concessionthrough, although, even if, however
Manneras, as if, as though
Comparisonas-as, than, not so-as
Conditionif, unless, supposing

Find more such linking expressions.
hence, never – the – less, none – the – less, yet, whenever, notwithstanding.

A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate linkers given in brackets:
1. Aesop is a figure clouded in so much mystery and legend ________ it is difficult to know ________ can be said about him. It is also strange to believe ________ this world-famous man was born a slave in the sixth century B.C. ________ slaves were bought and sold frequently. Aesop’s Greek master gave him liberty ________ he was impressed by his learning and wit.
[because, that, what, when]
1. that;
2. what;
3. that;
4. when;
5. because.

2. Alok was happy ________ he was selected to take part in the car race. He gladly went ________ the race was to take place. He was given a car kit ________ he could build the body of the car using small pieces of wood. Alok asked Abhi ________ he would help him. Abhi refused. ________ Alok did not give up; he set out to make the car. [ where, when, so that, however, if]
1. when;
2. where;
3. so that;
4. if;
5. However.

3. The rains had failed. ________ all the wells and tanks had run dry. ________ overcome the problem the municipal authorities sunk a number of bore wells ________ they could supply water to the citizens. ________ the situation was brought under control. [Thus, so that, therefore, in order to]
1. Therefore;
2. In order to;
3. so that;

4. In summer, the rumor of a famine swept through the province which was a baseless one. The crops were growing well ________ the weather was perfect for a bumper harvest. ________ on the strength of that rumor, thousands of small farmers abandoned their farms and fled to the cities. ________ of this, crops failed, thousands starved. ________ the rumour about the famine proved true. [and, thus, as a result, but]
1. and;
2. But;
3. As a result;
4. Thus.

5. There was a king who had one eye and one leg. ________ that he asked all the painters to draw a beautiful portrait of him. ________ none of them could. How could they paint him beautifully with the defects in one eye and one leg? ________ one of them agreed and drew a classic picture of the King, ________ it was a fantastic picture that surprised everyone. He painted the king aiming for a hunt, targeting with one eye closed and one leg bent. [and, but, eventually, in spite of]
1. In spite of;
2. But;
3. Eventually;
4. and.

6. Eating soup in Japan is more dangerous than anything else. ________ eating soup, one must make a fearful noise as it is a sign of appreciation. ________ a European who tries to make such noise will be considered an ill-mannered lout ________ it is not liked by the Japanese hostess. ________ one must be careful in Japan if he/she is offered soup. [while, because, therefore, however]
1. While;
2. However;
3. because;
4. Therefore.

Get the quick tips to improve English with the help of Karnataka 2nd PUC English Chapter Wise Notes. One of the simplest approaches to learn English is KSEEB 2nd PUC English Grammar. Follow Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board 2nd PUC Notes for better practice. Download KSEEB 2nd PUC English Solutions PDF for free. Karnataka 2nd PUC English Workbook Answers Streams Linkers notes for quick preparation of exams. Note down all the key points and begin your learning to get the best results in the exam. Karnataka 2nd PUC English includes chapter wise explanations for all the topics.
