English Lesson 1 Healthy Life Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 English Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. Practicing on a daily basis with Karnataka Class 7 English Solutions PDF will help to improve your English learning strength. Hence we suggest the students to Download Karnataka Class 7 English Chapter pdf to enhance your knowledge. The answers in this Karnataka Board Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Work is Worship.
Karnataka State Board Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Work is Worship
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Work is Worship Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes
I. Take turns with your partner to or answer these questions. Explain to him/her why you think your answer is correct. Quote from the text if necessary. Write down your answers. Underline The word/ words that complete these sentences.
Question 1.
In this poem the poet is addressing you, the reader / the worker / the worshiper.
The worshiper
Question 2.
The poet sounds angry / irritated/ impatient
Question 3.
The poet is ordering / admonishing / advising the worshiper.
Question 4.
The poet is asking the worshiper five questions / four questions / three questions. (scan the poem to find out)
Three questions
Question 5.
The poet does not know the answers / thinks the worshiper knows the answers /wants to make the worshiper think deeply.
Wants to make the worshiper think deeply
Question 6.
The poet gives two examples / three examples / four examples / of what pleases God.
Three examples
Question 7.
The poet does not tell the worshipper where to find God.
Not True
Question 8.
The worshipper does not tell the poet what he really wants.
Not True.
Question 9.
The worshipper tells the poet that he does not want to take rebirth. So for the sake of deliverance, he worships God.
Yes, so for the sake of deliverance he worships God.
Question 10.
The Creator is happy when he has no work to do
Not True.
Question 11.
Give your own examples of hard work that can please God.
In our school, we are taught to help others as we can. So after school, I’ll teach children besides my house who cannot attend the school I think whatever good deeds are done by us pleases god. Every Saturday and Sunday I spend two hours in old age homes and serve them These are my own examples of pleasing god. I do this for my self-satisfaction rather please the god.
Question 12.
Give one or two examples of people who pleased God by their hard work.
Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhiji are two examples of people who pleased God. Mother Teresa pledged her life to serve mankind.
Gandhiji brought independence threw non-violence and the hunger strike shows his hard work. He saw God in the soul of every human being and worked hard for mankind.
Question 13.
Do the last two lines talk about death? Discuss this point with your partner.
No, the last two lines do not talk about death. The two lines just say to devotees to realize God in himself through hard work.
Work is Worship Additional Questions
Question 1.
Where according to Tagore, is God to be found?
God is found where the tiller is tilling the ground, and with the man who makes the path, breaking stones. According to Tagore, God is with the people doing socially useful productive work.
Question 2.
What is the central idea of the poem?
Poet Tagore asks people to stop singing and telling of beads sitting in the dark comer of the temple with doors all shut, which is sitting in ignorance with their minds shut to reality.
Question 3.
What does ‘open thine eyes’ mean?
Poet asks people ‘to open their eyes’. He wants to come out of ignorance and realize the God is not found in temples but in the tillers and path makers. That is God is found in hard work.
Question 4.
Where according to the poet is deliverance to be found?
The poet says that God has taken upon himself the bonds off creation and is bouned with us all forever. It means that God is to be round in each one of us. We must realize the god in ourselves and this can be done only through hard work only then we will achieve deliverance.
Question 5.
What according to the poet is the ultimate aim of man?
The ultimate aim of man is salvation or the liberation from rebirth. This can be achieved only by realizing God in ourselves through hard work, for only then can achieve deliverance.
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
Tagore advices us to
a) Worship God in our houses
b) sing in praise of god
c) wear holy mantle ‘
d) Work hard like farmers
d) Work hard like farmers
Question 2.
God is pleased with our
a) Chanting and singing
b) doing socially useful and beneficial work
c) telling beads and wearing mantles
d) worshiping every day
b) doing socially useful and beneficial work
Question 3.
According to the poet, chanting singing, and telling of beads
a) meaningful
b) meaningless
c) sensible
d) worth doing
b) meaningless
Question 4.
Poet advices the devotee to
a) find god outside the temple
b) do socially useful work
c) give up praying
d) stop carrying flowers to the temple.
b) do socially useful work
Question 5.
The words “tattered” and “stained” symbolise
a) tilling the ground
b) hard work
c) cutting stones
d) torn clothes
b) hard work
Question 6.
Deliverance is to be found
a) in the temples
b) in chanting prayers
c) in hard work
d) in the dusty soil
d) in the dusty soil
Question 7.
Open thine eyes means
a) wake up
b) see what is around him
c) come out of ignorance
d) realize that’s morning
c) come out of ignorance
Work is Worship by Rabindranath Tagore About the Author:
Rabindranath Tagore, the famous poet, short story writer, song composer, essayist, novelist, painter, philosopher, social reformer, and dramatist came into prominence when he was awarded the Nobel prize in 1913. Gurudev or Tagore of simply Rabindranath was born into an affluent and brilliant talented family on May 7, 1861. His grandfather Dwarkanath Tagore had amassed great wealth through in¬vestment and speculation in coal mines, indigo, and sugar mills.
Rabindranath was the youngest son of Rabindranath Tagore, a leader of Brahma Samaj. He started an experimental school at Shantiniketan where he tried his Upanishadic ideals of education. Later in 1901, he founded ViswaBharti University at Shantiniketan at Bolpur that grew into an international university.
Some of his famous works are ‘Gitanjali’ ‘Gora’ ‘The crescent moon’, ‘Fruit Gathering’, ‘Lover’s gift’, ‘The gardener’. His short stories include ‘Kabuliwallah’ ‘The post office’ ‘The Hungry Stones’ etc.
His fame spread far and wide taking him across continents on lecture tours for the world he became the voice of India’s spiritual heritage, and for India especially for Bengal, he became a great living institution. Tagore, the internationally famous thinker, philosopher, and educationist died in Calcutta, now Kolkata on August 7, 1941.
Work is Worship Summary In English
Tagore says that God is not just confined to the temple where the devotee sits with his mind all shut. He advises the devotee to give up the chanting, singing, and telling of beads. He asks the devotes to open his eyes, come out of ignorance, and see that God is not before him. According to him, God is found where the tiller is tilling the land and the path-maker is breaking the stones.
He is with them in sun and rain and his garment is covered with dust. The poet asks the devotee to put off his holy mantle, and like a god, come down on dusty soil, The poet says that deliverance is not to be found in the temples. God has taken upon himself the bounds of creation and is bound with us forever. So he asks the devotee to give up his meditation and carrying of flowers and incense to the temple and realize that God is in ourselves.
He asks the devotee to join the tiller and labor hard with him. No harm is done if our clothes are tattered and stained. The poet thus admonished the devotee for sitting inside the temple with his mind shut and asks him to do socially useful productive work.
Work is Worship Summary in Kannada
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