KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 English Prose Chapter 1 A Tiger in the House

English Lesson 1 Healthy Life Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 English Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. Practicing on a daily basis with Karnataka Class 7 English Solutions PDF will help to improve your English learning strength. Hence we suggest the students to Download Karnataka Class 7 English Chapter pdf to enhance your knowledge. The answers in this Karnataka Board Class 7 English Prose Chapter 1 A Tiger in the House.

Karnataka State Board Class 7 English Prose Chapter 1 A Tiger in the House

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A Tiger in the House Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

Speaking, Reading And Writing

C. Converse about these points in the story with your partner. The boy or the girl sitting next to you. Take turns to ask or answer the questions given below. Explain to your partner why you think your answer is correct. Quote from the text if necessary.


A Tiger In The House Question 1.
When did Grandfather discover the tiger cub? Who named him “Timothy”? Who fed him? What was Timothy’s diet?
Grandfather discovered the tiger cub while he was on a hunting expedition in the Terai Jungle near Dehra. Grandfather named the tiger cub “Timothy”.

Grandfather’s cook Mahmoud fed the tiger cub. Initially, Timothy was given only milk. Later on, he was put on a diet of raw mutton and cod liver oil and later by a more tempting diet of pigeons and rabbits.

A Tiger In The House Class 7 Question 2.
Who were Timothy’s two companions? How did they show him that they were not afraid of him?
Timothy’s two companions were ‘Toto’, the monkey, and a small mongrel puppy. ‘Toto’ the monkey was bold enough and always used to pull the young tiger by the tail and the other companion puppy by which the tiger was afraid initially, but finally, it allowed the puppy to crawl on his back and rest there which showed that they were not afraid of him.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 7 English Question 3.
Timothy was more friendly with Toto than with the puppy. (True / not true)
Not True.

A Tiger In The House Questions And Answers Pdf Question 4.
When the boy took Timothy out for walks Why did people in the street give them a wide berth?
Timothy had the size of a full-grown retriever and was scared whether he will attack them and hence whenever the boy took him out for walks would give them a wide berth.

A Tiger In The House Class 7 Questions And Answers Question 5.
Timothy had an air of superiority about him. (True / not true)

KSEEB Solutions For Class 7 English A Tiger In The House Question 6.
Timothy’s wild nature came out gradually. (True / not true)

Class 7 English A Tiger In The House Karnataka State Board Solutions Question 7.
Everyone took Grandmother’s warning seriously. (True / not true)

The Tiger In The House Question 8.
What changes in Timothy made Grand-father decide to transfer him to a zoo?
When Timothy was about six months old certain changes came over him.

  1. He grew steadily less friendly.
  2. Whenever he was taken out for a walk, he would try to steal away to stalk a cat or someone’s pet.
  3. He started killing animals in the poultry house and the grandfather used to see feathers all over the veranda the next day morning.
  4. Timothy had to be chained up more after.
  5. Finally when he started stalking Mahmoud in the house which looked like a villainous intent. This above behavior of Timothy made grandfather take a decision to transfer the dog to a zoo.

A Tiger In The House Question Answer Question 9.
Why did Grandfather say to the tiger, “Good night Timothy”?
Grandfather said “Good night” because it was already getting dark and maybe it was his last meeting. He still believed that the tiger was Timothy.

A Tiger In The House Lesson Question Answers Question 10.
Why did the tiger begin to lick Grandfather’s hand with more and more relish?
Tiger felt that the grandfather was a friendly person and he will not do any harm to him: The grandfather had put both hands around the tiger’s head, stroked its forehead, and ticked his ear.

He also smacked him across the mouth whenever he growled. When the leopard in the next cage snarled at him, the grandfather shooed the leopard away. All these actions of grandfather made the tiger lick his hands with more and more relish.

A Tiger In The House Notes Question 11.
Why did Grandfather give a scornful look to the keeper?
Timothy licked Grandfather’s hands and only sprang away when a leopard in the next cage snarled at him. Grandfather shooed the leopard away, and the tiger returned to lick his hands, but every now and then the leopard would rush at the bars, and the tiger would slink back to his comer.

E. Supply the missing words in the following sentences.

  1. Grandfather knew no one would have a tiger as a co-traveler.
  2. The onlookers thought Grandfather and the tiger were close friends.
  3. The tiger was relieved, but the leopard was tense.


i. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate adverbs or adverb phrases given below

(when, as, while, till(or until) after, since, as long as, whenever, and once)

  1. Whenever I go to the zoo I do not forget to say ‘hello’ to my tiger.
  2. He was shocked as I went near the tiger.
  3. As I was relaxed the tiger was also relaxed, but once I showed the signs of nervousness the tiger became nervous too.
  4. When I gave my hand to it the tiger began to lick it.
  5. I haven’t seen my tiger since it ran away from our house.
  6. While I was saving ‘goodbye’ to mv tiger the superintendent came.
  7. As long as I was petting the tiger the leopard in the next cage snarled at him.
  8. “Wait till I ring you up. ” the zoo superintendent said.
  9. We waited for the tiger until it was, dark.
  10. They had left before we reached there.
  11. I came just after he had hit all six sixes in that over. I missed it.

ii. Questions ending with Prepositions. A Preposition shows the relation of one word to some other word or words in a sentence.

The most important prepositions are ___ in, at, by, from, for, of, on, to, up, till, until, with, above, before, behind, between, into, against etc.

Supply the missing prepositions in the dialogues given below:

1. Grandmother: Where is Timothy?
Mother: He has gone out.
Grandmother: Gone out? Who with?
Bond: With Mahamoud.

2. Mahmoud: Grandfather was shouting at me.
Mother: What for?
Mahmoud: For not tying up Timothy

3. Bond: Grandfather has brought home a tiger cub!
Grandmother: At tiger cub? Where from?
Bond: From the jungle.

4. Superintendent: Sir, Why are you standing at that cage?
Grandfather: I have been conversing with Timothy.
Superintendent: Really? For how long?

G Writing

Look at this newspaper report:
Leopard goes to school in Mysore, shifted to the zoo. (Heading of a news item in “Deccan Herald” April-3,2013)
A News Reporter is presenting this news item in a humorous way. But this is a serious matter. You might have read about other incidents like this. We think this is a problem for us. But isn’t it a problem for them too?
Discuss with your teacher why wild animals stray into villages and even cities. Suggest what we should do about it. Write down a paragraph on this topic.
[Ruskin Bond: Indian author of British descent. (19.5.1934) Awarded Sahitya Academy Award (1992); Padamshre (1999) for contribution to Children’s Literature. He now lives with his adopted family in Landour, near Mussoorie]

V. Topic: Why wild animals stray into villages and even cities.

Animals, even we humans belong to the animal kingdom. The difference is, we know how to express our views, through speaking, writing, etc. Man for his luxurious life started to cut trees, hunt animals to eat, to make decorative materials, etc, innumerable animals have become extinct. As the animals had no shelter as there are no forests. So animals are entering villages and cities. The cause for all these is directly or indirectly beings human.

Tiger In The House Class 7 Additional Questions And Answers

I. Choose the correct answer.

Tiger In The House Question 1.
Grandfather discovered the cub in me ____ jungle.
a) on the road
b) Dehr
c) Total
d) forest
c) Total

KSEEB Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 1 Question 2.
Cub was put on a diet of ____ and _____ .
a) milk and food
b) Olive oil and chicken
c) only veg foods
d) raw mutton and cod liver oil
d) raw mutton and cod liver oil

A Tiger In The House Lesson Question 3.
Timothy was provided with two companions _____ and _____ .
a) Rabbit and monkey
b) Grandfather and cook
c) Toto and mongrel
d) None
c) Toto and mongrel

Class 7 English A Tiger In The House Question 4.
Timothy slept at night in
a) drawing room
b) besides to grandfather
c) cook’s quarters
d) on the sofa
c) cook’s quarters

Tiger In The House Lesson Question 5.
It was decided to transfer Timothy to a Zoo in
a) Dehradun
b) Lucknow
c) Mysore
d) Hyderabad
b) Lucknow

II. Fill in the blanks.

  1. Tiger Timothy was given a more tempting diet of ____ and ____
  2. The author of the lesson is _______
  3. The favorite place of tiger Timothy was ______ room.
  4. Zoo authorities were too glad to receive the tiger because it was ______ and civilized.
  5. The keeper said Timothy died of _______


  1. Pigeons, Rabbits
  2. Ruskin Bond
  3. drawing
  4. well-fed
  5. pneu

III. Match the following:

1. Timothya) stayed at a safe distance
2. gave a wide berthb) monkey and mongrel
3. prophetic mannerc) saying things in advance
4. crafty lookd) move quickly as if jumping
5. springe) cleverly decitful look


1. Timothyb) monkey and mongrel
2. gave a wide bertha) stayed at safe distance
3. prophetic mannerc) saying things in advance
4. crafty look e) cleverly decitful look
5. spring d) move quickly as if jumping

IV. Additional Questions

The Tiger In The House Question Answer Question 1.
What was one of the most of Timothy’s favourite amusements?
His favourite amusements were to stalk anyone who would play with him.

A Tiger In The House Pdf Question 2.
How was Timothy’s behaviour with the puppy?
At first, Timothy appeared to be quite afraid of the puppy and darted back with spring if it came too near. He would make absurd dashes at it with his large forepaws and then retreat to a ridiculously safe distance and finally allowed the puppy to crawl on his back and rest there.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 7 English First Language Question 3.
What were the clean habits that Timothy had?
Timothy would scrub his face with his paws exactly like a cat. He slept at night in the cook’s quarters and was delighted at being let out by him in the morning.

A Tiger In The House Questions And Answers Question 4.
How was the tiger’s behaviour with the grandfather at the zoo?
Tiger approached the bars and allowed grandfather to put both hands around his head. Grandfather stroked the tiger’s forehead and tickled his ear, and whenever he growled, smacked him across the mouth, which was his old way of keeping him quiet.

7th Standard English Notes Question 5.
What was that surprised by the grandfather?
About six months later, when grandfather visited the zoo he made straight to a particular cage in which Timothy had been interned. Grandfather had been stroking and slapping Timothy for about five minutes when he recognized the keeper who had been there when Timothy had first come to the zoo. The Keeper said, Timothy died two months ago suffering from pneumonia and this tiger was the one which was trapped in the hills last month and he is very dangerous.

A Tiger In The House Class 7 Pdf Question 6.
How can you say that Timothy had an air of superiority about him?
Whenever Timothy was taken out for a walk, he pulled hard on his chain and it would be difficult in keeping with him. He would make himself comfortable on a long sofa, reclining there with great dignity and snarling at anybody who tried to get him off. This shows his superiority about himself.

A Tiger In The House Question Answers Question 7.
What did Toto do to entertain Timothy?
Toto was a monkey. He teased Timothy and pulled his tail.

7th Class English Government Textbook Answers Question 8.
What did he do when Timothy lost his Temper?
Toto climbed up the curtains and got beyond reach ofTimothywhenhe lost his temper

Class 7th English A Tiger In The House Question 9.
What was grandmother’s prophesy about the cook? Did it come true?
Grandmother feared that one day Timothy might get violent and eat up Mahmoud because Timothy’s behaviour was changing. No, it did not come true.

A Tiger In The House Class 7 Answers Question 10.
Why did grandfather want Timothy to be put in another enclosure?
Grandfather saw a leopard in the next cage troubling and frightening him. He thought it was the reason for the bad mood of the tiger. So he wanted Timothy to be put in another enclosure.

The Tiger In The House Class 7 Question 11.
What shocked grandfather in the end?
Grandfather was shocked when he came to know that his pet tiger Timothy had died two months back due to pneumonia and the tiger licking his hands was a very dangerous one who was only caught two months back.

7th Standard English Notes Of Lesson 1 Question 12.
Why did tiger begin to lick grandfather’s hand with more and more relish?
As the tiger which was very dangerous caught two months ago was licking with more relish as nobody went near him for the last two months, it may have been thinking of better food.

A Tiger in the House by Ruskin Bond About the Author:

Ruskin Bond was born in Kasauli in the year 1934, and most of his childhood was spent in the midst of Himalayas, He was brought up at different places that included Jamnagar, Dehradun, and Shimla. Most of his writings revolve around the foothills of the Himalayas, especially the Doon valley including Landour, Mussorie, Dehradun.

He wrote his first novel named ‘Room on the roof’ when he was only 17 years. The book made him win the prestigious ‘JohnLewellyn Rhys’ prize that is awarded to British commonwealth writers who are under the age of 30. Ruskin Bond has now been writing for more than 5 decades. His writing style is distinct in a way that makes the reader understand landscape and ethos through carefully mastered words.

Recently one of Ruskin Bond’s short stories has been adapted by Vishal Bharadwaj into a Bollywood movie called ‘Blue Umbrella’ His greatest achievement comes from the fact that several of his short stories been incorporated in the school curriculum all over India.

Inspire of all these successes, Bond can be concluded today as a media-shy and reclusive literary genius. He spends his days with his adopted family at a place close to Dehradun. He received the Sahitya Akademi Award for English writing in India for Our Trees and has been conferred with ‘Padmashri’ (1999) one of the most prestigious awards in India for his contribution to literature.

A Tiger in the House Summary in English

A Tiger in the House Summary in English

The story is about a relationship between a pet and a grandfather. Grandfather found a tiger cub on his hunting expedition and named it as Timothy. Timothy was provided with two companions, a monkey, and a puppy. As Timothy goes on growing his attitude also went on changing. He became less friendly, stole away to stalk a cat, and also there were feathers lying all over the veranda. Grandmother warned about Timothy’s behaviour that one day it may eat up the cook By all these charges in Timothy’s behaviour grandfather decided to transfer Timothy to a zoo.

After 6 months grandfather visited the zoo. Grandfather went straight upto the cage where Timothy was and kept stroking and slapping it for five minutes. As it was becoming dark it was time to say ‘goodbye’. The keeper of the zoo recognised grandfather and keeper said that it was not their tiger.

A Tiger in the House Lesson Summary in English

Timothy had died of pneumonia. This tiger was caught two months ago which was dangerous. Suddenly grandfather was shocked by this, took back his hand and went away quickly saying ‘Goodbye’ to Tiger. At the end, he says ‘goodbye Timothy’ because he still thinks the Tiger as his Timothy without trusting the words of the keeper.

A Tiger in the House Summary in Kannada

A Tiger in the House Summary in Kannada
A Tiger in the House lesson Summary in Kannada
A Tiger in the House Summary in Kannada 3
A Tiger in the House Summary in Kannada 4
A Tiger in the House Summary in Kannada 5

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