KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Water

Students can Download EVS Chapter 7 Water Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 5 EVS helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Karnataka State Board Class 5 EVS Chapter 7 Water

Class 5 EVS Water Text Book Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Where can you find more water on the earth?

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Question 2.
What is the consumable quantity of freshwater?
Only 2.5 – 2.75 % is freshwater.


Question 3.
What are the sources of fresh water?
Groundwater, surface water (streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs)

Question 4.
Write your known sources of water?
Ocean, Rivers, Wells, Ponds.

Question 5.
Name some important rivers of Karnataka?
Kaveri, Tungabhadra, Sharavati, Malaprabha, Kali River, Netravathi, Bhadra, Tunga River.

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Question 6.
Write the names of any two water reservoirs in Karnataka.
Almatti, Basava Sagara.

Question 7.
Difference between pond and Reservoir?

1. An artificially man-made low level portion of land is called pond
2. Its capacity of water is less
1. Dams are constructed across the rivers.
2. These are storage capable of storing water in large scale

Question 8.
Write the uses of pond and Reservoirs?
Pond: Lawns and soil based plants require watering and It’s good to have some where for rainwater to go instead of being wasted. Reservoirs: Use to generate electricity, irrigation, human consumption, industrial use, agriculture.

Question 9.
True of false statements.

  1. Water has weight – False
  2. Water do not flow from higher level to lower levels – False
  3. Water do not occupy the space – False
  4. Particles in water are rarely arranged – True
  5. Water get evoparates when heated – True
  6. Vapour turns in to water when condenced – True.

Question 10.
Why are water sources get polluted?
Water is physically polluted by mud, garbage, paper, food reciduals etc. Water mixed with industrial chemicals, chemical fertilizers, insectisides have dangerous components which turns the water poisionous.

Class 5 EVS Water Additional Questions and Answers

I. Multiple choice questions:

Question 1.
The largest source of water on the earth is
a. River
b. Ocean
b. Ocean

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Question 2.
The substance in which solute is dissolved is called
a Solution
b. Solute
c. Solvent
d. all of the above
c. Solvent

II. Fill in the blanks:

  1. The two forms of well tube well and open well
  2. Rainwater is the major sources of water on the earth.
  3. Water is universal solvent.
  4. 97.2% of water a available on the earth is present in seas & oceans.
  5. Boiling point of water is 100 degreeC.

III. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Mention the uses of water.
Water is used for many purposes like drinking, bathing, cooking and washing. It is also needed in large quantity for agriculture and industry.

Question 2.
Name the different sources of water?
The different sources of water are; Rain, river, ocean, ponds, springs and wells.

Question 3.
Which is the main source of under groundwater?
Rainwater is the major source of water on the earth.

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Question 4.
What is spring water?
Water stored under the earth’s crust comes out on pressure through a opening. This is called spring water.

Question 5.
What is universal solvent? Explain with an experiment to show that water is a universal solvent.
Most substances dissolve in water. Take some water in a beaker. Add a spoonful of salt to the water and stir well. You cannot see the salt. The salt is mixed up with the water. Hence, it is called universal solvent.

Question 6.
What is potable water?
Water is used for many purposes. Water which is fit for drinking is called potable water.

Question 7.
Why is naturally available water not fit for drinking?
Natural water contains many unwanted substances. It is necessary to purify water before it is used for drinking and cooking. The water with unwanted substances and bacteria used for drinking and cooking can cause many diseases like Typhoid, Cholera, Jaundice and Diarrhoea.

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Question 8.
Define a solution?
A solution is a mixture in which one substance gets dissolved in another substance.

Question 9.
What is a solute?
The substance which dissolves is called solute.

Question 10.
What is a solvent?
The substance in which solute is dissolves is called solvent.

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