KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Economics Chapter 1 Introduction to Economics

Students can Download Economics Chapter 1 Introduction to Economics Questions and Answers, Notes, KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Social Science helps you to revise complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 8 Social Science Economics Chapter 1 Introduction to Economics

Class 8 Social Science Introduction to Economics Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks:

Introduction To Economics Class 8 Question 1.
The word ‘Economics’ originates from the greek root words ______ & ______
Oikos , nomos

Introduction To Economics Questions And Answers Question 2.
The basic economic problems of every individual is ______ & ______
Scarcity & Choice


Introduction To Economics Class 8 Notes Question 3.
The activities that generate income are ______
Economic activities

KSEEBSolutions For Class 8 Social Science Economics Chapter 1 Question 4.
Micro economics is the study of ______ units.

Class 8 Economics Chapter 1 Question 5.
Macro economics is the study of ______ units

II. Answer The Following:

Introduction To Economics 8th Standard Question 1.
What is Economics?
The word “economics” comes from the Greek words “oikos”, meaning “household” and “nomos”, meaning “management”. Thus, economics refers to the art of “household”, “management” that involves using the available means to satisfy the basic needs of the family as well as to prosper.

Introduction To Economics 8th Standard Notes Question 2.
Define scarcity?
Scarcity is the basic problem and the central problem of economics. Scarce means limited. When we have the scarcity of money to buy goods and services we choose the most desirable wants or prioritize them in order of importance.

Introduction To Economics Class 8 Pdf Question 3.
List the different economic activities?
Economic activities are classified into four kinds

  1. Production
  2. Consumption
  3. Exchange
  4. Distribution

Economics Class 8 Question 4.
When you buy a pen, which branch of economics analysis your decision
Microeconomics analysis of our decision.

Introduction To Economics Questions And Answers Pdf Question 5.
Define microeconomics
Microeconomics is the study of decision making to use resources by the smallest components of the society namely households and business terms.

III. Answer the following in three to four sentence each :

KSEEBSolutions For Class 8 Question 1.
What are the economic activities?
We use our skills and labour to earn money and satisfy our wants by using that money. The varied activities which we perform in order to earn money and wealth, for the satisfaction of our wants, are called economic activities.

KSEEBSolutions For Class 8 Social Chapter 1 Question 2.
Why do we need to study economics?
The study of economics

  • Recognize the scarcity of resources against unlimited wants.
  • Economize on the use of resources and search for more efficient ways of using the resources.
  • Contribute to the government’s revenue and assist it in the discharge of its developmental and welfare programmes.
  • Understand the socio-economic problems of the country.

8th Std Social Science Notes Question 3.
Differentiate between micro and macroeconomics?

S.NOMicro EconomicsMacro Economics
1.Study of economics at a very small levelThe economy is a very large entity
2.It is study about individual, households and business firms.It is study about welfare activities, regulation of inflation etc
3.The subject matters are interaction of the buyers, sellers in marketIt is study about unemployment, economic growth, etc

8th Standard Social Science Guide Question 4.
What are the basic economic problems

  1. What to produce The type and quantity of various goods produced depends upon the resource availability on the one hand.
  2. How to produce Weather to use a technology that uses more labour or capital is to be decided by the society.
  3. For whom to produce Every society had to decide the distribution of scarce resources and goods and services among all individuals.

8th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 5.
What are the major economic decisions are taken by the government?

  1. Recognize the scarcity of resources against unlimited wants.
  2. Identifying more important and less importation.
  3. Economize (save) on the use of resources.
  4. Engage in economic activity to support
  5. Development and welfare programs
  6. Poverty, unemployment, inflation, etc and try to provide solutions to same the government which is responsible for maintaining law and order and providing the same.

Class 8 Social Science Introduction to Economics Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer The Following Questions:

8th Class Social Science Notes Question 1.
Who is the father of economics? Write his definition of economics
Adam smith is the father of economics. Economics is the study of wealth.

Karnataka 8th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 2.
Write the definitions of economics

  1. Economics is a study of people in the ordinary business of life – Alfred Marshall (1890).
  2. “Economics is a study of wealth” Adam Smith 1776 (Father of economics)

II. Multiple Choice Questions

1. The people using goods and services are called the _____
a) Labourers
b) distributors
c) producers
d) consumers
d) consumers

2. “Economics is the study of wealth” stated by _____
a) Samuelson
b) Alfred Marshall
c) Adam Smith
d) Lionel Robbins
c) Adam Smith

3. The organisation of economic _____
activities are called
a) Management
b) Economy
c) Economic structure
d) Economic activities
b) Economy

4. Collection of Taxes, Welfare activities, regulation of inflation are matters of _____
a) Macroeconomy
b) Management economy
c) Micro economy
d) Economic activities.
a) Macroeconomy

5. Basic economic problems are _____
a) What to produce?
b) How to produce?
c) For whom to produce?
d) All the above options.
d) All the above options.
