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Karnataka 2nd PUC English Workbook Answers Streams Speech Writing
Write a speech in about 150 – 200 words based on the hints given below:
1. In order to promote reading habit in students, your college has organized a Library Week You are the secretary of the college students union. You have to speak to the students about the week-long program. You have noted the following points:
– days and dates
– new arrivals displayed,
– exhibition of books by some publishers
– famous authors/poets to visit and interact with students
– more facilities in the library
– new magazines.
Here is an example worked out for you.
Dear friends,
It gives me great pleasure to speak to you about the Library Week that our college has organized from 2nd to 10th of November this year. Reading makes a man perfect. The aim of celebrating this week is to inculcate the reading habit among students. As part of the celebration, new arrivals in the reference section such as encyclopedia and dictionaries and general books will be displayed. Orient Blackswan and Cambridge University Press are putting up an exhibition. We have invited Dr. Shobha Devi to inaugurate the exhibition and interact with students. Other authors like Smt. Shashi Deshpande and Dr. Patil will also pay us a visit. During the week, a literary quiz competition will be organized. The Reading Section will have more new magazines of general interest. 1 request all of you to spend as much free time in the library as you can.
Thank you.
2. It is Road Safety Week at a school. One of the students is requested to give a short speech on road safety. Write a speech stressing the importance of road safety and making some practical suggestions for students.
Write your speech in not more than 120 words.
Dear friends,
Have you ever visited the Intensive Care Unit or Trauma Centre of a hospital? If not, you should do so without losing time because when you make a visit to these centres, you get to see the pitiable condition of accident victims. You will see youngsters, who had their whole life in front of them, lying with their limbs amputated. You have the dear ones of these victims, some of fiom are in a vegetable condition, sitting next to them, hoping that their sons or daughters would open their eyes and recognise them. What is behind all this grief? Lack of road safety.
I’m here to address you on road safety as our college is celebrating Road Safety Week in association with the RTO. I want to create awareness about the traffic rules to be followed. Isn’t it ironic that we have to be fined rules which have been formulated for our own safety?
Dear friends, when you speed up, when you abstain from wearing a helmet, when you use the mobile while driving, please remember that it’s your life and you can’t play with your life.
Be careful, be safe and don’t endanger the safety of others.
Thank you. Have a safe future.
3. You are the student secretary of the college association. Your college has invited Dr. S.R. Rao, eminent scientist of R.R. Institute, Bangalore to address the students. You have to introduce the guest and welcome him. You can use the following hints:
a. Name of the guest: Dr. S.R. Rao
b. Educational qualification: M.Sc. (Physics) Ph.D. (Nuclear Physics)
c. Work profile: Started career as a lecturer in a local college
– Completed PhD. in 2001
– Joined R.R. Institute as Senior Scientist
– Became the Director of HR. Institute in 2010.
d. Interests – Photography and painting.
Dignitaries on the dais, off the dais and my dear friends,
It’s said that a few highly endowed men can save the world for centuries to come. It is certainly not an exaggeration to consider Dr. S.R. Rao one such endowed man because his contributions to mankind are remarkable.
Dr. S.R. Rao, a Ph.D. holder in Nuclear Physics, started his career as a lecturer after completing his M.Sc. in Physics. He climbed the professional ladder swiftly and became the Director of R.R. Institute in 2010. His specialty lies in the fact that he has used his knowledge of Nuclear Physics to do constructive work like converting a land full of quarry to a fertile region. He has also been instrumental in developing villages because he believes that the future of India lies in its villages and not cities. He has been conferred with Karnataka Rajyotsava Award for his yeoman service in the field of Nuclear Physics and it is our good fortune that we have him with us as our Guest of Honour.
While welcoming him on behalf of all of you, and on my own behalf of course, 1 want to tell you all that, those of you who are not students of Physics, can avail of this opportunity to discuss photography and painting with Dr. S.R. Rao as these are his hobbies.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Dr. S.R. Rao – a multi-faceted personality – and I request Dr. Rao to enlighten us on many of his innovations and unique ideas.
Thank you.
Get the quick tips to improve English with the help of Karnataka 2nd PUC English Chapter Wise Notes. One of the simplest approaches to learn English is KSEEB 2nd PUC English Grammar. Follow Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board 2nd PUC Notes for better practice. Download KSEEB 2nd PUC English Solutions PDF for free. Karnataka 2nd PUC English Workbook Answers Streams Speech Writing notes for quick preparation of exams. Note down all the key points and begin your learning to get the best results in the exam. Karnataka 2nd PUC English includes chapter wise explanations for all the topics.