KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 History Chapter 11 The Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta & The Chalukya’s of Kalyana

Students can Download History Chapter 11 The Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta & The Chalukya’s of Kalyana Questions and Answers, Notes, KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Social Science helps you to revise complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 8 Social Science History Chapter 11 The Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta & The Chalukya’s of Kalyana

Class 8 Social Science South The Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta & The Chalukya’s of Kalyana Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks :

Question 1.
The founder of Rashtrakuta dynasty was ……………

Question 2.
The chalukya king of who was responsible for the defeat of Rashtrakuta was ……………
Tailapa – II


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Question 3.
The author of kavirahasya is …………….

Question 4.
The famous poem written by ponna is ………….

Question 5.
The most king among the kalyana chalukya was ………..
Vikramaditya – VI

Question 6.
The person who can be called ‘ the pioneer of social revolution is …………

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II. Answer The Following Questions

Question 1.
How was the administrative system of the Rashtrakutas?
Rashtrakuta kings developed a good administrative system. The king had a council of ministers to assist him in the administration. ‘Mahasandhivigrahi’ a prominent minister used to look after foreign affairs. The kingdom was divided into Rashtra or Mandalas and vishaya, Nadu and Grama.

The leader of the grama was called gramapati or prabhugavunda. He was assisted by a village accountant to look after the financial matters. Some system of administration was adopted in Nadu, Vishaya and the Rashtra. Taxes were collected from different sources.

Question 2.
Write about the educational system under the Rashtrakutas
The Agraharas and Mathas were centers of education. Salotgi in Indi taluk was a great center of education. The number of hostels was established to give shelter to the students who were coming from different parts of the country and abroad. Knowledge was imported about Sanskrit, the Vedas, astrology, logic, and the Puranas.

Question 3.
Write about the Ellora temple.
The Rashtrakutas were patrons of art. The Rashtrakutas built cave temples at Ellora. The Kailasanatha temple at Ellora was built by Krishna I is a monolithic wonder. This temple has been carved from a rock about 100 feet height, 276 feet long, and 154 feet wide. It is the only temple in the world carved ou by a single rock. Nearby is the famous Dashavatara cave temple.

The sculpture at the elephant caves near Mumbai is a milestone in the Rashtrakuta sculpture. The statues of Ardhanarishwara and Maheshamurti have been exquisitely carved. The Rashtrkuta temples are in Shiravala of Raichur district. There is a beautiful Jain temple at Pattadakallu.

Question 4.
How did Kalyan Chalukyas encourage literature?
The kings of Kayana Chalukyas were not only encouraged the literature but also they themselves were a great writer. In both Sanskrit and Kannada languages, many works have been written by various scholars.

Sanskrit: Someswara III one of the kings of this dynasty wrote “Manasollasa”. This is considered s the encyclopedia of Sanskrit. Vadhiraja wrote Yashodhara Charita, Bilhana wrote “Vikramankadeva charitanT, Vignaneshawara wrote ‘Miltakshara’, Nayasena wrote ‘Dharmamruta’.

Kannada: Ranna wrote ‘Gadhayuddha’ and ‘Ajithanatha Purana’, Durga Simha wrote ‘Panchatantra’, Kirthivarma wrote ‘Govydya’. In addition to the traditional works of scholars, many shivasharanas wrote Vachana literature. Basaveswara, Akkamahadevi, Allamaprabhu, Machayya, and others were leading Vachanakaras.

Class 8 Social Science South The Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta & The Chalukya’s of Kalyana Additional Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks

Question 1.
Halayudha wrote ………..

Question 2.
Someshwara I defeated ………………… in koppam

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Question 3.
………………. was written by someswara III

Question 4.
Panchatantra was written by …………..

Question 5.
Arab travaller Sulaiman visited ……………………. court of Rashtrakutas.

Question 6.
The foreign affairs look after in Rashtrakutas dynasty was ……………

Question 7.
‘Kavirajamarga’ the significant in Kannada written by …………..

Question 8.
Kalyani chalukya rule started by …………..
Kalachuri Bijjala.

III. Answer The Following

Question 1.
Name some of the Rashtrakutas Rulers.
Krishna, Dantidurga, Govinda – II, Dhruva Govinda – III, Amogavarsha.

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Question 2.
Amogavarsha was a great king of Rashtrakutas. How?

  1. The early region of Amoghavarsha had to face many obstacles.
  2. He was not interested in feuds and desired peace.
  3. He got rid of enmity be developing martial relations with the gangas and Pallavas.
  4. Since he was peace having king, he had or give up some territories in the north
  5. Arab traveller Sulaiman has praised Amoghavarsha has one of the four powerful emperors of the world.

Question 3.
Write the achievements of someshwara I

  1. He built a new city called Kalyana and made it his capital.
  2. He defeated Rajadhiraha in koppam.

Question 4.
Write the achievements of Vikramaditya IV.

  1. He began the chalukya vikrama era – in 1076 C.E
  2. He suppressed the revolt of the Hoysala king vishnuvardhana
  3. He had established contact with the Srilanka a king vijayabahu.

Question 5.
Write a note on Basaveshwara

  1. Jagajyothi Basaveshwara devoted his life to spreading the values of the Veera Shaiva sect to the common people.
  2. Soft advice, harsh criticism, strict warning.
  3. Surrendering oneself to shiva.
  4. He established anubhava mantappa in 1162 CE.
  5. He wrote many popular vachanas.

Question 6.
Name the important coins of Kalyan had Chalukyas.
Mints were set up in lakkundi and sudi to mint coins like gadyana, pana, dhrumma, pon and suvarna.

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Question 1.
Match The Following

1. Bilhanaa. Dharmamruta
2. Someshwara IIIb. Mitakshara
3. Nayasenac. Gadhayuddha
4. Vignaneshwarad. Manasollasa
5. Rannae. Vachanas
6. Allamaprabhuf. Vikramankadeva charitha


  1. f
  2. d
  3. a
  4. b
  5. c
  6. e