Karnataka Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter 6 The Noble Bishop

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The Noble Bishop Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

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Check your comprehension:

C1. Answer the following questions in a sentence or two each work in pairs.


The Noble Bishop Question Answer Question 1.
Who was Jean Valjean?
Jean Valjean was a convict. He was kept in a galley for nineteen years.

The Noble Bishop 9th Standard Notes Question 2.
Who brought the silver candlesticks from the mantel?
Baptistine brought them.

The Noble Bishop Notes In English Question 3.
What did the stranger steal from the Bishop’s place?
He stole the silverware (silver candlesticks).

9th English The Noble Bishop Notes Question 4.
Why was Jean Valjean surprised at the Bishop’s behaviour the next morning? .
Though he had stolen the silverware from the Bishop’s house, Bishop told him that he was happy to see him and addressed him as his friend. So Jean Valjean was surprised at the Bishop’s behaviour the next morning.

The Noble Bishop Question Answers Question 5.
Why was Jean Valjean finally see free?
Because the Bishop told the policemen that he had given them the silverware.

The Noble Bishop 9th Class Question 6.
What did Jean Valjean promise the Bishop?
That he would use the silver wave to become an honest man.

C2. Discuss in groups and write down the answers to the following questions.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 9 English Question 1.
What do you think were Jean Valjean’s feelings when he was called a friend?
He completely felt transformed and was amazed at the nobility of the Bishop. He thought that the Bishop possessed a great soul.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 9th English Question 2.
Why did Jean Valjean say that he was a beast?
Jean was imprisoned for stealing some bread. He was chained up, like a wild animal, beaten like a dog and fed on filth, officers took away his soul, and gave him a devil in that place. He was totally ill-treated for stealing. So he said that he was a man once, but he was a beast now. Human qualities were driven away from him in the prison.

9th English Notes The Noble Bishop Question 3.
What kind of a person was the Bishop?
He was kind, generous and noble. He really possessed a great soul. He was compassionate towards the poor and helped them.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 9 English Chapter 6 Question 4.
Why did Jean Valjean hesitate to steal the silverware at first?
Because he was helped by the Bishop though he was not accepted by others. When he went to the Bishop’s room, he saw the rays of moonlight shone on the Bishop’s face and he slept peacefully. So Jean Valjean hesitated.

The Noble Bishop 9th Standard Question 5.
Was there any change in Jean Valjean’s attitude when he left the Bishop? What was the change?
Yes, there was a lot of change in Jean Valjean’s attitude when he left the Bishop. He led the life of an honest man. He strove for the cause of the .oppressed, downtrodden and destitute.

C3. Discuss the following questions in small groups and present your answers to the class. Write a short paragraph on each question.

9th Standard First Language English Textbook Karnataka Pdf Question 1.
Describe the sufferings of Jean Valjean.
Jean Valjean was a poor man, lived with his sister who had seven children. His family was poor. One day his sister fell ill and the children starved. Jean asked for work but in vain. So he stole some bread for this he was sentenced to 19 years in the galleys. He was treated like a beast and a hound. He was chained like a wild animal and fed on filth. The people hated him, but the Bishop helped him and brought a transformation in his personality.

KSEEB Solutions For Class 9 English The Noble Bishop Question 2.
Explain how the Bishop reacted when Jean Valjean was brought before him by the police.
Bishop felt very happy to see Jean Valjean and called him a friend. He did not express that Jean had stolen the silverware. He asked Valjean why he had not taken the Candlesticks also along with the silverware. He meant that he had given the silverware to Jean Valjean. Bishop did not want Jean Valjean to be in the prison again. He wanted him to change. The Bishop reacted in this manner when Jean Valjean was brought before him by the police.

C4. Say whether the following statements are True or False. Write ‘T’ or ‘F’ in the box accordingly.
9th Standard English The Noble Bishop Notes Question 1.
Jean Valjean was in the galleys only for a few years.

9th Standard English Notes Question 2.
All the people were kind to Jean Valjean.

9th English Notes Question 3.
The Bishop woke up in the middle of the night.

The Noble Bishop Question And Answer Question 4.
Baptistine said that the silver was stolen.

KSEEB 9th English Solutions Question 5.
The silverware belonged to Jean Valjean.


VI. Study the words
Infer the meaning of the underlined words from the context. You can choose the right word from those given in brackets.

9th Class English Textbook Answers Question 1.
Jean Valjean pleaded with the police and said that he wad not guilty, (requested, fought, argued)

9th English Notes Pdf Question 2.
He fed on filth for nineteen years, (bread, dirty food, fish)
dirty food.

KSEEB English Solutions Class 9 Question 3.
The Bishop slept tranquility (fast, quickly, peacefully)

9th English Notes Pdf Download Question 4.
He stood terrified at this radiant figure (frightening, shining, dim)

9th Standard English Notes Of Lesson Question 5.
The moral world has no greater spectacle than this, (scenery, glasses, sight)

Match the following words with their homophones:
bread – bread
through – threw
right – write
night – knight
scene – seen

Find the homophones for the following words:
wait – weight
cell – sell
waist – waste
fare – fair
pray – prey

Prepare a list of five words under each

‘r’ in the beginning‘r’ in the middle‘r’ at the end

Read the following dialogue and underline the modals used.
honour, hour, rhyme, vehicle, exhibit, heir, humble.

G1. You have studied the use of modals in one of the earlier lessons.
Read the following sentences taken from the lesson. Say what function each modal serves in the sentence. Choose from the options given.

Karnataka Solutions For Class 9 English Question 1.
You may be tired, (granting permission, expressing possibility, offering)
expressing possibility.

9 Standard English Notes Question 2.
We can let him go. (granting permission, expressing possibility offering)
granting permission.

KSEEB Solutions For 9th English Question 3.
You can take these candlesticks, (granting permission, expressing possibility, offering)

Question 4.
You may go in peace, (granting per-mission, expressing possibility, offering)
expressing possibility.

Read the following dialogue and underline the modals used.
may, must can, should need – are the modals used.

Say whether the following sentences are simple compound or complex sentences.

Question 1.
The rain stopped, so we decided to continue our journey.
Compound sentence.

Question 2.
When I reached home, I was surprised to see Gopi waiting for me. ,
Complex sentence.

Question 3.
Ravi raised his voice and shouted at his friend.
Simple sentence.

Question 4.
The teacher advised Uma to study well.
Simple sentence.

Question 5.
As Sumathi is blind, the dog is leading her.
Complex sentence.

Combine the following sentences using the conjunctions given in brackets.

Question 1.
He opened his box. He took out his new shirt, (and)
He opened his box and took out his new shirt.

Question 2.
Mohan was sick. He stayed at home, (as)
AS Mohan was sick, he stayed at home.

Question 3.
Leela worked hard. She could not do well in the exam, (but)
Leela worked hard but she could not do well in the exam.

Question 4.
Sachin scored a century. The specatators applauded him. (when)
When Sachin scored a century, the specatators applauded him.

Question 5.
Let us have supper. By then your bed will be made ready, (while)
Let us have supper. While your bed will be made ready.

Here is an interesting passage on ‘Sweet Smile’. Pick out simple, compound and complex sentences from the passage.

A child smiles not only because it is happy but also because it wants to communicate with loving elders. A cheerful smile brings instant attention. Any grown-up is instantly motivated to respond to a smiling child. When a child hungry, it cries. It hears a few soothing words and stops crying. There is nothing as infetious as a warm smile, even among adults. Somtimes even serious faces break into 3 smile and even the smile of a stranger carries the universal message “1 care”. Do you like to smile?
1. Compound sentence: A child smiles not only because it is happy but also because it wants to communicate with loving elders.
2. Simple Sentence: A cheerful smile brings instant attention.
3. Simple sentence: Any grown-up is instantly motivated to respond to a smiling child.
4. Simple sentence: When a child hungry, it cries.
5. Compound sentence: There is nothing as infetious as a warm smile, even among adults.
6. Compound sentence: Somtimes even serious faces break into a smile and even the smile of a stranger carries the universal message “I care”. Do you like to smile?

The Noble Bishop Additional Questions with Answers

Choose the best answer:

Question 1.
Convict entered the bishop’s house
(a) At the time of dinner
(b) At the time of lunch
(c) When the bishop was sleeping
(d) When the bishop was playing.
(a) At the time of dinner.

Question 2.
Jean Valjean asked the bishop for:
(a) Gold
(b) Silver
(c) Money
(d) Food
(d) Food

Question 3.
Bishop called Jean Valjean as:
(a) Sir
(b) Mister
(c) friend
(d) dog.
(c) friend.

Question 4.
Jean Valjean was sentenced to nineteen years in the:
(a) Exile
(b) Jail
(c) galleys
(d) forest.
(c) galleys.

Question 5.
The thing that was stolen from the bishop’s house by Jean Valjean was:
(a) Silverware
b) Gold plates
(c) Money
(d) Food.
(a) Silverware.

Question 6.
Jean Valjean promised that he would become:
(a) An honest man
(b) Best man
(c) Healthy man
(d) Faithful man.
(a) An honest man.

Question 7.
He was fed on filth for nineteen years. The meaning of the underlined word:
(a) Bread
(b) dirty food
(c) fish
(d) cheese.
(b) dirty food.

Question 8.
Jean leaped over the wall like a tiger and fled. The figure of speech used in the sentence is:
(a) Simile
(b) Metaphor
(c) Personification
(d) Alliteration.
(a) Simile.

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Why did Jean ask the Bishop for food?
He had walked for miles after he was set free from the galleys. He had not eaten anything for three days. So he asked for food.

Question 2.
What were the food items served to Jean by the Bishop’s sister?
She served – soup, cheese, mutton, and a large loaf of bread.

Question 3.
What made jean to steal bread?
He was living with his sister and her seven children. They had no food. He could not get any work. The children were starving. So, he stole some bread.

Question 4.
Why was the sergeant puzzled?
The Bishop called Jean Valjean as a friend. So the sergeant was puzzled.


The Noble Bishop Summary in English

Jean Valjean lived with his sister along with her seven children. His was a poor family. One day his sister fell ill and the family starved. Jean Valjean searched for work every nook and corner but he could not get work. He couldn’t see the children starving. There was no help from anybody so he decided to steal. He stole some bread but he was sentenced to nineteen years in the galleys. His life was absolute hell then. They chained him like a wild animal. They treated him as beast they starved him and got work from him. He was not treated as a man. He tried to escape many times but in vain. He was caught each time and the court increased his sentence. He led the life of a prisoner for Nineteen years and he came out hardened.

He decided to work and .make up his living but he didn’t get work. All sent him out without helping him. He wandered for three days without food. They treated him as a convict. Walking aimlessly and without food, he came to the house of a Bishop. Bishop’s sister Baptistine was ready to serve the dinner.

Jean Valjean (The convict) introduced himself to the Bishop and asked for food. The Bishop was very kind. He told his sister to put another place for Jean Valjean and also to put some sheets on the bet in the alcove. The Bishop addressed him as friend and told him to feel at home. There was a little lamp, which gave poor light. So the Bishop told his sister to bring silver candlesticks and light them. She brought them and served the dinner which consisted of soup, cheese, mutton and a large loaf of bread. The convict eats quickly. After that he told the Bishop his story.

The Bishop heard his story and told him to lie down and sleep on the couch. Accordingly Jean Valjean fell asleep but he woke up at the middle of the night because of his bed because the had not slept on a bed.

Then the clock struck two Jean Valjean started thinking about the silver ware. He wanted to steal them. So he’came to the adjacent room and observed that the rays of moonlight shone on the Bishop’s face. Then he were straight to the cup board, took the silver ware and escaped.

Baptiste brought the theft to the notice of her brother (The Bishop). The Bishop didn’t lose his temper. He only told that the silverware belonged to the poor. During this time, four policemen entered the house of the Bishop and they had brought Jean Valjean with them on seeing him, the Bishop told the policemen that he had given the sliver ware to the man. The police left him and went.

Jean Valjean looked at the Bishop with wonder and he didn’t find any words to describe the nobility of the Bishop. The Bishop told him to take all the candlesticks with him and his doors are always open for him. Jean Valjean thanked him and went. He led the life of an honest man and lived happily helping the poor people like himself.

The Noble Bishop Summary in Kannada

The Noble Bishop Question Answer Karnataka Solutions for Class 9
The Noble Bishop 9th Standard Notes Karnataka Solutions
The Noble Bishop Summary in Kannada 3

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