KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Sociology Solutions Chapter 2 Labour

Students can Download Sociology Chapter 2 Labour Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Social Science Solutions helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 10 Social Science Sociology Chapter 2 Labour

Class 10 Social Science Labour Textual Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the with appropriate answers:

Labour Class 10 Notes Question 1.
Division of Labour leads to ……………

10th Social Science Labour Lesson Notes Question 2.
Land less laborer are called as ……………. labourers.


Labour Notes Class 10 Question 3.
Labourers of medical institutions are called as ………. labourers.

II. Answer the following in a sentence:

Labour Lesson Question Answer Question 1.
What is the Division of Labour?
Division of labour means work being done by people depending on their interests, tastes, abilities, age, skills and gender.

Labour Questions And Answers Question 2.
What is Labour with payment?
The labour which gets compensation based on hours, days or months for semi-skilled or skilled work is considered as Labour with Payment.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 10 Social Science Question 3.
What is Labour without payment?
If work is done without payment either in cash or kind, then it is called as Labour without payment.

Define Discrimination In Labour Class 10 Question 4.
What is organized labour sector?
The sector which is enrolled as per the law of the government, and provided fixed wages, facilities within the framework of law is called organised sector.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 10 Social Question 5.
What is the unorganized labour sector?
The unorganised sector of work is that sector where legal provisions do not completely govern.

KSEEB Solutions Class 10 Social Science Question 6.
What are the challenges faced by unorganized sectors workers?
Migration, social security, Legal framework, child labour and physical and Mental Exploitation are the challenges faced by unorganized sectors workers.

III. Discuss in a group and answer the following:

KSEEB Class 10 Social Solutions Question 1.
What are the types of organized labour? Explain.

  1. In the organized sector, institutions like school, hospital, industries, government-related services, commercial banks, life insurance companies, military and others come.
  2. This sector has to take the permission of the government before it begins its function.
  3. It is also mandatory for them to pay taxes.
  4. It is the responsibility of the institution to pay special facilities and provide employment security for the workers.
  5. It is mandatory for them to provide pay on specified dates along with overtime pay whenever the workers have worked more than the stipulated time.
  6. This sector is guided by legal modalities.
  7. The relationship between employee and employer is guided by legal provisions.

KSEEB Sslc Class 10 Social Science Solutions Question 2.
Define discrimination in labour?
If differential payment is given for two people who put the same amount of time and efforts, then it is called as Discrimination. Though women and men engage similar work, their compensations are not the same. In India, men are paid more for their work than women. Again there is a lot of discrimination between educated and uneducated. The Safai Karmacharis who clean our roads and gutters receive lesser compensation than the minimum compensation. They spend a lot of energy to clean, but still they receive less compensation. The inequality in society is based on gender class, income, region and religion.

KSEEB Solutions 10th Social Science Question 3.
Explain the challenges faced on Social Security issue by the unorganized sectors.
The challenges faced by unorganized sector workers are as follows:

  1. Migration: Labourers of unorganized sector migrated from one place to another place in search of work. The people who migrate like this have no social security.
  2. Social Security: Social Security means having minimum needs to lead a life like housing, health, water, food, drinking water, equal opportunity to work and others. Providing these facilities universally and publically is called as social security. But this is not available for people working in the unorganized sector.
  3. Legal framework: The wages as per the payment of Gratuity Act 1971 are not available for the unorganized sector workers. Apart from this they also not eligible for Provident Fund and other such benefits.
  4. Child labour: Children work in an unhealthy environment here on many semiskilled or unskilled works. They work in a dangerous environment and without any guarantee for life.
  5. Physical and metal Exploitation: Most of the women in unorganized sector work as ‘Domestic helpers’. The rate of physical and mental exploitations of these women has doubled these days women are exploited sexually.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 10th Social Science Question 4.
What are the differences between organized and unorganized workers?

Organized workersUnorganized workers
They working in specific fields with rules and regulationThose who work in areas which are not specific rules
Under the control of the governmentIt is not under government control
They have training talent, experience and educational qualificationAll workers are not qualified
Job securityThey are denied job security
They get fixed wages pensions, medical facilityThey get only wages for their work with any additional facilities
Ex : Insurance companies, educational institutions, banks, armed forces etcEx : Domestic servants agricultural labours etc

Class 10 Social Science Labour Additional Questions and Answers

KSEEB Solutions For 10th Social Question 1.
The book written by Plato is ……………
The Republic.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 10 Question 2.
Earning in cash or kind by providing one’s manual or intellectual is called ……………

10th Social Science Notes Pdf Question 3.
If the Physical Labour was compensated with material and food grains, it is called ………..
Barter system.

KSEEB Social Solutions Class 10 Question 4.
Discrimination is less in …………..
government sector.

KSEEB 10th Social Solutions Question 5.
If work is done without payment either in cash or kind, then it is called as ……………
Labour without pay.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 10 Sst Question 6.
Compensation is an agreement between the worker and the ……………

KSEEB Solutions 10 Social Question 7.
The labour sector is divided as ………….. and ………….. sectors.
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

KSEEB Solutions Social Science Class 10 Question 8.
…………….. sector does not follow the legal provisions of the government.

Multiple Choice Questions:

KSEEB 10th Social Science Notes Question 1.
“The Republic” book written by
a. Aristotle
b. Plato
c. Alexander
d. August compete
b. Plato

10th Social Science Notes Question 2.
Discrimination is very high in the sector
a. Semi government
b. Private
c. Organized
d. Unorganised
d. Unorganised

KSEEB 10th Social Science Solutions Question 3.
Equal pav act introduced in
a. 1948
b. 1976
c. 1985
d. 1992
b. 1976

Social Science Class 10 Notes Karnataka State Syllabus Question 4.
Provident fund supports to
a. Central government officials
b. Contract bare workers
c. Organized workers
d. Unorganized workers
c. Organized workers

Two Marks Questions

Karnataka State Board Syllabus Class 10 Social Science Notes Question 1.
Write a note on Plato.
Plato wrote in his book ‘The Republic’on the division of labour. He said “Human society is formed on natural inequality. This natural inequality is based on division of labour”.

KSEEB 10 Social Solutions Question 2.
What are the suggestion of Karl Marx about ‘Division of labour’?
Karl Marx says, “Division of labour creates less skilled workers”. He classifies division of labour into two different divisions of economic labour and social labour. He opines that the division of economic labour goes with technical and people cooperation.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 10 Science Question 3.
Which are the uses of division of labour?

  1. Division of labour has helped people to gain skill in a field and earn economic benefits in accordance to their skills
  2. Due to economic interests and division of labour class system emerged since division of labour found wide spread accessibility business and industriiization emerged.

KSEEB Solutions Social Science Question 4.
Write a note on payless work.
In payless work, the worker cannot be compensated for his work. This work often happens within the family due to love, by status, out of self-motivation or by force. Another example is that of students taking part in the activities of scouts and guides or NCC as part of their schooling.

KSEEB Social Solutions For Class 10 Question 5.
Write a note on physical and mental exploitation.
Most of the women in unorganized sector work as ‘Domestic helpers’.

  • The rate of physical and mental exploitation of these of these women has doubled these days.
  • As per the statistics of 2014-15, more than 77% of the women work in unorganized sectors.

10th Social Notes Question 6.
Explain the challenges faced on social security by the unorganized sectors.
Unorganized sector workers face social insecurity social security means having minimum needs to life like housing, health, water, food, drinking water, equal opportunity to work and others. Providing these facilities universally and publicly is called as ‘Social Security’. But, this is not available for people working in unorganized sector.
