English Lesson 1 Healthy Life Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 English Karnataka State Board Solutions help you to revise complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. Practicing on a daily basis with Karnataka Class 7 English Solutions PDF will help to improve your English learning strength. Hence we suggest the students to Download Karnataka Class 7 English Chapter 1 pdf to enhance your knowledge. The answers in this Karnataka Board Class 7 English Prose Chapter 2 Avoid Plastics.
Karnataka State Board Class 7 English Prose Chapter 2 Avoid Plastics
The Karnataka Board Solutions for Class 7 English are given in the pdf format in chapter-wise so that students can prepare in both online and offline modes. So, solve Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Class 7 English Prose Chapter 2 Avoid Plastics improve your grammar skills. You can learn directly online on our website or learn offline by downloading KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter wise material. Save your time and read Karnataka Class 7 English Subject at your comfort level.
Avoid Plastics Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes
Before you read:
I. Observe the pictures given below and draw a circle around the picture you would like to choose and say why you have chosen it. I have chosen the earthen pot, leaf plate cloth bag, banana leaves and Jute Mat. All these things are made from Natural Raw-Materials, and most of them are reusable. The are also bio-degradeable.
II. Clay pots have been in use for centuries. Discuss how they are made. Write what else can be made with clay.
a. dolls b. utensils c.Lamps, Stoves etc., Clay pots are made from the Loamy Soil. Clay pots are made with a variety of different techniques. In each case the clay is carefully prepared to make a workable mixture. The most popular method of making clay pots is on the potters wheel.
A potter’s wheel rotates the clay around a central axis while the potter shapes it resulting in a rounded smooth and uniform pot. The clay is first placed in the centre of the potters wheel the by pressing the clay to create hollow center of the pot the the sides of the pot are drawn up with the fingers once the pot is finished it is cut-off the potters wheel using a piece of wire or strong thin thread. The it is burnt on the fire to make it strong and non-porous.
III. Jute bags are more in demand now in comparison with cloth bags. Discuss the reasons.
Self assessment.
C1. Check your understanding
Answer the following questions
Avoid Plastic Question Answer Question 1.
Who invented plastic?
Alexander Parker invented Plastic.
Avoid Plastics Questions And Answers Question 2.
What did he name it?
He named it as Parkesine.
Avoid Plastic 7th Standard Question Answer Question 3.
Why do people dispose of plastic everywhere?
Plastic is cheap and easily available, so people dispose of plastic everywhere.
7th Standard English Avoid Plastic Question And Answer Question 4.
Give a reason for plastic pollution.
Plastic is widely used. The dispose of plastic is also more and it stays on the earth’s surface for many centuries. It is long-lasting and is impossible to decompose. These are all the reasons for plastic pollution.
KSEEB Solutions For Class 7 English Question 5.
Where is plastic pollution seen more?
Plastic pollution is more and highly concentrated in big cities.
Avoid Plastic 7th Standard Lesson Notes Question 6.
Where does the plastic so disposed remain?
The thrown out plastic remains in the soil in the same form as they are non- biodegradable.
7th Standard English Notes Avoid Plastic Question 7.
How does plastic cause pollution in every stage df its production?
- The plastic is cheap & easily available, so people dispose of plastic everywhere.
- The chemical that is used in the production of Plastics is tonic and can cause serious damage to all living beings.
- While recycling the quality of plastics degrades and demands the production of more plastics to make an original product.
- It is not biodegradable and has a bad impact on the food chain.
- It also causes global warming.
Avoid Plastic Lesson Question Answer Question 8.
How long can plastic take to decompose?
A single plastic sheet can take about a thousand years to rot.
7th Class English Avoid Plastic Question Answer Question 9.
How does it have a bad impact on the earth?
- Rivers have become the main dumping ground tor plastics which pollute potable water.
- Marin’s life is affected.
- The air we breathe gets polluted.
- The chemical that is used in the production of plastics is tonic and can cause serious damage to all living things,
- Drains, Canals get clogged and cause breading grams for all pathogens.
- Causes global warming.
- Damages the food chain.
- They remain in the soi 1 or place where it is dumped as it is non-biodegradable.
VI. Read the following passage:
People are foolish to use plastic extensively. Some people think that the argument against the use of plastic is meaningless. Only when people come to know about its threats, it will be a remarkable achievement. This awareness has to be created.
Look at the syllables underlined in the above paragraph.
The addition of a syllable at the end of a word is called a suffix. Here suffixes are used to change words into adjectives or nouns Suffixes like-able, less, some, ous, fill etc., are used to make the words adjectives. Use the words in the cloud to make your own words with suffixes.
One is done for you
Adjective Words:
Comfort – Comfortable
aware – awareness
Care – Careful
regard – regardless
trouble – troublesome
glory – glorious
Sport – Sportive
Calm – Calmness
beauty – beautiful etc.,
C2. Answer each of the following questions in two or three sentences:
KSEEB Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 2 Question 1.
Why is plastic widely used today?
Plastic is cheap, light and more attractive. It can mould easily to any shape and size. It is unbreakable and easy to carry. So it is widely used.
7th Class English Avoid Plastics Question Answer Question 2.
How does plastic cause environmental hazards?
- Rivers have become the main dumping ground tor plastics which pollute potable water.
- Marin’s life is affected.
- The air we breathe gets polluted.
- The chemical that is used in the production of plastics is tonic and can cause serious damage to all living things,
- Drains, Canals get clogged and cause breading grams for all pathogens.
- Causes global warming.
- Damages the food chain.
- They remain in the soil or place where it is dumped as it is non-biodegradable.
7th Class Avoid Plastic Question Answer Question 3.
What are the problems caused by recycling plastic?
The chemicals which are used in recycling plastics cause many problems. It needs more plastics to make an original product
Language in use:
G1. Fill in the blanks with suitable question words:
One is done for you:
Why is plastic pollution concentrated in big cities?
- When did the train leave?
- What do you want from me?
- Which of the roads is shorter?
- How will you reach there?
- How did you come? (by bus or by train)
- Why is your sister crying so loudly?
G2. Some action words can be changed into noun forms. The word ‘furnish’, a verb, becomes ‘furniture’ when it is used as a noun. In the same way, add becomes ‘addition’.
A. Find out the noun forms of the words given below. Use a dictionary if necessary:
One is done for you.
- born – birth
- marry – marriage
- graduate – graduation
- high – height
- impress – impression
- inspire – inspiration
- perform – performance
B. Now fill in the blanks with the suitable noun forms mentioned above:
One is done for you.
The birth of a girl child made everybody happy in the family. After she grew up, her marriage was arranged with a boy, who had graduated in computer science. He had reached a very great height in his career. His friends had a good impression about him His inspiration was his grandfather whose performance as a scientist was recognized by the Government.
Writing Practice:
W2. Write a few slogans to save Mother Earth. [English/ Kannada]
One is done for you.
Dictionary Work:
Rearrange the words in alphabetical order us you find them in the dictionary:
1. plastic, cheap, mould, dispose of, hazard.
Cheap, dispose, hazard, mould, plastic.
2. decompose, enormous, reduce, dam¬age, marine
damage, decompose, enormous, marine, reduce.
3. create, degrade, compel, abolish, cause.
abolish, cause, compel, create, degrade.
4. retain, reduce, remain, recycle, river.
recycle, reduce, remain, retain, river.
5. product, present, pollute, problem, profit.
Pollute, present, problem, product, profit.
Avoid Plastics Summary In English
‘“Avoid Plastics” is the lesson in which we should learn more about plastics. The author says that it is the right time to say no to plastic. Why? Plastic is a non-biodegradable substance and it causes great threat to the environment.
Everyone is familiar with plastic in one way or the other. Everywhere we can see plastics and it has become part and parcel of our life. Alexander Parkes created the first man-made plastic. It was first demonstrated in the International Exhibition in London. Parkesine was its first name. Inexpensive, long sting, easy to make, colourful, molded into any shape we desire are the major properties of plastic made it to wide and common use. It is thin and light, so it is widely used to carry bags and packing materials. People dispose of plastic everywhere causing environmental hazards. They remain in the soil since it is non- biodegradable.
The production and disposal of plastic cause serious damage to the environment. So the usage of plastic should be minimized. A single plastic sheet can take thousands of years to rot. It can affect the food chain. It is one of the main cause of global warming. The waste plastic dumped in the river cause water pollution, it can affect marine life. Those who are getting profit from plastic are trying to oppose the harm that it causes. We can’t completely stop the use of plastic but minimize its production and use. It is necessary for a healthy future.
Avoid Plastics Summary In Kannada
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