KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 English Prose Chapter 8 The Dinner Party

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Karnataka State Board Class 5 English Prose Chapter 8 The Dinner Party

The Dinner Party Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes


I. Answer the following questions

Question 1.
Who are the hosts and guests in the story?
A colonial official and his wife, army officers and government official and their wives.


Question 2.
Describe the place where the dinner is hosted
Dining room, which has a bare marble floor, open rafters and wide glass doors opening onto a veranda.

Question 3.
What is the young girl discussing with the colonel?
A woman’s unfailing reaction in any crisis and a man’s nerve control.

Question 4.
According to the colonel Who has greater self-control, the man or the woman?

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Question 5.
Why do you think that the American did not join the discussion?
The American is a naturalist, who just observes others and studies their reactions. So he did not join the discussion.

Question 6.
What did the hostess want her servants to do? Why?
The hostess wants her servant to place a bowl of milk on the Veranda Just outside the open doors. Because a cobra had just crawled over her feet.

Question 7.
Do you think this action was a routine one?

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Question 8.
What made the naturalist think that there must be a cobra in the room?
In India milk in a bowl means only one thing bait for a snake. He realizes there must be cobra in the room.

Question 9.
Where did the American search for the cobra?
He looked up at the rafters – the likeliest place, but they were bare. The three of the room were empty, and in the fourth, the servants were waiting to serve the next course. So he deduced that the cobra might be under the table.

Question 10.
What did the American do to test the self-control of the people at the dinner party?
When the American Naturalist concluded that the cobra was under the table his first impulse was to jump back and warn others. But he did not want to frighten others and the cobra into striking one of them. In a sobering tone, he announced that he just wanted to know what self – control everyone at the table had.

He challenged them that he will start counting to three hundred – that’s five minutes and asked everyone to not move a muscle, and those who moved will lose fifty rupees. All the twenty guests sit like stone images while he counted. When he was counting two hundred and eight – the cobra emerged from under the table and went to the veranda where the bowl of milk was placed. When the guests saw the cobra, they were shocked and started, screaming. But the American quickly jumped up and slammed the veranda doors safely shut.

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Question 11.
Who shows greater self-control in the stray The American guest or the hostess?
The Hostess.

Question 12.
How does the American figure out that there is a cobra under the table?
The American naturalist, while watching the hostess observes a strange expression come over the face of the hostess. She was staring straight ahead, he muscles contracting slightly.

She gestured to the servant standing behind her chain and whispered something to him. The servant’s eyes widened and he quickly left the room. The American then noticed that the servant placed a bowl of milk on the veranda just outside the open doors. In India, Milk in a bowl means – bait for a snake.

He looked up at the rafters – the likeliest place, but they were bare. The three of the room were empty, and in the fourth, the servants were waiting to serve the next course. So he deduced that the cobra might be under the table.

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Question 13.
The colonel believes that women behave very differently from men in a crisis. Do you agree with the colonet’s belief.
Yes, I agree that women behave very differently from men in a crisis. Women have more patience though the cobra was crawling across Mrs. Wynnes’s feet she kept her self – control.

Question 14.
How do you describe the followings:
a) The American Naturalist:
He is the one who kept control of the difficult situation in the lesson.

b) Mrs. Wynnes:
She realised that a cobra was in the room. Because it was crawling across her foot. But she kept her self – control.

c) The colonel:
The colonel is a male-centric person. He believed that men have more nerve control than woman.

d) The servants:
The servants were obedient and discrete.

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Language Exercise

I. Use the following words in sentences of your own.

  • Forfeit: The student cheated in the exams, so he had to for diet an year of schooling.
  • Sobar: The children were playing daily in the garden, but they all turned sober when they saw a cobra, crawling about.
  • Gesture: The teacher gestured at Nagaraj and called him to solve the Maths problem on the blackboard.
  • Stare: It is not right to stare at physically handicapped people.

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In one of the earlier lessons you have learnt the functions of adjectives. In this lesson lets learn how the three different forms of degrees of adjective are formed.

The three different forms/degree of adjectives are

  1. The Positive degree
  2. The Comparative degree
  3. The Superlative degree

Usually, the comparative degree is formed by the addition of ‘er’ to the positive degree form ex: tall-taller short – shorter
The superlative degree is usually formed by the addition of ‘est’.

ex: strong stronger strongest broad broader broadest near nearer nearest Now, form the comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives given below

Positive Comparative Superlative

  1. fine – finer – finest
  2. sweet – sweeter – sweetest
  3. dear – dearer – dearest
  4. high – higher – highest
  5. fair – fairer – fairest
  6. long – longer – longest
  7. weak – weaker – weakest
  8. fair fairer fairest
  9. cool – coller – coolest
  10. low – lower – lowest
  11. bold – bolder – boldest
  12. few – fewer – fewest

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II. Match the adjectives given in column ‘A’ with the words given in B’

1. Brillianti) sea
2. Sharpii) light
3. loudiii) shower
4. juicyiv) knife
5. heavyv) fruit
6. busyvi) noise
7. roughvii) cut
viii) street


1. Brilliantii) light
2. Sharpiv) knife
3. loudvi) noise
4. juicyv) fruit
5. heavyiii) shower
6. busyviii) street
7. roughi) sea

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III. Complete the phrases below using appropriate adjectives

  1. a delicious meal
  2. a rough sea
  3. a cute child
  4. a gold ring
  5. a terrible accident
  6. a barking dog
  7. an interesting story
  8. a tough task
  9. a good friend
  10. a beautiful hat

IV. Write five sentences of your own using any of the completed phrases above.

  1. Nazir read a thrilling story about pirates.
  2. My uncle has a harking dog.
  3. Francis is a good friend.
  4. Arabian sea is a rough sea.
  5. My mother prepared a delicious meal.

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The Dinner Party Summary In English

The Dinner Party Summary In English 1

The lesson ‘The Dinner Party” written by Mona Gardner explains about the importance of self-control. A colonial official and his wife are giving a large dinner party for the army officers and government officials and their wives, and a visiting American naturalist. A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl and a woman.

The American notices the servant place a bowl of milk on the veranda just outside the open doors. He realizes there must be cobra in the room. The American told all that he would count three hundred, that was five minutes and not one of you is to move a muscle.

The Dinner Party Summary In English 2

Those who move will forfeit fifty rupees. The twenty people sat like stone images by the ti pie the cobra emerged and went to the varanda where the bowl of milk kept. The colonel appreciated the American who has just shown us an example of perfect control.

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The Dinner Party Summary In Kannada

The Dinner Party Summary In Kannada 1
The Dinner Party Summary In Kannada 2
The Dinner Party Summary In Kannada 3

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