KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 English Supplementary Chapter 17 King Sindbad and His Falcon

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Karnataka State Board Class 8 English Supplementary Chapter 17 King Sindbad and His Falcon

Kickstart your preparation by using this Karnataka Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 17 and get the max score in the exams. You can cover all the topics of Supplementary Chapter 17 King Sindbad and His Falcon easily after studying the Karnataka Board Class 8 English Textbook Questions and Answers pdf. Download the Karnataka Board English Chapter 17 Class 8 by accessing the links provided here and ace up your preparation.

King Sindbad and His Falcon Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

I. Comprehension:


A. Answer in two-three sentences each:

Question 1.
Who was Sindbad? What was he fond of?
Sindbad was a king. He was very fond of racing and hunting.

Question 2.
What had the king brought up? What did he tie around its neck? Why?
The king had brought up a falcon as his pet. The king had tied a golden cup around her neck, so that he could provide drink at the time of hunting.

Question 3.
What did the falcon suggest to the king one day?
One day the falcon said that it was the right time for hunting. The king liked her suggestion and went on a hunting expedition.

Question 4.
How did the king threaten the hunting troop?
The king’s men spread a net to catch wild animals. A gazelle was trapped within the area covered by the net. The king threatened to punish the person who allowed the gazelle to escape, with death.

Question 5.
Why does the falcon upset the cup with the ‘dripping liquid’?
The falcon knew that it was poison. It did not want to drink it. So, it upset the cup.

Question 6.
When did the falcon succumb to death?
As soon as the king reached the camp and sat comfortably, the falcon, which had tolerated the pain till then, gasped and succumbed to death.

Question 7.
What was the king’s reaction?
The king repented his hasty action. He cried aloud at the death of the falcon which had saved his life.

B. Answer in three-four sentences each:

Question 1.
How did the king look after the falcon?
The king had brought up the falcon as his pet. He loved the falcon very much. The falcon also loved him. The bird remained with him always. Even at night, the falcon used to sit on his fist.

Question 2.
How did the gazelle escape?
The gazelle was trapped within the area ‘covered by the net. The hunting men started to converge on the gazelle. The gazelle moved towards the king. It suddenly jumped above the head of the king and escaped.

Question 3.
How did the falcon help the king kill the gazelle?
The falcon, which was trained to hunt the prey, flew high up in the air and traced the running gazelle. The bird swooped down and blinded the gazelle with her talons. The king hit the gazelle with his mace and killed it.

Question 4.
Why did the king take out the cup?
It was a hot day. There was no sign of water anywhere. They were thirsty. The king came to a tree where water seemed to be dripping through the leaf of the tree. The king took out the cup to collect the dripping water. He wanted to quench the thirst of his falcon with that water.

Question 5.
What action of the falcon made the king furious?
The king placed the cup in front of the falcon. The falcon overturned the cup instead of drinking from it. The king filled the cup again and placed it in front of the falcon. But, the bird upset the cup again. He filled the cup and placed it before his horse, but before the horse could drink it, the falcon hurriedly upset the cup. This made the king very angry.

Question 6.
Why did the king cut off the wings of the falcon?
The king collected the dripping liquid and placed it before the falcon twice, but it overturned the cup. It did not allow the horse to drink the liquid. The king was angry because the falcon neither drank it nor allowed the horse to drink it. So, he cut off the falcon’s wings with his sword.

Question 7.
What did the falcon indicate to the king?
When the king cut off the bird’s wings, she cried out in pain. It indicated the king to look up. The king looked up and saw a poisonous viper lying up above the tree. The liquid that was dripping down was its poison.

Question 8.
How did the king’s men trap the gazelle?
The king’s hunting troop spread a net to catch the prey. Soon a gazelle was trapped within the area covered by the net. They started closing in. The gazelle had no way to escape.

Question 9.
Why did the falcon upset the cup again and again?
The falcon had seen the poisonous viper lying up above the tree. The falcon knew the dripping liquid was snake’s poison and not water. It wanted to save the king, the horse and herself. So, it overturned the cup again and again.

Question 10.
Why did the king repent?
The king cut off the falcon’s wings when it upset the cup thrice. The falcon made him understand the reason for her actions. The falcon breathed its last after reaching the camp. The king realised his blunder. He repented killing his pet falcon which had saved his life.

Question 11.
Why did the king call his pet unlucky and foolish thing?
It was a very hot day. The king, his horse and the falcon were thirsty. The king found water dripping through the leaf of a tree. He collected the water and placed it before the falcon. It upset the cup. Again the king did so, and again the bird upset the cup. The king collected the liquid and placed it before the horse. The falcon overturned the cup. So, the king called it unlucky and foolish for she could not satisfy her thirst with the little water available.

Question 12.
How did the falcon save the king’s life?
The falcon overturned the cup twice and did not drink the liquid. Neither did she allow the horse to drink the liquid. She knew it was not water, but, the poison of the viper. If she drank, she thought the king would also slake his thirst with the poison. So, it overturned the cup again and again and made the king look up and see the viper.

C. Answer the following in six-eight sentences each:

Question 1.
How did the king look after the pet falcon?
The king had brought up the falcon as his pet. He loved the falcon very much. The falcon also loved him. The bird remained with him always. Even at night, the falcon used to sit on his fist.

Question 2.
How did the king hunt the gazelle?
The king’s men spread the net wide to catch the prey. A gazelle was trapped. When the hunting troop started to close in, the gazelle moved towards the king. It suddenly jumped over the king and escaped. The king started chasing the gazelle on his horse. His pet falcon flew high up in the air and spotted the running gazelle. The falcon swooped down on the gazelle and blinded it with her sharp talons. The king struck the blind gazelle with his mace and killed it.’

Question 3.
What made the king cry out aloud?
The king was thirsty. He wandered about and did not find any water. Finally, he found some kind of liquid dripping down a tree. He mistook it for water. He collected the liquid and tried to make the falcon drink it. But, the falcon overturned the cup twice, Neither did she allow the horse to drink. The king became angry and cut off the wings of the falcon. The falcon showed him the source of the dripping liquid.

It was poison dripping from a viper sleeping up the tree. The falcon bore its pain till they returned to the camp. Then she gasped for breath and died. The king realised his great mistake. He had killed his pet falcon which had saved his life. He cried out aloud in repentance.

Question 4.
How did the falcon prove herself a faithful companion of the king?
The king had brought up a falcon as his pet. She always stayed with him and never left his side. It was trained to hunt the prey. The falcon used to sit on his fist and go with him wherever he went. Once they went to a valley to hunt. After killing a gazelle, the king was thirsty and so were the horse and the falcon. The king found some liquid dripping down a tree and mistook it for water.

He collected it and tried to make the falcon drink. But, it upset the cup twice. She did not allow even the horse to drink. It knew the liquid was poison dripping from a poisonous viper. The king, in his anger, cut off the wings of the falcon. He later realised his mistake. The falcon sat on his fist without the wings and returned to the camp and died after reaching the camp. In this way the falcon proved herself a faithful companion of the king.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/ incomplete statements. Choose the most appropriate alternative.

Question 1.
Sindbad was a
A) king
B) falcon
C) place
D) wazir
A) king

Question 2.
Sindbad was fond of
A) the golden cup around the falcon’s neck
B) gazelles
C) racing and hunting
D) vipers
C) racing and hunting

Question 3.
The kins had tied a golden cup around the falcon’s neck to
A) identify the falcon
B) provide drink to the falcon at the time of hunting
C) collect poison
D) provide water to his horse
B) provide drink to the falcon at the time of hunting

Question 4.
The falcon helped the kins kill the sazelle by
A) cutting the gazelle’s throat
B) removing the gazelle’s skin
C) tracing the fleeing gazelle
D) blinding the gazelle with her talons
D) blinding the gazelle with her talons

Question 5.
The kins chopped off the wings of the falcon because
A) it upset the filled cup thrice
B) it refused to drink the liquid
C) it did not allow the horse to drink
D) the falcon behaved strangely
A) it upset the filled cup thrice

Question 6.
The falcon indicated to the kins
A) where the fleeing gazelle was
B) that a poisonous viper was lying up above the tree
C) that the liquid in the cup was poison
D) that the time was suitable for hunting
B) that a poisonous viper was lying up above the tree

Question 7.
To protect himself from any poison, the kins was wearing
A) talon
B) saddle
C) gauntlet
D) golden cup around his neck
C) gauntlet

Question 8.
The falcon overturned the cup because
A) it was not thirsty
B) the liquid was not water
C) the liquid was contaminated
D) it knew that the liquid in the cup was poison
D) it knew that the liquid in the cup was poison

Question 9.
How did the falcon indicate to the kins that there was a poisonous viper in the tree above?
A) by raising its head
B) with the help of its wings
C) by flying high up in the sky
D) by overturning the cup thrice
A) by raising its head

Question 10.
The king was remorseful because
A) the gazelle had managed to escape
B) he was thirsty and could not find any water source
C) he had killed a faithful companion who had saved his life
D) the falcon did not allow the horse to drink
C) he had killed a faithful companion who had saved his life

II. Activities:

Imagine you are king Sindbad who is in the forest and your pet. falcon has upset the cup filled with dripping liquid Conclude the story with a different ending.

I collected the liquid again and kept it before my falcon to drink. But, it overturned the cup instead of drinking it. I thought it was not thirsty. So, I collected the dripping liquid and placed it before the horse. The falcon overturned the cup again and did not allow the horse to drink it.

I became angry and asked the falcon why it was doing so. The falcon said that it was not water, but poison dripping from the mouth of a viper. It asked me to look up. I looked up and found the viper on the tree. I thanked the falcon for saving us. I killed the viper and returned to the camp.

(This ending is given since the falcon had the ability to speak. It had earlier said that it was the right time to go hunting. And the king had followed its suggestion.)


III. Your teacher will read you an interesting story. Listen to it carefully and answer the questions that follow:

One day a young mother left her sleeping toddler on the floor and went out to fetch water in a pot, leaving her pet mongoose in charge of the baby.

When she returned a little later, she found the mongoose with its mouth full of blood lying near the doorstep. Presuming that the mongoose had killed the sleeping baby, in her anguish, she took the iron rod lying nearby, and killed the animal with it.

Later, when she entered the room where she had left her babe asleep, she saw a venomous viper lying dead, next to the baby’s bed, its body in pieces strewn around. She gasped in horror as she took in the scene, realizing that her baby had been unharmed as the mongoose had fought with the snake and had killed it. All her remorse and lament could not bring her pet mongoose back to life.

Question 1.
Who took care of the baby when the woman went to fetch water?
The mongoose took care of the baby.

Question 2.
Why was the mongoose’s mouth covered with blood?
The mongoose had killed a venomous viper.

Question 3.
What made the woman kill the mongoose?
The woman thought that the mongoose had killed her sleeping baby.

Question 4.
Why did the woman shed tears?
The woman realised her mistake. She had killed the mongoose which had saved her baby. She shed tears in remorse.

Question 5.
What do you learn from this story?
We should think before we act. We must realise that haste makes waste.


V. Given below are five proverbs. Match them with their meanings:

1. Haste makes waste. a. One should excel in one’s trade rather than dabbling in too many.
2. Jack of all trades and master of none. b. One is judged according to the friends he has.
3. A poor workman blames his tools. c. One must understand the importance of saving money.
4. A penny saved is a penny earned. d. A person is trying to do everything.
5. A person is known by the company he keeps. e. An incapable person blames others for his failures.
f. If you rush when you are doing something, you will make a mistake.

1 – f; 2 – a; 3 – e; 4 -c; 5 – b.

King Sindbad and His Falcon Summary In English

KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 English Supplementary Chapter 17 King Sindbad and His Falcon

Once there lived a king named Sindbad. He was very fond of racing and hunting. He had brought up a falcon as pet. The falcon followed him wherever he went. She never left his side. The king had put a golden cup around her neck to provide water at the time of hunting.

The falcon told the king one day that it was the suitable time to go hunting. The king liked her suggestion and set out with his hunting troop. They went to a valley and spread a net. Soon, a gazelle was trapped in the area covered by the net. The king’s men started closing in to catch the gazelle. The king warned his men not to allow the gazelle to escape.

He threatened to punish the person who let the gazelle escape the net with death. The gazelle was frightened. It moved towards the king and suddenly jumped over his head and escaped. The king’s men started whispering that the king himself had allowed the gazelle to escape.

When the king came to know about this he declared that he would not return until he caught the gazelle. He set out on his horse. The falcon rose high up into the air and spotted the running gazelle. She swooped down on the gazelle and blinded it with her sharp claws. The king killed the gazelle with his mace. The king stripped the gazelle’s skin, put it across his saddle. It was a hot afternoon. They were all thirsty, but there was no sign of water anywhere.

Finally, the king came across a tree and saw some kind of liquid dripping through the leaf of the tree. He mistook it for water. He removed the cap from the falcon’s neck, collected the liquid and put it before the falcon to drink. But, the falcon overturned the cup. The king once again filled the cup and placed it in front of the bird. Again the bird upset it. The king put the filled cup in front of the horse. The falcon upset this also.

The king became angry and cut off the falcon’s wings for neither drinking the water nor’ allowing the horse to drink it. The falcon cried out in pain. It drew the attention of the king to the poisonous viper lying high up in the tree. The king then realised that the dripping liquid was poison coming out of the viper. The king was remorseful for cutting off the wings of his loyal and beloved falcon.

He returned to the camp with the falcon sitting on his fist. As soon as they reached the camp, the falcon, which had tolerated the pain till then, gasped for breath and died. The king repented his foolish action and cried aloud at the death of his pet falcon.


subordinate – lower in rank or position
valley – a low area between hills
prey – an animal hunted and killed by another for food
maze – a complicated network of paths
thwart – prevent from succeeding
murmur – something that is said quietly
accomplish – achieve or complete successfully
talons – the claws of a bird of prey
wander – walk or move in a casual way
gauntlet – a strong glove with long loose wrists
annoy – make slightly angry
slake – satisfy
viper – a poisonous snake feel regret or sorry a sudden
repent – catching of breath a seat with a raised ridge at the
gasp – front and back, fastened on to the back of a horse
saddle – for riding.

Believing that the Karnataka Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 17 learning resource will definitely guide you at the time of preparation. For more details about Karnataka Class 8 English Supplementary Chapter 17 King Sindbad and His Falcon textbook Questions and Answers, ask us in the below comments and we’ll revert back to you asap.er a stain
The pavilion of Heaven is bare,
And the winds and sunbeams with their convex gleams
Build up the blue dome of air,

I silently laugh at my own cenotaph;
And out of the caverns of rain,
Like a child from the womb, like a ghost from the tomb,
I arise and unbuild it again.

The Cloud Summary In English

Shelley imagines the cloud as a living being and ascribes individuality to her through a set of moving images. She is the daughter of earth and water and the nursling of the sky. She can speak, move and act like human beings. She brings fresh showers for the thirsty flowers. She bears light shade for the leaves and helps the buds to bloom. The cloud is whimsical and cruel too. She lashes the earth with hailstones and whitens the green field. But, this does not last long. Soon she brings torrential rain and the fields become green again. The cloud then disappears from the sky with deep roars of thunder.

Next, the cloud describes its origin; it says that it is the daughter of earth and water, and an infant nursed by the sky. It passes through the small openings in the oceans and the shores. It changes, but it does not die. The cloud is one thing and also many things; it changes its form but it is the same essence of life, growth and change in the nature. It is the agent of the cycle of life, for it changes seasons and sustains all living beings by bringing rain, giving shade, letting the sun shine when needed, and bringing dry autumn for plants to wither and give way to the next spring. It is not only gentle like a child, it is also terrible like a ghost; it supports the system of life ceaselessly and in numberless ways.


thirsting – thirsty
bear – carry
stream – a small narrow river
dew – tiny drops of moisture that form on cool surfaces at night
rocked – move regularly backwards and forwards or from side to side
flail – a wooden tool consisting of a stick swinging from the end of a long handle.
wield – to use
lashing – hitting with force
hail – frozen raindrops which fall as little hard balls of ice
plains – a large stretch of flat land
nursling – a baby who is taken care of by a nurse
pores – small openings
stain – a mark
pavilion – a large structure lightly built and intended to be used only for a short time.
Cenotaph – A monument built to honour soldiers killed in a war
cavern – A large cave

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