Students can Download Geography Chapter 1 The Earth – Our Living Planet Questions and Answers, Notes, KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Social Science helps you to revise complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.
Karnataka State Syllabus Class 8 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 The Earth – Our Living Planet
Class 8 Social Science The Earth – Our Living Planet Textual Questions and Answers
I. Fill In The Blanks:
The Earth Our Living Planet Question And Answer Question 1.
The total geographical area of the earth is ________ sq. Kms.
1.510 billion
The Earth Our Living Planet Class 8 Question 2.
The shape of the earth is ________
The Earth Our Living Planet Question 3.
The equatorial and polar diameters of the earth is ________ and ________Kms.
3.12756 and 12714
KSEEB Solutions For Class 8 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Question 4.
The 23 1/2° North latitude is called as ________
Tropic of cancer
The Earth Our Living Planet Class 8 Notes Question 5.
The Indian standard time is based on ________ longitude.
82 1/2°
II. Answer The Following Questions
KSEEB Solutions For Class 8 Social Science Question 1.
Why is the Earth called ‘Living Planet’?
The earth is the home for all forms of life-like plants, animals and human beings both on land and water bodies. Because it is situated in a suitable distance from the Sun, range of temperature, life-supporting gasses, atmosphere, water cycle etc.
The Earth Our Living Planet 8th Standard Question 2.
Why arc the Northern and Southern hemispheres called Land and Water Hemispheres?
The land and water bodies are unevenly distributed between the Northern and the Southern hemispheres. The Northern Hemisphere was 60% of land and 40% of water. Therefore it is called the ‘Land Hemisphere’. On the other hand, there is 81% of water and 19% of land in the Southern Hemisphere and so it is called as the ‘Water Hemisphere’.
The Earth Our Living Planet Class 8 Questions And Answers Question 3.
What arc latitudes and longitudes?
Latitudes are an imaginary line which joins all the places which have the same angular distance north or south of the equator. Longitudes are the imaginary lines intersect the equator at a right angle joining the north and south.
The Earth Our Living Planet Class 8 Solutions Question 4.
Mention the difference between local time and standard time.
Local time: The time according to the longitudes of a place or according to the position of Sun at that place is known as the local time. This is based on the local meridian passing over that place. Standard time:- The longitude which passes in the center of a particular nation is known as standard Meridian. The time of standard Meridian is taken as Standard time. Indian Standard Time is based on 82½ East longitude.
KSEEB Solutions For Class 8 Social Question 5.
What is the International Date Line?
A line passing through 180° meridian diametrically opposite to the G.M.T. was appointed as the point where circumnavigators should make adjustments. This line supposed to pass the Pacific ocean along the 180° Meridian but make short detours in order to avoid landmasses. This is known as the International Dateline because the date and day are changed whenever people cross this line by ships or airplanes. Any ship crossing this line from west to east gains a day, while the ship crossing this line from east to west loses a day.
III. Define The Following:
1. Unique planet:
The Earth is called a Unique planet because of its features. It is the only planet that supports life, that is why it is called “Living Planet”. The Earth is the home of all forms of life-like plants, animals and human beings because of its suitable distance from the Sun, range of temperature, life-supporting gases, atmosphere, water cycle etc.
2. Size of the Earth:
The Earth is the fifth largest planet in the Sun’s family. The diameter of the Earth is approximately 4 times greater than the Moon and it is around 107 times less than that of the Sun. The total geographical area of the Earth is 51 Million sq.kms.
3. Geoid:
The Earth’s shape is often described as Geoid, which literally means ‘Earth shaped’, or ‘Oblate spheroid’. The Earth is flattened at the poles and bulges at the equator. The Equatorial diameter of the Earth is 12756 kms and the Polar diameter is 12714 kms Equatorial circumference-40,076 kms and Polar circumference-40,008 kms. The difference of 42 kms in diameter is proof regarding the Geoid shape of the Earth.
4. Continents:
The land bodies of the Earth are known as Continents. There are seven continents, namely Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. The continents are landmasses of large size. Asia is the largest continent in the world while Australia is the smallest continent in the world.
5. Prime Meridian:
Line of longitude are called Meridians (meri-mid and dian -day) because of all places along the same meridian of longitude experience noon or mid-day at the same time. The meridian passing through Greenwich (England) has been chosen as Prime Meridian. It is marked as 0° longitude.
6. Indian Standard Time:
In India, 82½° East longitude is considered as the Standard Meridian of the country. It passes through Allahabad of Uttar Pradesh. The time based on this Meridian is called the Indian Standard Time (1 ST). It is 5 hours and 30 Minutes ahead of G.M.T.
Class 8 Social Science The Earth – Our Living Planet Additional Questions and Answers
I. Multiple Choice Questions:-
1. The Literal meaning of geoid is ________
(a) Round shaped
(b) Flat Shaped
(c) Square shaped
(d) Earth shaped
(d) Earth shaped
2. The ratio between the land and the water bodies is ________
(a) 1 : 2.44
(b) 1 : 2.45
(c) 1 : 2.43
(d) 1 : 2.46
(c) 1 : 2.43
3. Lines of latitudes arc called ________
(a) Meditararian
(b) Medirian
(c) Meridian
(d) Mereurians
(b) Medirian
4. On the Equator, the distance between two consecutive meridians is ________
(a) 110 Kms
(b) 116 Kms
(c) 111 Kms
(d) 101 Kms
(c) 111 Kms
5. The time based on the standard meridian is called ________
(a) 1ST
(b) SIT
(c) STI
(d) TSI
(a) 1ST
6. 23½° North latitude is called ________
(a) Tropical
(b) Tropical region
(c) Tropic of Capricorn
(d) Tropic of cancer.
(d) Tropic of cancer.
II. Fill In The Blanks
KSEEB Solutions For Class 8 Question 1.
The large water bodies on earth are called ________
The Earth – Our Living Planet Class 8 Question 2.
The land and water bodies are unevenly distributed between the _________ and ________ hemispheres.
Northern Southern
KSEEB Solutions For Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Question 3.
The equator (0°) is the longest line of ________
KSEEB Solutions For Class 8 Social Chapter 1 Question 4.
Lines of the longitudes are called which mean ________
The Earth Our Living Planet 8th Standard Notes Question 5.
________ is the smallest and shallowest ocean.
III. Answer The Following Questions
8th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 1.
What are the other names of the earth?
The other names of the earth are ‘Living planet’, ‘unique planet’, ‘watery planet, ‘Blue Planet’.
8th Std Social Science Notes Question 2.
What are Meridians?
Lines of longitudes are called MeridiAnswer:
The Earth Our Living Planet Class 8 Pdf Question 3.
What are the oceans?
The large water bodies on the earth are called oceAnswer:
Karnataka 8th Standard Social Science Notes Pdf Question 4.
What is a grid or graticule?
The horizontal lines are the lines of latitudes and the vertical ones are called lines of longitudes. These lines intersect each other at the right angles and create a network called grid or graticule.
KSEEB Solutions For Class 8th Social Science Question 5.
Name the important oceans of the world.
There are four major oceans they are the pacific ocean, the Atlantic ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.
KSEEB 8th Social Solutions Question 6.
What are the lines of latitudes and longitudes?
To know the position, distance, and west or north and south, a network of lines are drawn on the globe. These are called lines of latitudes and longitudes.