2nd PUC Geography Question Bank Chapter 3 Human Economic Activities

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Karnataka 2nd PUC Geography Question Bank Chapter 3 Human Economic Activities

2nd PUC Geography Human Economic Activities One Mark Questions with Answers

I. Answer the following in a word or a sentence each:

Question 1.
What do you mean by Economic Activities?
The activities pursued by Human beings perform to satisfy their needs of food, clothing, shelter and other are known are ‘Economic Activities’.

Question 2.
What are Primary Activities?
Primary Activities such as food gathering, hunting, lumbering, animal rearing, fishing, agriculture & mining etc.


Question 3.
What are Secondary Activities?
The activities of the man which converts the raw materials into finished goods. All industrial activities are secondary activities.

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Question 4.
What is Lumbering?
Lumbering is an art of Gathering forest products for livelihood by Man.

Question 5.
What is Hunting?
Hunting Was the practice of killing wild animal for Food, Skin, Recreation & Trade.

Question 6.
What is Agriculture?
Agriculture is an art of tilling the soil for the purpose of raising crops to provide food for the man & fodder for the animals.

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Question 7.
What is meant by Animal Rearing?
Domestication of Animals for a specific purpose such as milk, meat, bones, skins, hair & wool is known as Animal rearing.

Question 8.
What is an Industry
The activities which are related to manufacturing are called Industry.

Question 9.
What is Minning?
Minning refers to the Extraction of the minerals from the Earth such as Iron ore, Manganese, Gold, Coal, Diamond and Petroleum.

Question 10.
What are the tertiary occupations?
It includes all kinds of services, retail, entertainment, banking, education, healthcare, transportation & communication.

Question 11.
What is Fishing.
The term fishing refers to the large scale catching of fishes, crabs, sharks etc in the seas and rivers.

Question 12.
What is Jhumming or Shifting Cultivation?
Changing of agricultural regions again & again due less soil fertility is known as Jhumming or Shifting cultivation.

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Question 13.
What is meaning of Sedentary forming.
Growing of crops in a given region permanently without changing the place with the help of family members and by using domestic animals.

Question 14.
Mention the name of shifting cultivation in Central America and Mexico.

Question 15.
Write the name of shifting cultivation in Indonesia and Malaysia.

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Question 16.
What are Agro based industries?
The group of industries which are depending on Agriculture for the raw material purposes for ex: Cotton, Jute & Sugarcane industries etc.

Question 17.
What are Forest based Industries?
The group of industries which are depending on Forest for the raw material purpose For ex: Paper, Rubber industries etc.

Question 18.
What are’Mineral based industries?
The group of industries which are depends on mineral for ores can be called as Mineral based industries for ex: Iron ore, Bauxite etc.

2nd PUC Geography Human Economic Activities Two Marks Questions with Answers

Question 1.
Differentiate between Secondary and Tertiary Activities?
The processing and conversion of raw materials into useful products are concidard as Secondary activities.
Where as Tertiary sector is basically the part of the Economy that helps both the sectors of Primary and Secondary it includes all kinds of services.

Question 2.
Mention the different technique of Mining?
The different technique of Mining are:

  • Open Cast mining
  • Underground mining
  • Shaft mining.

Question 3.
Bring out the importance of Secondary occupation? ,
The importance of Secondary occupation are:

  • (a) They provide employment to the people.
    (b) They help to modernize the Agricultural sector by providing Tractors, Fertilises, Manures
  • and Scientific Technology.

Question 4.
What are the different types of Fishing?
The different types of Fishing are:
(a) Fresh water fishing (b) Coastal fishing and
(c) Open sea fishing.

Question 5.
Why lumburing has developed in cold temperate regions of the world?
Coniferous forest region is ideal for the gathering forest products for livelihood by man. Which is found in cold temperate region. So it encrages largely on this part of the World.

Question 6.
Write a short note on Food Gathering.
Gathering of products from nature to fulfill their basic needs like food, clothing and shelter. In some parts of the world, the people lead a simple life depanding upon the nature for thier livelihood like collect the wild fruits roots, nuts, leaves for the food, bark of trees, leaves and grass for clothing, branches of trees, bamboo, leaves for making their homes for example few nomadic tribes in the world.

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Question 7.
What are the basic requirements of the human being.
(a) food
(b) clothing
(c) shelter and
(d) others.

Question 8.
Mention the factors which influences the Economic activities of the man.
(a) Geographical factors.
(b) Economic factors.
(c) Socio-cultural factors etc.

Question 9.
Name any four important Hunting region of the world.
(a) The Indians of Amazon Basin
(b) The Pigmies of the Congo basin (Zaire)
(c) The semangs of Malaysia &
(d) The Bushman of Kalahari desert.

Question 10.
Write the four important reasons configerous forestes is mpst suitable for the Lumbering activities.
(a) Single variety of trees are distributed in a large area.
(b) Wood is utilized for the manufacturing of Wood pulp, Paper and building materials.
(c) Modem scientific technology has help in cutting the trees easily.
(d) Adequate transport facilities are available.

Question 11.
What are uses of Animal rearing.
(a) Source of employment for the formers.
(b) Source of income for the former & revenue to the Government.
(c) For animal products like milk, meat, bones, skins, hair and wool etc.
(d) Source of natural manure for the agriculture.

2nd PUC Geography Human Economic Activities Five Marks Questions with Answers

Question 1.
Explain animal rearings in the world? ‘
Domestication of animals for the purpose of animal products like milk, meat, bones, hair & wool is known as animal rearing.

Regions of animal rearing in the world :
Animal rearing is carried on two methods

  1. Traditional methods
  2. Modem method.

1. Traditional methods:
(a) Under this method the Fulani of Nigeria and the Masai of East Africa are the cattle herders in the tropical grasslands. Where the grass is short sheep and goats are reared. The animals provides milk, meat & wool to the Masai people.
(b) The Bedouins of Sahara migrate with their cattle and goat in search of pasture. The Kirghiz of Central Asia in the past, had large flocks of sheep. Now it reduced because they are leading a settled life.

2. Modern method:

  • Commercial grazing use scientific methods rearing animals which doesnot depend entirely on natural Grasslands. Fodder crops like com & grasses like alfalfa are cultivated over extensive areas and the animals are fed.
  • It is practiced in temperate grass lands namely, Praires of North America, Pampas of South America, steppers of Asia, downs of Australia. In USA and Argentina beef cattle are reared on large scale.

Question 2.
Explain Agriculture in detail.
Agriculture is an art of tilling the soil for the purpose of raising the crops to provide food for
the man and fodder for the animal.

Methods of Agriculture:

  • Subsistence farming: Through people needed a regular supply of food they started growing of crops only to fulfill their family not for the sale.
  • Shifting cultivation: The tribal people move from one place to another clearing the forests for growing crops. When soil fertility’ is exhausted new patches of forest land is cleared again for the Cultivation. It is called shifting cultivation or jhumming.
  • Sedentary farming: Growing of crops in same region again and again by using domestic animals for Ploughing, Manures, Chemical fertilizers etc. there was no need to migrate.
  • Commercial farming: Growing of crops with Scientific technology. Plantation agriculture was introduced with huge investments.

Percentage of people involved in agriculture is declining. It is only 4% in UK. It is 60% in India, 80% Kenya. Agriculture is mechanized in the developed countries.

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Question 3.
What is Mining? Explain the types, advantages and disadvantages of mining.
Mining refers to the extraction of the minerals from the earth such as Iron ore, Manganese, Gold, Coal, Diamond and Petroleum. ‘

Types of the Mining:

  1. Open cast mining: Extracting the mineral ore is by removing the soil for example: Coal &„ Iron ore.
  2. Under ground mining: The method of extracting mineral ore’s from the greater depth through drilling and pumping for example: Petroleum & Natural gas.
  3. Shaft mining: It is a method obtain minerals that are located at greater depth for example: Coal, lead, Iron ore etc.


  • It’s the source of employment.
  • Which supplies valuable minerals ore’s to the mankind.
  • It provides raw materials to the mineral based industries.
  • It develops secondary and tertiary activities of the human beings.


  • Depletion of the environment for ex: iron ore mining in Bellary has creates environmental degradation in Karnataka.
  • Minerals are exhaustible in its nature.
  • Water resource are affected and polluted.
  • Both flora and fauna are affected by mining.

Question 4.
Explain Fishing in detail.
The term fishing refers to the catching of fishes, crabs, sharks and collection of sea-shells from, the seas and freshwater.

Types of Ashing:
Based on fishing grounds, fishing has been divided into 3 categories:

  1. Fresh water Ashing: Carried out in ponds, tanks, rivers and lakes (mainly Inland)
  2. Coastal fishing: Carried out along the sea coast.
  3. Open sea Ashing: Carried out in open the sea coast on a large scale.

The developing countries are following primitive methods like Bows, Arrows, Bare-Hands, Small nets or Small Boats. Whereas in the developed countries of the world modem techniques of catching fish are used modem fishing vessels, open sea fishing day and night. The large ships as floating factories that completes the process of catching and packing into tins. Fishing has developed in Japan, USA, Baltic states, UK and Norway on a commercial scale.

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Question 5.
Differentiate between tertiary and quaternary activities.
Tertiary activities:

  • Tertiary services occur at different stages some are confined to industry, some to people & few to both industry and people.
  • Transport services are also provided to the individual consumers.
  • Different services rendered by the teachers, musicians, physicians and lawyers.

In developed countries of world about 75% of people are engaged in services compared to the developing countries. The trend of employment in the tertiary sector is increasing.

Quaternary activities:

  • It refers to the economic activities that deals with the handling and processing of knowledge and information like software, sports, recrations etc.
  • The quaternary occupation along with the tertiary occupations have replaced most of the Primary and Secondary employment for the economic growth of a nation.
  • They are not tied to resources, but localized by market.

Question 6.
Explain the Secondary occupations?
Industries are concerned with processing and conversion of raw metrials into finished goods these are called as Secondary occupations.

  • The manufacturing industries play an important role in the Economic Development of a country.
  • Advancement of modem technology, huge capital, skilled labour etc these are created employment opportunities and improved the standard of the people.
  • They helps in earning good foreign exchange in the developed countries like Western, Europe, Russia, USA and Japan more people engaged in secondary than the primary occupations.

Importance of Secondary occupation:

  • They provide employment to the people.
  • They help to modernize the agriculture sector by providing tractor, tillers, fertilizers, manures and scientific technology.
  • They reduces the pressure on agriculture sector by employing more labour in Industries.
  • The industrial hubs can develop trade, education, transport and communication, banking etc.

Question 7.
What is the meaning of Hunting? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the Hunting.
It is the practice of killing the wild animal for food, skin, recreation and trade.

Advantages of the Hunting:

  • For food: Animals like deer, duck, squirrels etc were hunted for the sake of food.
  • Hunting also provides clothing and shelter to the tribal people. ‘
  • Fur and hide were used to make clothes.


  •  We are hunting the entire animal community for ex: Wolves whales, Tigers Lions are decreasing in its number because we are killing them to the maximum extent.
  • Hunting of marine life (aquatic animals and plants) is leading to the imbalance of oxygen in seas, oceans etc.
  • This creates ecological imbalance it results of environmental pollutions etc.

Question 8.
Explain the classification of the Industries.
The industrial sector has been classified into following groups based on the source of raw materials.

  1. Agro based Industries.
  2. Forest based Industries.
  3. Mineral based Industries.

1. Agro based Industries: The group of industries which are depending on agriculture for the raw materials for ex: Cotton for cotten textile Industries, Jute for Jute industries, Sugarcane for Sugar industry & Sericulture for silk Industry.

2. Forest based Industries: The group of industries which are depending on forest for the raw materials for ex: Bamboo for Paper industry, Rubber for Rubber industry etc.

3. Mineral based Industries: The group of Industries which are depending on minerals for ores for ex: Iron ore for Iron and steel industry, Bauxite for Aluminium Industry.

Thus secondary occupation are concerned with manufacturing and constructions therefore primary and secondary economic activities are interdependant & co-related.

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