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Karnataka 2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank with Answers
Provided Karnataka State Board solutions for 2nd PUC Computer Science textbook solutions are prepared by subject experts after ample research. So students are suggested to download the 2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank with Answers and Textbook Solutions from the available PDF links and kickstart your preparations for final exams. You can download them freely & practice regularly to score high marks in the examinations. Access the below Chapter-wise links and learn complete by using 2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank with Answers from Karnataka State Board solutions pdf.
Unit A – Backdrop of Computers
- Chapter 1 Typical Configuration of Computer System
- Chapter 2 Boolean Algebra
- Chapter 3 Logic Gates
- Chapter 4 Data Structures
Unit B – Computing in C++
- Chapter 5 Review of C++ Covered in First PUC
- Chapter 6 Basic Concepts of OOP
- Chapter 7 Classes and Objects
- Chapter 8 Function Overloading
- Chapter 9 Constructors and Destructors
- Chapter 10 Inheritance
- Chapter 11 Pointers
- Chapter 12 Data File Handling
Unit C – Large Data Database & Queries
Unit D – Advanced Concepts in Communication Technology
Karnataka 2nd PUC Computer Science Syllabus and Marking Scheme
2nd PUC Computer Science Blue Print of Model Question Paper
2nd PUC Computer Science Design of Question Paper
Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes (of which minutes for reading the question paper).
Maximum Marks: 70
The weightage of the distribution of marks over different dimensions of the question paper shall be as follow:
Weightage to Objectives:
Objective | Weightage | Marks |
Knowledge | 30% | 31 |
Understanding | 40% | 43 |
Application | 20% | 21 |
Skill | 10% | 10 |
Total | 100% | 105 |
Weightage to Content / Subject Units: Computer Science
Unit A – Backdrop of Computers (35 Hours/31 Marks)
1. The typical configuration of Computer system Organisation (5 Hrs/4 Marks)
- Review of Block diagram of CPU (1 Hr)
- Motherboard, Introduction to Motherboard, Types of Motherboards, Components of Motherboard, Procesor and clock speed, BIOS, CMOS, Memory and Expansion slots. Disk Controllers. I/O Ports and Interfaces. BUS (2 Hr)
- Power supply SMPS and UPS (1 Hr)
- The typical configuration of a Computer system (1 Hr)
2. Boolean Algebra (15 Hours / 13 Marks)
- Development of Boolean Algebra (History’), Binary valued quantities, Boolean constants, Boolean variables (2 Hrs)
- Logical operators, Logical functions or compound statements. Logical operators, Evaluation of Boolean expressions. Using the truth table. Using rules of algebra (2 Hrs)
- Logic gates, Basic gates, OR Gate, AND Gate, NOT Gate, Derived Gates, NOR Gate, NAND Gate, XOR Gate, XNOR Gate. (2 Hrs)
- Design of gates, NAND to NAND and NOR to NOR design, Design of basic gates ( NOT, OR & AND ) using NAND and NOR gates (1 Hr)
- Basic postulates of Boolean Algebra (with prof ) Properties of 0 and 1, Idempotence law, Involution law, Complementarity law, Commutative law, Associative law. Distributive law-different forms. Absorption law. (2 Hrs)
- De Morgan’s theorems, De Morgan’s I theorem, De Morgan’s I theorem, Applications of De Morgan’s theorems, Derivation of Boolean expressions, Min terms, Max terms, Canonical expressions. (3 Hrs)
- Minimization of Boolean expressions. Simplification using Karnaugh map (up to 4-variables), Sum-of-product reduction using Karnaugh map, Product-of-sum reduction using Karnaugh map (3 Hrs)
3. Data structures (15 Hours/14 Marks)
Introduction to Data Structures, Introduction to Data Structures. Data representation, Types of Data structures -Linear and non-linear. Definition for Traversal, Insertion, Deletion, Searching sorting and merging. (2 Hrs)
Arrays, Introduction, Types of arrays, one dimensional and two dimensional, Memory representation of data, Basic operations on One-dimensional arrays, Traversing, Insertion of an element, Deletion of an element, searching near and Binary’ search). Sorting (6 Hrs)
Stacks and Queues, Data representation in stacks(using arrays), Operations on stacks(Push and pop), Applications of Stacks-polish notation- prefix.infix, postfix expression, Queues, Types of Queues. Data representation. Operations on Queues. (5 Hrs)
Linked lists, Single and double linked lists. Operations on single linked lists (2 Hrs)
Unit B – Computing in C++ (45 Hours/39 Marks)
4. Object-Oriented Programming in C++
Programming paradigms. Procedural programming. Object-Oriented programming. (1 Hr)
Basic concepts of OOPS, Introduction to Classes and Objects, Data Abstraction, Data Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Advantages of OOPS over earlier programming methodologies, Classes and objects. (4 Hrs)
Declaration & definition of class and objects, Aces specifies (scope of class & its members), Private, Public, Protected, Members of the class, Data members, Member functions, Member functions inside the class definition. Member functions outside clas definition, Referencing class members, Array within the class, using objects, an array of objects. Functions returning objects. (6 Hrs)
Function overloading. Introduction, Need for function overloading, Declaration and definition of function overloading, Restrictions on functions overloading, Calling overloaded functions. Inline function. Friend function. (3 Hrs)
Constructor & Destructor, Introduction, Constructor, Declaration & definition of Constructor Default constructor, Parameterized constructor, Copy constructor, Constructor overloading, Special characteristics of the constructor, Constructor with default arguments, Destructor, Ned for Destructor, Declaration & definition of Destructor. Special characteristics of Destructor. (8 Hrs)
Inheritance(Extending classes), Concepts of Inheritance, Base class, Derived class, Defining derived classes. Protected visibility modes, Levels of inheritance, Single, Multilevel, Multiple, Hierarchical, Relationship between classes. (8 Hrs)
Pointers, Introduction, Declaration & initialization of pointers, Memory representation of pointers, Address operator, Pointer operator(indirection operator), Pointer arithmetic, Memory allocation of pointers(static and dynamic), new and delete. Pointer and arrays, Arrays of pointers.Pointers to an array (1 dimensional), Pointers to strings, Pointer and functions, Bypassing the references. Bv passing the pointers, Pointer and structures. Pointer and objects, this pointer. (7 Hrs)
Data file handling, Introduction, Header files(fstream.h), Types of data file text file introduction, Binary file introduction, Opening & closing files, Using constructor, Using open)), File modes, In, out, app modes, get(), getline)), put(), putline)), open)), close)), read)), write)), Detecting end of file, File pointers, tellg(), tellp(), seekg(), seekp() functions, Operation on files(sequential), Create, write, display. (6 Hrs)
Unit C – Large Data, Database and Queries (20 Hours/18 Marks)
5. Database Concepts
Database Concepts, Introduction Tacts,data,information,features database definitions : datatypes, field,records,table Logical database concepts – entities,attributes, relations (1:1,1-M,M-1,M-M),- Physical data organisation – sequential, random, indexed sequential, Ned for Databases. Data Abstraction:- view, schema, internal, conceptual, external, Data Models, Hierarchial, Network and Relational Models, KEYS – Primary, Secondary, Candidate, Foreign, Alternate, Relational Algebra, Selection, Protection, Union. Cartesian Product. Data warehousing. Data mining concepts. (8 Hrs)
Structured Query Language, Introduction and need of SQL, Data types(number, Varchar, Date), DDL. DML. (4 Hrs)
Unit D – Advanced Concepts in Communication Technology (20 Hours/19 Marks)
6. Networking Concepts (10 Hrs)
Introduction, Evolution of Networking and Protocols, ARPANET, Layers, OSI VsTCP/IP, HTTP, FTP/Slip/PPP, Internet, Interspace, Different Terminologies used in Network, Advantages of Networking, Switching techniques, Circuit, Message and Packet Switching, Type of Networking, LAN. MAN, WAN, Transmission Media, Twisted pair cable, Coaxial Cable, optical fibres, Microwave. Radiowave, Satelite, Infrared, Laser, Network Topologies, Point-point, Bus,Star, Ring, Tre, Mesh, Graph, Fully connected, Network Devices, Modem, RJ-45, Hub, Ethernet, Switch, repeater, bridge, router and gateway, Wireless/Mobile Computing, Definition, Technologies of GSM, CDMA, GPRS, WLL, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5GApplications, SMS, Voice, Chat, Video conferencing protocol, WiFi. Viruses. Network Security
7. Internet and Open source concepts (5 Hours/4 Mark)
Definition and Applications, Internetworking terms and concepts, WWW, Telnet, URL, Domain, Web server, Web sites, web browser, web Address, Web Page, IPR issues, Open source, E-commerce.
8. Web Designing (5 Hours/4 Marks)
Introduction, HTML, -text, layout, images, table, forms, settings, XML, DYNAMIC HTML, Web HOSTING.
We wish the data shed above will benefit you at the time of your preparation & gain good scores. So, download Karnataka State Board 2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank with Answers from here and become a topper in the final examinations. Moreover, keep in touch with our site & get all updated chapter wise KSEEB State Board Solutions for all subjects.